Friday, August 12, 2011

Being proactive!

Its one thing to act in response to what another's actions would entail and it's another to ONLY act in response of what another's actions would entail. In my life I have truly never been a simple reactive person. At one time I was a person who didn't act at all to any situation, simply sitting in my own fear shell making a dying instead of a living and in many ways being that way is worst then being a reactive person but I still am not excusing the reactors of the world. We all have a purpose, a dharma, a personality and a place in the universe. If we only react to others then we are simply puppets with strings that the person who we are reacting to made the actions are pulling in the first place.

Let me quickly explain what a reactive and a proactive person is. A reactive person is a person who doesn't do anything or make a move unless it is off of another. You can easily control an individual whom has this personality trait. Just simply insult their mother (you don't even have to know their mother) or there girlfriend or there kid. Insult their ethnicity, their religion, their life philosophy and they will act in a way of anger and probably attack you. Or say something sweat to them, this will make them smile, say something that goes with their life's philosophy and they will love you (not real love by the way). Say something nasty and they will cringe, say something so called smart and they will come up to you with admiration. Don't take a person like this out anywhere to have fun. If you do and this is a dancing spot they will wait until everyone in the spot is dancing before they even begin, if you take them to a eating establishment, even though this person may be hungry and the food is out they will still wait for someone else to grab the first chicken wing before they make an attempt to eat. If they want a raise at a job they will wait for two or three other employees whom do the same task as them to ask before they even make an attempt. Even though they may be interested in a certain individual on a future significant other level they will wait until someone else gains interest before they do something. That is a reactive person and to me a person like this is nothing but a puppet.

Then you have a proactive person. A person who has control over their lives. A person who isn't going to wait for people to start dancing before they dance, a person who will grab the chicken if they are hungry and the chicken is out even if no one else will grab a piece, a person that will make a move on an individual whom may be a future significant other even if no one else show interest, a person who will ask for that raise the moment they feel they deserve it. This is a person who truly Loves themselves and who really embodies the meaning of a strong individual. This is a person who even if they don't acknowledge it does radiate what God is and means to the fullest. This also is a person who I can admire to the fullest.

So there it is. I put this in my post because I want more proactive people in the world then reactive. Reactive people don' t really live and have no control over there actions. Why would you put your life and the actions you take in someone else's hands? I want all to read this post and to say yes, I want to be proactive no matter how weird I made seem or how afraid I may be. Have courage, love yourself enough to take that power that you have within and use it to make your life exactly what God put you on this earth to make it. Do it, be proactive, take that chance, love that person, go get that raise, heal the world and make it shine from the inside out!


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