Monday, May 31, 2010

They know not what they do

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. (Luke 23:34 )

Last night I came home to a very unpleasant situation. Someone had broken into my home and ransacked everything; stuff was literally thrown about ever which way. They (the individuals that broke in to my home) made away with my cell phone, computer and my digital camera and then pretty much ruin the house to a point that it took me hours to clean the mess up. As a matter of fact I just got done cleaning all of what they did today (last night I cleaned just enough so that I could go to bed, I finished up with the cleaning today). Now last night when I found out about the situation I was out on the town in that act of enjoying my Memorials day weekend. I was in good spirit and I was having plenty of fun. Then as soon as I found out what had happened my sprit totally plummeted. I felt angry and I was no longer able to enjoy my night. I thought to myself that because I spend my life helping people out that it just wasn’t right for anyone to do to me what occurred to last night at all. I still feel this way but the way that I perceived the situations in general has truly changed. The thought that caused me to totally look at the situation in a different and more in a positive light was the verse that I used for this blog today. I thought of Jesus and how he was nailed up on that cross, suffering more then I have ever suffered in life and he still was begging for forgiveness of the people who were putting him through what he had to undergo. This is the case because Jesus knew who he was and he also knew that the people who caused his suffering did not. As a matter of fact these people didn’t truly know who they were because if they did there would have been no way that they would have done to Jesus what they did. They wouldn’t have been able to do the kind of heinous act which they did to Jesus to anyone if they truly knew who they were.

The reasons which eluded the people who burglarized me and also eluded the individuals who did what they did to Jesus is the same reasons that made Jesus feel that it was his responsibility to enlighten the masses like he did, he did this because he knew that he was one with his father God and also he knew that every single person who lived also shared that oneness. He knew that within the heart of each person lies something that defines what he was in full. Jesus knew that within each person’s heart, God truly does dwell. He knew that the energy that drove him to do his good works was within everyone and because of this fact he was connected with everyone who lived and who was in existence in more of an intimate way then any of them realized. There is no way that a person’s arm would try and break a finger on the hand that was connected to that same arm unless it wasn’t aware of what it was doing. There is no tree which has branches that are foolish enough to fight among themselves. It makes no since because if the branches on the tree would try and hurt each other those very same branches would only be hurting themselves. This is the same “oneness”, the same connection that we all here on earth have with each other. In all essence there is One earth and that One earth dwells in One universe. As in uni which translates into one and verse which can be seen as song, so we are all a part the same song. There is One of us and that One which is the truth of us all is expressed in different manners. There is one universal field which is the ultimate energy which actually gives life to us all. If we try and take away or destroy any aspect of that Oneness then we truly are taking away or destroying ourselves. We all are here in existence for a reason just as every cell in our body has a reason. If one cell starts to take away from other cells it is called a cancer cell and if it isn’t set straight it will destroy the body in whole thus destroying itself in this act. The world we live in will fall apart if this fact isn’t realized. We all will be destroyed and it will be out of self destruction. So this is why I ask all who come across this to pray in the truest manner that they know to pray in for the individuals whom burglarized me last night. Pray for all who take away or hurt others for they own ego’s purpose. Pray for them so that they will see the light and they will realize and understand. Pray for that aspect of Love which lives within them to shine through them just as it never has before. Pray for them so that they will become that aspect of Love in full, thus they will become the true person that they were meant to be.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44

That is what it is all about, they truly know not what they do and they really need prayers more then any of us. They need this prayer before they destroy themselves and in the same act destroy us all. We are all One, we are all of One Love and that is as true as it gets.
