Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A true priceless possession

There is a widely told story that speaks to the value of compassion. It seems that a woman who lived a Tao-centered life came upon a precious stone while sitting by the banks of a running stream in the mountains, and she placed this highly valued item in her bag. The next day, a hungry traveler approached the woman and asked for something to eat. As she reached into her bag for a crust of bread, the traveler saw the precious stone and imagined how it would provide him with financial security for the remainder of his life. He asked the woman to give the treasure to him, and she did, alone with some food. He left, ecstatic over his good fortune and the knowledge that he was now secure. A few days later the traveler returned and handed back the stone to the wise woman. “I’ve been thinking,” he told her. “Although I know how valuable this is, I’m returning it to you in the hopes that you could give me something even more inquired. “What would that be?” the woman inquired. “Please give me what you have within yourself that enabled you to give me that stone.”

Just reading this short story is like a breath of fresh air to me. The message is simple and beautiful within itself. There is something more valuable which is located in us all that would hold more value then even a precious stone or a precious piece of jewelry. Within this is all of the joy and happiness that one could ever want. When it’s realized then there really is no reason to not give someone what they would ask for, no matter what it would be. We aren’t in the need of simple “precious” materialistic items; we aren’t in need of anything of the type because we truly already have everything we could ever need or want. We truly are everything, we’re everything we could ever want, it’s all located within us so with this realized why would we sit and try to hold a so called “precious idem” to ourselves. This “something” that harnesses everything is something that when realized, all and everyone would want to harness. This something is the truth of love and joy, you all already have it so harness it, claim it and realize that there is nothing else out there but that “something” needed in this life. This is what the traveler in the story realized and this is why he returned the stone. He wanted the compassion that the wise lady had; he wanted the confidence, the joy in giving and the joy in watching one rejoice when they receive something. He wanted that all out joy which is obtained after doing a loving, caring, deed. He wanted the feeling of love and happiness without fear or lost, he wanted all of these things and he knew the wise lady had these things. He wanted all these things and more, he wanted the world which is truly of love. He wanted that divinity which the wise lady obviously had. This is what he wanted and in all reality he already had all of these things within. Him giving the precious stone back to the lady proved it. He gave it back without the fear of never gaining an opportunity to get something of its type. He gave it back in hopes of taking advantage of another, better opportunity. Its in all of us already, once we realize it then we truly will be living a heaven on earth with no fears or worries. Compassion is the key, compassion and understanding.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

God's voice is heard in silence

“Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.”

Rumi is my favorite poem, he has been for a while and reading his poems has made me gain the urge to write poems of my own. His quote which I am using today is simple and true. Silence is the only true language of God; it’s when we sit in silence that we hear God speaking to us. We are able to gain realizations of whom and what we are. We are instructed on the way for our lives, we are shown what life really is about, answer for pressing questions come to us, all of this is so within the silence. God speaks in a voice unheard; God speaks with a feeling that can’t be denied. So if life is confusing and issues are pressing, all of the stress and unanswered questions just may become resolved if you listen to the voice, the voice of God which is in silence.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Love forever Blooms

Some say it’s for the faint at heart to feel such a sensation, some say that when the waters of an ocean slowly edges up the shore line and then retreats back it always leaves somewhat of itself behind in its wake to soak within the sands. When one feels this love and then cascades into that place, a part of them is left behind to always linger with there beloved. This love never dies away because true love is what created all which is to be and all which will ever sustain. There is nothing which can penetrate, it doesn’t ever waive and it always remains everlasting even in the grips of non-existence. For me a question has arisen from my inside which yells with passion for an answer. This love which is in question; when it’s in the grips of privation is it truly love or not? When I feel a feeling of lost and regrets my loves always feels as if it’s to waiver and then fade away, but then, as I gaze into the clouds and I feel a brisk breeze brush against my cheeks, with God at hand the truth of love is slowly being revealed. I see that my love will always remain with me, it’s a feeling which is in me, I am of this love which is able to engulfs me whole if I’m not decorous and reverent. To place this love in a place which causes pain is like saying laughter causes heart attacks and death. Love is an empowerment; the absence of it is a delusion just like the house of mirrors with those spurious imagines. My love always will remain; it’s a strength which is everlasting just as my eternal blossom with its forever bloom. When this blossom blooms it is in a stage in which its beauty is radiating at its strongest point, my love is like my eternal blossom; it’s always within me and is always in a stage of blossom, it never will waiver, it is my strength, my power and my forever reason for life.


Sometimes this fact which my poem (My Forever Bloom, My Love) talks about in regard to love does become lost to us. This weekend I had certain reflections which revealed something to me about love and then because of these reflections I became a bit upset. I felt as if a blossom which is eternal was truly to be lost to me, my love and reason had evaded me, I really felt that it had but this could never be, my reflections were nothing but delusions. Love is always empowering, nothing about it can ever pain us. It never causes pain but then fear can seem a lot like love at times and that is what causes the pains and struggles. My Love is my eternal blossom which is always set to blossom. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness and loss tends to kick in which is in itself a delusion, the way to happiness is strength and the way to strength is love. The way to love is to become just that, our lives are what we become. We come from love and we truly are love. This is the way to eternal happiness and there is nothing else but happiness that matters, nothing else. Love lives within and can never be lost and the same goes for happiness because love and happiness a long with God are one.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Sitting and Dreaming of a great day

I’m sitting and dreaming of a heavenly atmosphere which would be easy to breathe in, my hopes are for happiness, and my way is euphoria. Today is the beginning and the message is simple. The prayer is simple; the prayer is simply just for the enjoyment and the satisfaction of this moment. Just for the beauty and the smiles of this current junction. Lets make this weekend an enjoyable one, lest manifest the enjoyment of it and let’s align ourselves with our true Source which is of nothing but love and happiness. Let’s do this just as our true nature would dictate. For this weekend, let’s live fearlessly, let’s make it fun, no written rules apply!!


Thursday, July 16, 2009


My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. And try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride

Lyrics from Nickelback – If today were your last day

This Nickelback song which I’ve used the lyrics from has become one of my favorites because I love the message. It gives a message of truth and strength. There is nothing more to life then to have this realization. There is no other reason to live, no other purpose or place, this is the realization that will truly bring out the best of us, it will bring out the strength in us and as I have already stated, these lyrics hold utter truth to them that shouldn’t’ be ignored. It humbles us as well as drives us to go for all that we’ve ever wanted. No day is promised, no minute or second that we gain is a given and this could very well be your last day of life. With that realization we see it silly to live from a place of limitations and fear. If someone was to tell and prove to us that we only had one more day to live we would make sure we enjoyed it. We would make sure we got everything out of that day that we could and we would make sure we did everything that we ever wanted to do. Fear wouldn’t be an issue because we would realize what fear is. We would realize that fear is truly nothing but a bunch of False Evident Appearing Real, fear truly isn’t real because if it was then we wouldn’t be afraid of it. We are only afraid of what “may” happen and that is silly because the only moment that is real is the “NOW” moment and as we exist here in the “NOW” we are getting a long, if we weren’t then first off no one whom is reading this wouldn’t be able to do so. If today was our last day we would know that we have nothing to lose, we would know that we only have things to gain. This is true in any situation. The only things we truly could lose are material things which can always be replaced; if this were our last day do you think we would even care about losing things of that type? Think about it, what if today was our last day? It very well could be. We are not promised any day that we receive, the days we gain are a gift not a given right. Why leave a stones unturned, why not cause havoc, have fun and make sure this day is an enjoyable one? Would you spend your last day mad or miserable? Would you waste time moping around if someone were to tell and prove to you that when tomorrow gets here you won’t be a live? Today is your last day, this day is the only day of this day that we will get. This day will never return so in turn nether will the opportunities that we gain within this day. Let’s make the best of this day, let’s live it like it’s truly the last.

Against the grain should be a way of life. What's worth the prize is always worth the fight. Every second counts 'cause there's no second try. So live like you'll never live it twice. Don't take the free ride in your own life (Nickelback)


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford

It’s up to us. If a mistake is made a lesson can always be learned. Even if we don’t understand what the lesson of the mistake would be we still have the choice to start fresh and move on. It is a waste of time to keep our thoughts on the mistakes we make. Today is the start, today is the new beginning and even if we haven’t made a mistake lately we still have the opportunity to make this day the day and start a new.


Monday, July 13, 2009

FLY !!!!

How does one become a butterfly?" she asked. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

Everyone is able to take flight in life and everyone’s purpose is to do just that. But, if we are in a form of a creature that is unable to fly, we may have to give up just that to become all of what we were meant to become. Imagine a caterpillar that became context with being just that. Something inside of him is urging him to spin the cocoon but he feels too afraid to do so. He becomes so comfortable with what he is so he decides not to change. He’s grounded, he’s stable and for him it has always been this way. He asks him self why would he change? Why would he take the chance of spinning that cocoon, he really doesn’t know what will become of him if he does. But, there is this tugging feeling that is located deep within him telling him that in order to become what he was meant to become he must spin the cocoon. But then, he thinks about it again and with fear driving him he decides not to do it. He lives his life as a simple caterpillar; he sits on that same branch, on that same tree, he doesn’t move he doesn’t even try and then one day he simply dies.

I don’t know about you but to me that is a very sad story. But to be quiet blunt that is what so many people do with there lives. They are like the caterpillar that knows deep within that he was meant to be so much more but yet they stay the same. They stay in the same neighborhood around the same people doing the same type of work and that is that. They just go to work, come home, eat sleep, watch the same movies, listen to the same music and when they become of age they simply retire from there jobs and that is that. They sit, they live then they die. They never fly. How sad is that? How sad is it for the world that it never gets to embrace the gift of beautiful that they have within. How would the world look if we didn’t have butterflies? How bland would it be if there beauty didn’t flourish in this world? When this happens everyone takes a hit, everyone misses out on a beauty that can never be replaced and will never be born.

I know that life can be scary at times and I know that we all can become content with what we are at this very moment even if it isn’t much. But even though we all have this feeling on the inside of us to be more, we have to really want it to achieve, we have to want to fly to become a butterfly. We have to sometimes leave it all behind. We have to have that want in order to experience new things, we have to have that want to become all that we were meant to become.

I am telling you now that we were all meant to fly. We are all like caterpillars because we were all meant to turn into exotic, beautiful butterflies in our own right. The spark of God lives within us all, we are all of this one Souce which dictates that greatness which is truthfully located in and of us all. We weren’t meant to simply remain, we weren't meant to simply be what we’re told to be. We weren’t meant to live life in a simple, bland way because that doesn’t dictate true living at all. We were meant to grow, evolve, flourish, love, enjoy, embrace, and fly. We are all exotic beauties in our own rights but we can’t be afraid to spin that cocoon and morph into that unique butterfly which we were meant to become. The old philosophies that we were taught may be left behind, we may leave behind the culture and traditions that we were taught all our lives, we may leave the very environment that we have known our whole lives behind as well but in doing this, we are coming into ourselves. We are turning into the butterfly that we were always meant to be so that we may fly. This is my plea for all; this is what I am asking of all. We weren’t meant to just sit on the same branch in the same tree all of our lives, we all were meant to fly as exotic beauties. It may even mean us changing just about everything that we were driven to believe about ourselves but I am asking you to listen to that voice which located deep within. It never lies; it is the same voice that speaks to the caterpillar before he spins his cocoon. This voice is the voice of the Divine, it lives in all of us and it yearns for greatness.


We were all meant to fly so let’s make this change so that we may do just that!!!


Friday, July 10, 2009

There is Always Beauty in life regardless

As I drove to work this morning sometime came to me from a place that I can’t even explain. It was a realization on something that I felt from within. These pass few weeks haven’t really been the easiest of weeks for me, a lot of unexpected situations have arisen and a lot of so called hardships have come into my experience. It’s like one thing after the other was happening to me, these things made me not even feel like getting up in the morning, it just seemed that it wasn’t right for all of these situations to be occurring one after the other like they were. So as I drove to work today I had my eye on my gas gage because it’s been sitting E for the last three days. The reason for this is because I simply didn’t have the money to fill it up and the reason for that was because of an unexpected situation that arose which caused me to not have asses to my funds. I’ve been counting down to the day which I would have more funds and I’ve been planning all week how I was to deal with all of my so called money issues because I don’t have a checking account anymore. With that issue plus other issues that have plagued me I didn’t do something which I should have done all a lone. I know that everything which has happened has happened because of decisions that I’ve made in my life and I plan to come out of this so called slump even better then I was before I got into it but, as I felt this way and as I looked at my life I forgot to truly notice my life. First off just the weather, it’s been perfect all week. It has been so beautiful, the temperature has been perfect, it hasn’t been raining a lot and everything has been great. All of the vegetations have been growing beautifully and the night air has felt so good. I should have used these elements to fuel me in my day but it all eluted me for I was so bent on the “negative” issues in my life that I forgot to look at the positive ones. So much beauty and I didn’t notice any of it. I was so worried about the “small” things in my life that I didn’t even notice the bigger picture. It makes me truly realize how fortunate I really am. I felt myself crawling into a shell because I didn’t want to deal with my life but yet, life is and always has been beautiful. I just wasn’t looking at the beauty even though it truly does overcast the ugly. This is the biggest lie of all, to believe in something that really isn’t real. It’s been such a beautiful week but I was counting down the time of this week, wanting it to end so that I would come into my funds to fix certain financial issues. These issues that we plagued ourselves with are small compared to the bigger picture. Even though I missed it now that I realize it I can truly enjoy it. I can enjoy the beauty that this week has given me, I can enjoy the great weather and I can simply enjoy being me. This weekend already promises to be a beautiful one, I won’t miss this one and I don’t want anyone else to ether.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I want a decision to be made today which is in dire need of being made. That decision which is needed would be simply to change what society would have us believe, it really needs to be change and that is the point blank truth. As I look at my county’s situation I can’t help but notice what’s become of our current economy. Its one thing to sit and blame pass political figures for our current situation but if we continue to do just that (because it is what we do) we are setting ourselves up for more failure and hardships. If we play victim then we will never get out of this so called situation which we now find our selves in. I’ve thought deeply on the now economic situation and I can’t help but feel that we’ve only gotten ourselves in this situation because of one reason, and that reason would happen to be a bunch of believed fear.

Our fears have led to nothing but a certain type of selfishness, this is a selfishness that dictates, “If we don’t get ours then we won’t have any”, and then in turn, we take away from so much of what we truly are. We truly do posses everything we ever will need, we have everything we could ever want but the trick is to simply just claim it, we need to claim what we already have. We truly don’t need to take away from each other to get what we may feel we need because it’s always and will always be there for us. The situation which has arisen dictates that ether a group of people or an individual for that matter with influence (which we would have to give them or they wouldn’t have it) owns or controls an element which is imbedded in this country as important and they’ve ether put the price up on it or they’ve somehow taken it out of our easy reach so that they a lone may prosper. We also have these influential individuals lie to the masses about what power they truly have in all of this, we are lead to believe in a victim mentality, this mentality is a lie, it’s nothing but fear(which in itself is always a lie) and since we as a society are fueled by the rules of fear (loss of something that we never can lose) these people with the influence uses this fear to keep us all under a certain level and thus, taking away from us and having us believe that we are truly in a slump. This belief that we harness will manifest our situation as it is, it makes the situation real. For some reason (the reason would be fear) people feel that they have to keep certain people in fear so that these people will remain without power and then they feel that then and only then will they prosper in there own rights. That is what it starts off as, a way to get more for themselves, a way to take a way from those whom they feel are under them to gain more for themselves. They do this and we fall right in with them when we believe in this. Everyone believes so feverishly in fear!!

How can this be? How? If all of the jobs that ever were still need to be done, we are breathing the same air, we are walking on the same land and we are the same people. That is the case but then again it isn’t because change does occur. We are the same but yet we aren’t. We are evolving to the next “us” and we are only going in the direction that we have chosen. It is all up to us; if we give certain powers to individuals and they take us down a path we can’t help but be sent down that very path. We are the ones in control, when we’ve evolving it should serve us in a way as if to place us in a situation which should better us. This is our growth; this is our mission, this is who and what we are, we grow and evolve because we were meant to thrive and prosper, we weren’t meant to live in the grips of fear. We weren’t meant to sit around afraid to put ourselves out there and take chances because we feel we may loss something which we will always have. We are the ones with the power and now it’s time to take it back. It begins with giving and sharing. We need to make sure that everyone whom is a live never has to worry about where there next meal is coming from or if they will have shelter for the night. There is too much space and there is too much food in this country alone for anyone to ever feel as if they may not have enough of ether of them. We shouldn’t be afraid for these things, we just shouldn’t. It begins with this, we all need to come off of our high horses, realize that we are all in the same boat and make sure everyone is taken care of. There shouldn’t be one person with 100000000000 dollars in the bank and another with 1 dollar in the bank, this shouldn’t be. Everyone will feel the pains if things don’t change. We are all running ourselves in a deep hole with this way of living; we all will find ourselves in this hole if we deny each other of simply living elements. This healthcare thing is out of hand as well. It’s funny because these are more lies which we are taught as we grow. Why do we need to depend on drugs and doctors to live anyway? We have resilient bodies which are able to take what is given and heal from anything on its own. There are natural remedies, certain foods, exercise and just simply our way of thinking which will dictate how we get a long in this world as far as our bodies are concern. The doctor’s purpose should be to simply give us advice on how we can overcome an ill alignment on our own, they shouldn’t tell us that we need to be on certain drugs to live which in all reality doesn’t help us in the long run and also we really can’t afford. It’s this feeling of fear that keeps us down, it’s this “I better take something away from them if I want myself to thrive” thing that is killing us. There is no way things should be the way they now are, no way.

There are too many existing situations that truly shouldn’t exist right now. We need to educate ourselves on whom and what we really are. We need to realize why we are even alive right now. We weren’t put on this earth to strive and struggle, we were put here to grow, evolve and enjoy. It’s this fear thing that keeps us down. It’s this element of ignorance which stops us from enjoying every minute of life. We are at this moment creating our reality. If we claim we are victims of society then we always will just be that. If we fear that we have to take away from each other to have enough for ourselves then we will never have enough. We won’t have enough because when we take away from each other we take away from ourselves. This is a fact because we truly are One. We are on the same earth, we breathe the same air and we come and are sustained by the same Source. This Source is what dwells inside of us, this Source is all around us, and this Source is what we truly are, point blank. We are everything that happens to us, if we align ourselves with the vibe of fear then we ourselves are fear. There is nothing to fear, we need to give and share to began, we need to come together, except each other for whom and what we chose to be, support each other and then we will always be supported. We are One, we have the divine within us and we are creating our own realities. We need to change the way we perceive this reality, we need to not only love but become love and we need to act just as the sun does. The sun gives its life giving rays to us and doesn’t ask of anything for it. It just gives, it doesn’t worry if someone will thank it, or praise it; it gives regardless. And do you know what a love like that does? It lights up a world. Let’s illuminate each other so that we all will shine and this situation of darkness that we find ourselves in will end.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today’s HOPE;

Today is going to be the day. This will be a day for my rebirth. I am giving thanks right now because all is good in my life and all will always be good. This life is grand and I already have so much to be blessed with. I’m young, strong and able to achieve anything my mind can conceive. My heart only gains strength as the days go by, my mind only gets more advance and the days only get brighter. Beauty and strength is all that’s on my path, it’s all I see and it’s all I feel. I know that I harness the power of God within which gives me the ability to achieve any aim, nothing in this world is bigger then that power, nothing is bigger then that love, it radiates from my soul just as the sun shines its life giving rays to the world.

Life is love, God is love, and love is strength and joy. For all of whom dwell on this earth I wish nothing but strength and endurance so that they are able to easily go through life with no issues or problems. My wish is of love for the masses, this world is within the clutches of God’s hands which truly symbolizes love.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

sins will punish us within themselves

"We’re not punished for our sins, but by our sins."

What is a true sin? Is a sin really some list of rules and regulations written in an organized religion’s doctrines? Are sins the wrongs that we were taught growing up? In my humble opinion, I think not. These elements can be considered sins but they aren’t’ “true” sins, there really are just ether an individual or a group of people’s opinion on what is right and wrong for them. True sins aren’t written rules for us to follow, true sins are things we do that actually diminish us on there own. There is no supreme idol that sits among the clouds and punishes us for our “wrong doings”; no one needs to because our sins punish us themselves. If we live a life of selfishness then we will end up alone, if we live a life of lies and deceit then no one will be able to trust us, if we steal and cheat people then we will always be looked on in a bad manner and who wants to help someone who has stolen from them. There really isn’t a true “wrong and right”. The wrongs and rights which we believe in are nothing but rules which were handed down from our elders. They are derived from our traditions and ethnicities, they are but just rules made up by us so that we may get a lone in the world in an easy manner. These rules are only needed because we are taught to live life from a fear driven view, a view that says if I don’t get mine I won’t be anything. This way of living is why the economy is as it is now but I think I will save that subject for another day. Today it’s about simply LIVING (forget sinning), it’s about living life to the fullest and knowing that if we feel we need to do something and it goes against what our tradition may dictate we still should go for it. There is a voice that speaks to us, it is located deep within us and it is aware of us and what we do. It will speak to us if we are “sinning”. We will feel as if we are doing “wrong” if we truly are. That would be our true divine selves guiding us. It isn’t the voice of fear but the voice of truth and strength. This voice never tells us to directly hurt anyone; it never tells us to do anything which will cause harm to anyone. It is there, it is our true guide and it is all we need, not some written rules.

Our “true” sins can be a good thing as well, they can teach us the errors of our ways because they will punish us. I’ve learned plenty of lessons this year and these lesson are being learned because of my past sins. Hardships and misunderstandings may be derived from our sins when we are being punished for them but then, if we look deep into the situation a strength can be gain.

Live defiant, break rules if you must, go against tradition if need be, just make sure you live this life to the fullest. Live fearless, live for the joy of it, just live. We are punished by our sins not for them; there are no rules to this life, there are only our opinions, there are the rules that we make up for ourselves and that’s it. So in that case we might as well make up another rule and call it happiness with no barriers.

Also..... In its original text the word "sin" means to "miss the mark" as in to miss the mark in life. The word sin was never meant to mean "do evil". So in turn, if you are living an ego centered, unfulfilled life then you are living in sin. This is all the word means. It doesn't mean that you've broke some rules that some astablished originized religion said you should follow, it means you "missed" the purpose in "your" life. If you are in a relationship or in a career that doesn't fulfill you then you are living in sin. If you aren't taking care of your physical, mental or spirual self then you are living in sin. If you totally are mising your purpose in life (happiness and knowing who and what you are) then you are living in sin and believe me when I say this, these sins will punish you within themselves.
The word sin derives from Old English synn, recorded in use as early as the 9th century.[1] The same root appears in several other Germanic languages, e.g. Old Norse synd, or German Sünde. There is presumably a Germanic root *sun(d)jō (literally "it is true").[2]
But in the biblical Hebrew, the generic word for sin is het. It means to err, to miss the mark. It does not mean to do evil.[3] ( If we are looking at the word sin from a Jewish or Judeo-Christian perspective and we are going to make uneducated statements like "sin means to do 'evil'. It means that you are going against rules that are written in some book", then my friend, you are the one who is off and you've got it all wrong. In turn YOU are the one whom is "off the mark" so you are the one "sinning".)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Claim victory even if failure is a pond you

“I will persist until I succeed. Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail, I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not to difficult…I know that small attempts repeated will complete any undertaking.”

Og Mandino

I am using this quote today because it truly feels right. Last week, I woke up to a barrage of issues that I would have rather not had to deal with. But, as I looked at the situation and truly analyzed it I saw success in it. I know that no matter what I will continue to take them steps. My future is on the path that I choose, my destiny lays in my life’s decisions and I plan to see it through. I am truly excited because even with the issue of last week still pending I am still making plans as I always have. There is a lot in the plans for this week; I know that when this week ends I will be farther up my path. I will continue to take those smalls steps so that I may achieve my goals. Then, I will think up more goals, achieves those as well and continue to repeat that process. I feel motivated, inspired and vigorous. My eye is on the prize and I will continue to travel towards it. As this week begins I see nothing but my goals being accomplished. As I always say, I am already claiming victory.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happiness is YOUR conscious choice

"Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response." -- Mildred Barthel.

I’ve made a decision, and that decision is happiness. There are plenty of reasons why I could mope and complain but I refuse to. I am about to begin a long holiday weekend, I am going to party and have fun and I am going to have a blast. This is a decision that I’ve made already, this is the same decision that everyone could always make at the beginning of there day. There are so many bleak situations going on in my life right now but I choose to see the light in even them. As I drove in to work this morning I started to go over my so called “bleak” situation and then, my mind started to give me ideas which presented options that I wouldn’t have had if I weren’t in the situations. Now I can say I am actually happy to be in the situations, I believe that these situations are going to help me save more money then I ever have been able to save. Like I always say, there is a reason for everything. I am happy because I’ve made the decision to be, just make the decision to be happy and you will be. Make the decision that everything which happens will serve you, that’s all that is needed. Happiness is a conscious choice.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Through struggles We can learn how not to struggle

To success in life doesn’t mean coming into every situation with ease and sliding through without any struggles. Through struggles we learn how not to struggle, through hardships we strengthen and therefore realize that the actual hardship isn’t really a hardship at all. Every time we rouse into another day we are given new situations to undergo and literally anything could happen. Our lives and our thoughts mold our live situations, we are our situations; we are our lives. When certain unseen situations arise within our lives we have to realize and see what they really are. There is nothing presented to us within our lives that we are not able to handle. If that was the case we would have never manifested the situation in the first place. Somewhere deep, deep, within us we are creating the lives we live. Everything happens for a reason; all unseen situations arise for a purpose. Even if we aren’t able to at first realize this purpose, even so, if we maintain a positive attitude and a knowing that the outcome of the situation will serve us, us being served will manifest. I am writing about this today because Monday morning I woke up to an unseen situation. Now I am in the miss of it and to the naked eye it doesn’t look good but to my “spiritual eye” I see nothing but light and joy for the outcome. Out of nowhere, from the blue I come into a day which I felt would be great to find out someone has seized my checking account. They seized my account and all of the money that I had in it. My first feeling towards the situation was a feeling of fear, then anger. Then, after I realized what those feelings were doing to me (messing up my day) I calmed down and looked at the whole picture. I made some phone calls and dealt with some people who seemed to want more struggles for me. There weren’t too helpful but I kept on pursuing. I wanted to find out how this could have happened. After I did, it was a bit of a relief and ever though the situation isn’t yet resolved I am now claiming victory over it. In doing this I am able to move on with my other endeavors in life and also, I am able to take my time in handling this situation so that I can make sure it is handled in a correct manner. I’ve already claimed victory and now I am able to move on. I am able to move on with a confidence like never before and handle it all. Things are still looking up for me and even though this year has presented a number of challenges to me one after the other I still can see the light. I made a decision at the start of this year to make this year “The” year for me and I am not going to give up on that decision. All is well and I have already claimed victory over all my so called hardships. Today is going to be a great day.
