Monday, December 27, 2010

Lets Love For 2011

The New Year is a pond us and for a great resolution we should simply be more loving. Lets enjoy each other and love others even if the other doesn't made decisions that we may understand. Lets realize that love is the answer to all of our problems, love is the solution to all of our issues and love is the way to happiness. Lets love instead of judging. Lets not push our rules and ways on others, lets not look down on others because they don't agree with the way we perceive things. Whether be republican or democrat, Christian, Muslim or atheist. Whether be gay or straight, man or woman, black or white, son or daughter, we all have something in common and that thing is love. It is something that lives within each and every one of us and it isn't hard to come in contact with. Lets help bring the loving aspect of each other out instead of the fear. Lets become more humble, reverent and accepting. If one is loved one is trusted. If one is loved one is encourage. If one is loved one is accepted on an unconditional level. Its okay if you don't agree with everything that I utter but know that I still want to be loved. If one judges on the basis of fear then that individual is driven by that very fear. So for this New Year, lets simply love. Love is empowering and fear is disabling. Lets love and lets take a chance for happiness. Why dwell in the known? Why stay in that same place? Why not grow and evolve to the next and better you? Look within always. Never follow someone blindly and don't expect some book, person or TV show to give you all of the answers to life. Know that if you desire something within live and you have a knowing that the desire will manifest the universe is conspiring in your favor to make that desire so.

Within this year I've gone through alot of changes. I've had scares that would make me think my life would end as I knew it. I've had loses that would make me think that God Herself was against me but at the end of the day it was love that brought me out of those dark pits. For 2011 I plan on becoming more patient with others, more understanding, and less egoic. No more do I have anything to prove, no more will I sit and not radiate all that I am. No more will I play foolish games in the name of fear, no more.

If you want something, go and get it. Don't let fear stop you. If you desire a certain relationship or certain individuals in your life go and make it so. Don't allow fear to hinder this. Fear will turn life into literal hell if it is allowed to run things. So for 2011 I want all to live from love and not fear. Lets make love so; do your best and never give up. Simply radiate love for this new year. For a while I was without a computer but since I have one now I will be writing on this blog more often. I am looking forward to going deep within then writing and sharing. So with love and joy I am wishing all a great New Year to come and always know that we are all ONE.


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