Saturday, June 25, 2011

We can live in a great economy now

If a person who lives in a place with a booming economy believes that he or she lives in a place with a horrid economy that person will experience just that as fact. If a person whom lives in a country that has a so called perfect economy reads newspapers and watches only television shows from a country that has a bad economy that person will live as if they are in the country with the bad economy thus manifesting horrid economic situations for themselves. WE ARE OUR ECONOMY AND THE ONLY WAY TO CHANGE THE ECONOMY IS TO CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS TOWARDS IT POINT BLANK. The economy isn't like birds that migrate south every winter, it has nothing to do with nature and it doesn't even exist outside of us. There isn't a political leader that can change the economy if the people who are counting on him continue to hold on to the thought that the economy stinks. So this is what I want everyone who reads this blog post to do. I want YOU to truly start believing that we live in a great economy and I want you to do it NOW. The media does brain wash us, it plants memes (mind viruses) in our heads and because of this we are controlled but this doesn't have to be the case. Let's change this so called economic crisis of ours right now by simply gaining a knowing that we all have the power to do so. So in closing I want everyone who reads this blog post to repeat after me, WE LIVE IN A GREAT COUNTRY WITH A GREAT ECONOMY. It is just that easy.

Always be and remain in a place called Love because Love rules all. Love even rules the economy and a loving economy is a great one.


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