Friday, February 11, 2011

You're a firework!!

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again. Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin, like a house of cards. One blow from caving in. Do you ever feel already buried deep. Six feet under scream But no one seems to hear a thing." (Katy Perry, Firework)

Everyday waking up to a loveless world. A world which my place isn't found. Feeling like I'm drifting along in the wind with no direction what so ever. Or even with my screams for some answers, they are never heard. I feel as if I am buried deep within the earth. Why does it matter? Why do I need to feel this way? Simply paper thin. This is how I've felt for a big part of my life and how many people still feel. This is how I feel at times in my life even now. I try to love but I feel as if I get left, I try to be that person whom is happy and joyful but still I feel empty and lost.

"You just gotta ignite the light. And let it shine. Just own the night. Like the fourth of July" (Katy Perry, Firework)

We all go through the "dark night" of life. It seems that at times life is nothing but at dark night within itself so why try to fight it? Why try to make something more then what we know it out to be? But the trick is to simply own the night by accepting the darkness within it. These days which no one understands us, these days where life seems to keep on handing us one hard situation after another. Simply own the night, make the night as truthful as it is. And within that owning and only then will we be able to shine and within that shine the night will be ignited. Within the realization and only then can the night be ignited like the Fourth of July.

"Cause baby you're a firework. Come on show' em what you're worth. Make'em go "Oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky" (Katy Perry, Firework)

This light, the one that you ask of the world will never be found within the world. This light that will ignite the dark skies of life will never be caught within this fear based world that we live in. But as the realization becomes full circle and once we come to the fact that there is nowhere outside of us that the light is located, then and only then should we look within. And with that one simple gaze a shine will begin which will ignite those dark skies like never before.

"You don't have to feel like a waste of space. You're original, cannot be replaced. If you only know what the future holds. After a hurricane comes a rainbow. Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed. So you could open one that leads you to the perfect room" (Katy Perry, Firework)

Your reason on this earth is a reason that literally holds the universe in place, this is how important you are. You have to know that you are as much apart of this universe as the universe itself and their would be no universe if not for you. You are like a unique piece to a very large puzzle, this puzzle could never be complete without you. This puzzle IS the universe so never believe that your purpose is a purposeless one. Then; within that realization you may still wonder that if you are as important as I've just stated why so many hurricanes are occurring within your life. You may wonder why you can't seem to get this task call life right. Always remember, after EVERY hurricane comes a rainbow. This rainbow of yours will be bright and colorful, so full of joy, so full of good feelings. Full of strength and vigor. Full of all the opportunities that life can hand you. The storms of life do have a purpose, they are there to give you strength, and with this strength comes energy and joy. You will have wisdom and knowledge that you may not have gained if you hadn't gone through some of the hurricanes and storms of life. Because of some storms that I've personally gone through I am a more loving person and I am stronger as well so never curse the storms because rainbows are coming up next.

Doors in life simply may not open because they simply don't lead to the best rooms for you. Life has many doors and one may wish they knew which one to go through. Remember, the door to the room that will lead you to straight euphoria will open but it may be masked by other doors. Never stop believing in yourself. Know that you have it all with you and know that once you find that perfect place within life it will invite you in with open arms.

"Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow. And when it's time, you'll know"(Katy Perry, Firework)

The knowing will be within the joys of the realizing. Never lose faith in Love, happiness or yourself.

"Boom, boom, boom. Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon. It's always been inside of YOU, YOU, YOU and now it's time to let it through" (Katy Perry, Firework)

Never stop believing in YOU. You are a firework so allow your colors to bust. No matter how strange, weird or dumb others may view you as. No matter of they don't agree with your sexual preference, your way of living and the things YOU believe in it doesn't matter because they don't control your destiny. Be who you are, stay real and true to your cause, love yourself and give love out FREELY. Be that firework that this world needs. Be the one to ignite a light that is so bright that it will blind all of the lies and thieves. Let it shine, let it gleam because this world needs that light and this world needs YOU.

So now the day comes when you need to be self empowered. Lets do this the true way, lets be that light. Lets explode and lets radiate that happiness and joy that lies within. You are brighter then the moon and this light has been inside of you since the day you were born. You deserve all out happiness and joy. You are worthy, you are kings and queens, you are children of the most High and you are FIREWORKS!

"Baby you're a firework. Come on let your colors burst. Make'em go Oh , oh, oh! You're gonna leave'em all in awe-awe-awe!!!" (Katy Perry, Firework)
