Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everlasting life and happiness!!!

Life is everlasting and will always be. To think otherwise is to think of something that is just a fallacy within itself. Because of the fallacious thought, people tend to take life too damn serious. We (people) hold ourselves back from taking steps that would determine our ultimate happiness because of mental walls and blocks that we have thrown up. This thing called life is simply a big game and this game was meant to be played for the joy of it. It (this life) is only a small step in the whole scheme of things to occur. Life has existed before even this earth was in existence. An ultimate boom occurred because of consciousness (which has always existed, I call this ultimate consciousness God but it really doesn’t matter what you call it) and then out of the boom it everything became. The scientists call this event the big bang theory. Because of the so called big bang theory we all are here in our present forms but even so, we have and always been (even before the big bang) and will always continue to be. We are all connected to this ultimate energy which I call God and we always will be connected whether we believe it or not. Energy is forever, it can’t be destroyed so it only transfers from one form to another and this is what will happen to us when we leave our physical bodies. How that transformation will affect us is anyone’s guess. There are people a live who have actually died and have come back from the dead (they were pronounced dead because they had no brain waves and their hearts had stopping beating but miracles do happen and for anomaly type reasons they’ve come back from the dead). Some that have been through this experience say they’ve seen Jesus waiting for them at the gaits of heaven, some say they’ve seen the heaven that Islam promises Muslim people. There are even factual cases in existence now that prove reincarnation (in Indian, there is a case where an old woman said she wanted to be reincarnated as a male. Before she died a scar was placed on her head so that when her male self was born he would be recognized. Guess what happened? A few years after she died a male was born in her village with a scar on his head that looked just like the one that she was given; it was even in the same place. There are countless stories that I’ve heard that prove reincarnation exists). There are also children that have died and come back; they usually say they went to a heaven filled with cute animals and such for them to play with. So in saying all of this I just want to state that even in a physical death there isn’t just one thing that is guaranteed to occur to us after. To be quiet frank and with all that I’ve stated being fact, we really don’t know what will happen to us when we pass. But whatever it is, it will simply be another stepping stone in what we call life. Life never ends.

Life is also within everything. A rock has life in it; the life that is located in a rock can be seen with a powerful microscope and energy can be felt with a machine that is made to pick it up as well. Protons and neutrons are floating around making very small changes to the rock, a rock just has a very, very low life frequency within it but it still does have life in it. It (the rock) is actually evolving as well. Everything is evolving because evolve means change and life IS change. Evolution is a reality that we can actually see. We as humans didn’t always look as we do; we evolved from something else just as every other animal has. We have bones and fossils that actually do prove this as fact and also prove that life started in water (we have fossils that date back billions and billions of years. At a point in times past the land animals fossil suddenly stop and then its nothing but aquatic animal fossils, we also have fossils of animals who looked to be fish that evolved fin like feet so that they would be able to come out of the water. All of these things are very interested to me. I think everyone should know a little bit about everything so I am encouraging anyone who comes across this to do a little research on these events for themselves. The more we know about the world around us, the more we know about ourselves). So all animals and us as well do all come from that same place, all of these past events that occurred billions and billions or years ago were stepping stones that have put us in the place which we find ourselves today. Life is in everything, life is happening all of the time, life will never end and life is always evolving into something else. So in saying all of this, it makes no since to deny oneself of ultimate happiness within this life (I say “this life” a lot in a lot of my blog post because I mean just that. This life isn’t the only life we will live and quiet frankly from what I’ve learned from studies it’s not the only life that we have ever had). We need to take chances for our happiness and know that it is up to us to decide what happiness is. Knowing that our life will never end should free up a lot of fear based mess that may stop us from doing what we know we should be doing. For me, studying religion, different philosophies and science has helped me to come to certain understandings about life in general and about myself. Meditating, praying (talking to God) and simply being love has also given me help but just like all of you I am still on “that” path. I still have issues that I need to step up and resolve, I still have situations which I need to simply take the chance so that I may reach a happiness that I’ve never known. It’s all what I call life and life is God. God is life, and God is love. Love is Life and Life is living. To truly live takes more then just breathing, it takes joy. If we are to sit and just exist that is not a living that is a Dying!!! Why would you have a dying when you could be having a living? We die within our very only physical lives so many times, it shouldn’t be anything new to us and it (death) shouldn’t be anything to fear because even though we have died so many times and may be having a dying instead of a life at this moment we are all still a live. I’ve died every time I’ve evolved into my next self and I mean in the life I’m in now; I’m not taking about reincarnation here. The old self has died and the new self was born but I mySelf will always live. Let’s get it going, take those chances and enjoy life!!!


Remember, everything that I have stated whether science, holy books or whatever proves it for me are still just my humble opinions and if I find that I am wrong about anything I am not afraid to change my point of view and adopt another. My point in writing this is to free up fears and to let all know that life wasn’t meant to be taken so serious. We are here for happiness and regardless of what one may choose to believe in, our happiness is still our choice. There is nothing to fear in that!!!

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