Within this year I’ve seen folks try and hurt each other not
knowing that all they were doing was appeasing a demon that lurks within. I’ve
have my ups and downs and I’ve wished for situations that have not yet occurred.
I’ve looked towards the sky and I’ve asked the questions that I thought I would
never ask. But even so and with all of my dilemmas and situations I have
something that keeps me going and keeps hope a live and it only grows stronger
with each day. This something that I hold dearly and that gives me that hope is
God and within me I maintain my faith. It may seem that this God character
doesn’t exist and I do have a love and a strong belief in the sciences but when
push comes to shove who cares. What I consider God is something that can never
be disproven because I don’t believe in a man that sits in the clouds and
judges us. I simply believe in the power of Love which to me is the road to all
that is good and all that is joyous. I love the fact that life is a mystery and
my belief in God isn’t for reassurance. It’s not there to give me a comforting
feeling about death; it’s not there so that I can feel good about myself because
I feel that those who have died whom I care about and love are in a “better”
place. My belief is about life and living, about strength and faith and most of
all it’s about Love. It’s about knowing that life is on purpose and that
everything that occurs in life was meant and has happened for the benefit of
life. It’s about living because I think that God and life are one in the same. It’s
about oneness as well because in order to truly want greatness for all is to
see oneself in that all itself. It’s about happiness, the sheer feeling of it
and when I say happiness I mean the type that is everlasting. It’s not about attaching
myself to an outside belief for more reassurance on life and the way things
will turn out for me, like I said, I enjoy that fact that life and everything
in it is a mystery. This way I am able to grow more freely then I would if I
simply knew it all. I feel that my enlightenment began when I realized that God
isn’t something that is separate and apart from me and then it got stronger
when I accepted the mystery called life. So as this year comes to a close I say
that I enjoy and revel in the mystery. I don’t need to believe in some super
man who lives in the sky with promises that would be revealed to me when I die
if I happen to pick the right religion. To me death is something that is just
as important to the universe as life and they are in a way one. You can’t have
one without the other and if death was a bad thing then it would only happen to
bad people. I do have my beliefs about what may happen to us after we die but
if someone was to come to me with cold hard facts that all of my beliefs about
death were wrong I wouldn’t be upset because I don’t claim any attachments to
my beliefs. They are what they are and I will continue to learn about them and
grow within them. But let’s say that there really is no type of consciousness after
life just as the atheist say, so what is what I say to that. So all that means
is the worst thing that could happen to me after I die is that I feel nothing, what’s
so bad about that? I mean if you feel nothing you won’t have to go through hard
times and you won’t have to feel pain anymore so why is it so bad? Is it bad
because the nothingness that we may feel after we die is something of the
unknown? As if you “know” what will occur in your life tomorrow or even within
the next moment. Some terrorist could drop a bomb on your house and this bomb
could maybe not be enough to kill you but it may just burn you so bad that you
may have to go through the rest of your life disfigured. Poison gas could be
leaking out of some pipe under your house right now slowly killing brain cells
and you may wake up tomorrow not knowing who you are. Anything could happen
within even the next moment and the next moment just like life will always be
unknown. Do you fear the next moment? Do you fear the next year to come? So why
fear something that is going to happen to you one day simply because it may
entail the unknown? There you go, nothing to it and with this year I will go in
to the next one holding God within my heart and radiating what I feel he stands
for. I will live for him which means I will live for Love and I will growth
within that space within my very own mysterious life. I will maintain faith in
good and I will maintain and believe in the goodness that dwells in everyone. I
will continue to grow and gain strength within myself and I invite everyone
else to do the same. I feel that we are all one still, its call the universe
not the multiverse so let’s start acting like it and make this happiness that
we all crave for a reality. What a year it’s been and we all are going to go
into the next one in mystery whether we accept it or not and man what a
beautiful feeling it is going to be!