Saturday, June 25, 2011

We can live in a great economy now

If a person who lives in a place with a booming economy believes that he or she lives in a place with a horrid economy that person will experience just that as fact. If a person whom lives in a country that has a so called perfect economy reads newspapers and watches only television shows from a country that has a bad economy that person will live as if they are in the country with the bad economy thus manifesting horrid economic situations for themselves. WE ARE OUR ECONOMY AND THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE THE ECONOMY IS TO CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS TOWARDS IT POINT BLANK. The economy isn't like birds that migrate south every winter, it has nothing to do with nature and it doesn't even exist outside of us. There isn't a political leader that can change the economy if the people who are counting on him continue to hold on to the thought that the economy stinks. So this is what I want everyone who reads this blog post to do. I want YOU to truly start believing that we live in a great economy and I want you to do it NOW. The media does brain wash us, it plants memes (mind viruses) in our heads and because of this we are controlled but this doesn't have to be the case. Let's change this so called economic crisis of ours right now by simply gaining a knowing that we all have the power to do so. So in closing I want everyone who reads this blog post to repeat after me, WE LIVE IN A GREAT COUNTRY WITH A GREAT ECONOMY. It is just that easy.

Always be and remain in a place called Love because Love rules all. Love even rules the economy and a loving economy is a great one.


Claim your issues!

I know a person who falls a sleep all of the time and even though this is constantly occurring he doesn't accept the fact that this sleeping thing may be an issue of his. He tends to put it off on him not getting enough sleep at night or it being late or even him drinking and so forth. In other words he puts his issues off on outside sources, they are never of him so he keeps the deluded feeling that anyone and everyone would act the way that he does so he doesn't have to do anything about it and that falling asleep in the middle of a conversation when he is the one talking or falling asleep in a loud club with all types of people dancing around him is normal. I looked into the sleep issue for him and presented some ideas of what it may be, he shot the ideas down cold and is still living in this la la land of his.

No one is exempt from what I am about to say so listen up. We all have issues, all of us. I have a skin issue and if I never acknowledge this, I would have a body odor issue just to name a few of my own. If I were to name all of the issues I have I would be able to start a blog post named "My Issues" and it would be a very long blog post too. But this doesn't mean I am not healthy or that something is wrong with me, it doesn't even mean that my issues are truly my fault at all.

In a very, very, very metaphysical aspect everything that I am and everything that I will become is my fault and my doing so in a way I believe that our issues are our fault but in a very metaphysical way. This doesn't mean that we are totally conscious of how our issues manifested within our realities so in saying this there is no point in blaming ourselves for our issues. We may have physical issues, mental issues and so forth, I believe that we all have some of both of the aspects that I named that issue derive from. But even though the metaphysical does exist I will never say that it is truly a person's fault that fears men in general because they were raped as a child. I will never say that for the most part children with cancer hold any of the blame for their condition, I will never sit and say because people are starving in the world they should hold there heads in shame, I just won't do it because on a conscious level they are not to blame. But if an issue is had the best way to do something about it is to claim it and admit to yourself that YES you do have an issue. If you don't claim your issues then you will never be able to do anything to rectify them.

So that is what it is about, claim it so that you have a chance to change it. Everything that we are is apart of us, it makes no since for anyone to allow the ego to have them believe that an issue that they have isn't theirs. Ever since I was a child I have had an issue with my sweating and because of it when I became of age and since I am not a small person I had an issue with my body odor. I could have said to myself, "I don't stink" and just lived in that deluded place but imagine if I did do that. I would be walking around at my age today stinking. I may have a strong body odor but I can honestly say that I really don't smell bad and this is because I claimed my body odor issue a long time ago. My mother told me that as a baby I use to just lay in the crib and sweat for no reason so do you think it was truly my choosing to be this way? But even so, I still claimed the fact that yes, I stink. Me claiming this drove me to do research on the issue and to come up with a solution to it so that it wouldn't run my life. It took me a few embarrassing moments too because I didn't come up with a solution for my odor issue over night. But still imagine what I would be today if I would have never acknowledged the issue in the first place?

A lot of people try to be and live this lie that our fear based society has deemed normal in such a way that they deny aspects of themselves in this task thus rendering all control to chance. Well let me share a secret with you, no one is "normal". We all are different and yes, we all have issues, some which are down right embarrassing but this is only the case because so many of us believe in what this society of ours deems to be right or normal. So I have told you first hand, don't be embarrassed about your issues, claim them with pride. Claim them as if you were the person who chose them, claim them just as you would claim something of yourself that others would look up to. Own them and then if they are issues that could really cause problems in your life, change them. Once you own something it is yours to do what you like with, that is the key here and that is why there is no point in looking at something in a way that your egos or our society would have you look at it. Everything that you are is a part of you point blank. Overcoming our issues is an aspect of life that causes us to grow. They cause us to grow into stronger, wiser, more understanding, and more loving people. Nothing that is of you exist outside of you, it is all located within. Be Love and use that very Love that you have to rectify every issue that may hold you back from being all that you were meant to be in life.


Friday, June 10, 2011

The Blessing

The blessing could be found in a book or poem, it could be also found in a smile of a child or the meow of a kitten. The blessing could be acquired in nature, in giving, in caring, in sharing and the unnecessary selflessness that thrives to bring out world as it should be. The blessing is located within heaven: it lives in the perfection that could only be expressed through the truth at hand. The blessing is something that shows us who we are and also shows that we all deserve to gain all out happiness and joy within life. But the blessing has to be looked a pond not over. It has to be embraced just as if it was a small child which is a perfect example of innocence and joy. The blessing lives within all of us and was endowed within our hearts and souls the day that God breathed life into out feeble, earthly bodies making them divine at the very moment. The blessing has to be recognized to be gained, even in the harsh times and that light which the blessing promises to shine will find us and show a path which is ours for the keeping. This path is a path that can only lead us to our personal heaven which is a promise for all who keeps Love at the forefront within life. Receive this stark insight and with it you will get to know and understand the true living God and with that understanding you will always be in a place of living, seeing, expressing and being Love. The blessing is there within you and if only you would open yourselves up to receive it, then you would see that this gift called life and the blessing are one in the same. Gain your blessing, bless others and watch the world become a beacon of light and joy for all to cherish and thrive a pond

The Blessing, what a beautiful thing!
