Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New year and Namaste to all

"The darkness of the past is at hand but the brightness of the New year is a pond us peaking through the clouds. Soon that sun is going to come spilling through, that sun represents life in its fullest grace"

The road of my life at this time kind of looks rocky in many ways. As of now I am being dealt with situations that could really alter my life and switch it over to being something different. I am in the mist of coming into a place and being within an essence that will place me somewhere which I have never been before. But am I being dealt a situation or am I dealing myself that very situation which could lead to an unheard of outcomes? Within this very month I’ve gone through changes that could be compared to what a caterpillar goes through before it becomes a butterfly. Within this year (2009) I’ve been in places of confusing, hurt, pain, joy, growth and most of all, love. But is it in my perception of my situations which dictate whether they are painful of not or is it within the realms of the uncontrollable. A new year is a pond us so that equals NEW opportunities. This month a lone has opened up plenty in which we could consider NEW openings within themselves.

Winter Solstice

Then first big date in this month would be the winter solstice. The winter solstice is observed on the 21 of December. It is rightfully called the “longest night” (The winter solstice has been celebrated since ancient times. Throughout the centuries, the winter solstice has been celebrated with family gatherings, festivals, singing, dancing, and the burning of fires throughout this longest night of the year.) I look at this day as a day to start from a point in my life and begin moving towards the “brighter” parts where the sun shines all of the time. The earth itself will be moving towards the sun, it will be changing its route. Now it is on its trip to bringing “us” to be the closest to the sun that we can possibly be. The earth is returning to the light and I believe we all should do the same. We are connected to this earth; this earth is our “mother” and provider. We actually are so deeply connected with this earth that we could consider ourselves literally parts of this earth. So when the earth starts moving towards the sun, so do we. It would serve us right to be in that type of connection with the earth and move towards the sun as well within our own lives


Christmas is a day of love and joy. This day is a day of giving; it should be looked on as an opportunity to be as God is, to give without expectations or demands. Christmas is a freeing time for us, everyone seems to be full of joy and everyone is extra generous. It is good to align with this energy; the truth of the matter is if we all were always to be as we are during the holidays a lot of our problems of the world would be lifted. The economy wouldn’t be in bad shape and nether would we, we should learn from the ways of the holidays, embrace it, and always express it throughout the rest of the session.

New Years

The New Year promises something “New” of us. It is an opportunity to truly break into the newness of life. Even though every day is a new day of opportunities it would do us well to take advantage of the “New Year” because there is a “new” feeling vibe going around and it is easier to align ourselves with the newness because of it. Everyone in existence who identifies with the “outer” world identify with the “newness” of the year so in turn, that vibe is simply put up front. Take advantage of this New Year and make big changes for the better within life.

With all of these events in this month it would be something to not make some type of big change in life. Remember, “Life is a chose, happiness is a decision and Love is the way”. Also, “Love empowers and fear disables”, the answer to every hardship is Love, always look within and pay attention to your feeling when dealing with life’s issues. The divine does live within you and that aspect of you (your true Self or your Higher Self) will always lead you to a place of happiness. I have a lot in store for this blog in 2010 so look out for it. I love writing on this blog, it has shown me a part of me that I hadn’t even known existed and I will continue to make this blog bigger, more interesting and better the unborn future. I will continue to push the envelope without fear within this blog and I will continue to honestly express and explain spiritually, philosophy, science, life and any thing else that I can think up in truthful manners. As I grow so will this Blog and as I expand and evolve so shall this Blog so on that note have a Happy New Year, party hard, mediated and plan for the year which is to come. Look at the coming year in a light which radiates joy so that you too will walk the road to eternal bliss.


There is a lot more to come within the New Year so look out and watch for your blessings because they are all around you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Start at your NOW point

A few days ago I made a discovery. This discovery happened to be a discovery about my cell phone. I never realized this before but my cell phone is able to give voice by voice directions when I am driving. It has a navigational system that is equipped for the car. It’s been kind of like a new toy for me ever since I made the discovery. I used it yesterday so that I would be able to find this restaurant that I was driving to. The reason for the drive to the restaurant was because of my mother’s birthday which will be on the 15th of this month (we were celebrating early). As we drove because I’d just made the discovery about the navigational system in my phone allowed it to give me directions to the restaurant. When my phone told me to make a turn on a particular street my father (who was sitting next to me) told me that if I did that I would be taking the long way so I should just go straight. I totally disregarded the phone and I kept on going straight. My mother then asked me if that would make the phone mad seeing as I totally disregarded its directions. I knew she was joking but I decided to play along. I told her that the phone wouldn’t get mad because I disregarded it, it would just reroute itself from the position that I was at and do it’s best to direct me from there. At that moment, when I made that comment I gained a true realization which I would like to share today.
Imagine if people thought as my phone’s navigational system did. It seems that when people find themselves in a situation which seems different then what the expected they cling on to what things "should" have been like. But just imagine if people did just as the phone did, when I disregarded the phones directions all it did was start itself over from the point which I found myself in and started giving directions from there. The phone didn’t try and figure out what went wrong or why I hadn’t listened to it. The phone didn’t try and my some type of reason or meaning out of the situation which it found itself in it just simply looked at the place that it was found itself in, accepted that it was in that place and then looked towards going forward so that it would come give directions to the destination that I was trying to give directions to. I’ve always said that everything happens in a life for a reason but it may not always be a reason which can be put in a way for the brain to decipher. It may not be a reason which can be written about in a diary or a book and it may not be a reason that could even be verbalize in any content. It may be something deeper and it may be something which really gives no reason to ponder on ay all. What difference does it make that you arrived at the point in life which you are at? At this point that very point is the only point that matters so why not start there? Why not start at the point you’re at now and move towards where you want to go? Why do we punish ourselves with regretful feelings? Why do we haunt ourselves with painful memories which simply don’t serve us in the now? Why do we try to make up for something that is lost, why do we try to compensate for something that is not yet born (the future). If you want to be a better person then start from where you’re at now and with the knowledge that you now have to become that better person. If you strive for a better life then first accept the life that you have now. Accept it with open arms and then do what you need to do from the point which you are at to move forward. There really isn’t much more to it, if you find yourself in a bad relationship, in a bad job situation which really isn’t serving your higher self, a bad living or financial situation then why dwell on the reasons which put you there?
Why not look at the point which you are at and start from there? Each minute of the now is new and real, each past minute is old and not real. Concentrate on the real (the now) and move from there. Stop allowing your brain and ego to drive you crazy because you are trying to figure out why you came to the point which you’re at now. Stop trying to figure out why you are feeling like you are. If you are feeling bad that means you are NOW in a bad place and you need to accept that so you can move to a better place. All of the answers you need to all of the questions you ask are actually in the questions which you ask. There really isn’t anything else to figure out here, it is time to do as my navigational system does on my phone and move forward from the point you find yourself at now (if you need to reroute from that point, simply reroute). I heard something on the radio which was meant to be an advertisement for a show which I will probably never watch but in that very advertisement I heard a very enlightening message. It said, "It seems that we spend all of our life trying to figure out how to live and now it is about time for us to stop trying to figure out how to live this life so that we may actually begin living it." So do as that message says and stop trying to figure this life out. If you keep that up, the next thing you know you will be on your death bed still trying to figure this life out. Do what you enjoy and just "BE" around those who you enjoy. Simply live this life for enjoyment and if you know you want to be somewhere within your life start from this now point and begin, move forward from where you are NOW and stop worrying about how you got there or even where you were before.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people Living for today... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

What if there wasn’t a God in existence that judged us in such ways that we would ether go to heaven or hell. Imagine if there really wasn’t a physical place called heaven or hell for us to go to at all. What if we could live a life in which the day that we found ourselves in was the only day that we’d live for? Imagine a world which left us no reasons to judge and hate each other. Imagine that.

Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people Living life in peace... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Just use your imagination to the fullest and imagine a world with no countries existed. Imagine a world with no religions and no governments. Imagine a world with nothing in existence which is right and wrong to prove and nothing in existence to claim for one’s own. Imagine that for a moment for me.

Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people. Sharing all the world... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Imagine if no one ever claimed anything or anyone for there own. Imagine a world that Love was the driving force for our lives instead of fear. Imagine happiness was a feeling that we actually wished for all, regardless of who and what they were. Imagine a world where all of earth’s resources were shared with all. Everyone whom lived always has at lease 3 square meals a day and shelter without worry.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one….. (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

I truly want all to sit somewhere by yourself, close your eyes and try and imagine all that I’ve stated so far. For one moment simply let go of all that you may hold dear and just imagine. Let go of your social statues, let go of your claimed ethnicity and let go of the religions that you may identify yourselves with. Just imagine a world with no expectations but love, no judgments but greatness and no lack of what is needed for basic survival. Imagine everybody embracing love; imagine a world of people that don’t expect anything out of each other, just use your imagination and see what you come up with when you do. What a world it would be, just imagine. Imagine the Oneness between us all. Imagine what this world would become if we just allowed each other to be happy and joyous. No attachments and no limitations, everyone is allowed and able to be around whatever, and whoever brings joy out of them without any worries. Know that this is possible in our imaginations and also know that all reality actually starts with imagination, something won’t be changed if the change isn’t imagined first. Imagine a world which one is able to view God and Self as they please without being called any negative names or chastised in any way. Imagine if we were all able to all be “receivers” and “giver” all the same. Imagine if all difference were respected and never feared. Just imagine for a second longer before you return to the “real world”. Just sit back and imagine; imagine these thoughts as reality before you return to the reality that is already at hand.