Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It makes no since to be a hypocrite!

A woman once went to Gandhi to ask a favor. When she arrived within Gandhi’s presence she said, “Please tell my son to stop eating sugar because he eats too much of the stuff.” Gandhi instructed the woman to come back in two weeks and ask of him the request. So in two weeks the woman returned and once again made her request. Gandhi quickly said to the boy, “Stop eating sugar.” The woman then asked why Gandhi didn’t say this in the first place two weeks ago and Gandhi replied, “Because two weeks ago I was eating sugar”.

In any situation or within any circumstance it makes no since to become a hypocrite in order to have your wishes meant. Change is an inner thing and one cannot claim a change unless one undergoes a change within themselves. Everyone wants the best for their loved ones. We all want the best for our friends and family, for our children and for any children that look up to us so we may give orders to these people so that they will find health and happiness in a way that would bring greatness to life for them. But as I stated before, being a hypocrite in any circumstance makes no since and is just as dishonest as telling a bold face lie. Hypocrisy is truly on the same level as thievery because you are stealing something that you cannot possibility claim because you don’t practice it within your own life. Let me say it again, being a hypocrite makes no since in life, none at all.

So don’t try that “they should do what I say and not what I do” mess because (and I don’t mean to sound negative when I say this but this truth needs to be spoken) that is just plain dumb. If you smoke and you don’t want your child to start smoking then I suggest you kick the habit first. If you are having premarital sex and you want you a child to wait until they get married to have sex you really need to kick yourself in the pants. If you drink and you feel that I should stop drinking so that I may think a little clearer and not make dumb decisions well…what I said speaks for itself because if you decide to make a statement like that to me or anyone you are doing just what you don’t want me to do. So come on people, you cannot sit somewhere and tell someone that they need to stop doing something that you do yourself. If you want your spouse to be more loving YOU BECOME MORE LOVING FIRST and I don’t care if you are the most loving person you know. Don’t ask of others of something that you don’t do yourself. Because (and I know I said this already but I am going to say it again) that is just plain stupid!

Everything that you want someone else to do for their personal betterment you should want for yourself. Yes I do tell people they need to adapt a workout regimen so that they will live a life of wellness but do you know what? I work out myself. I tell people they should eat healthy and I do so myself. I tell people that they should be more loving because every day I work on becoming more loving myself. I tell others to have an open mind on things because my mind is open. I say that people should read and learn something every day because this is what I do. But do you seriously think that I would tell someone that they should wait until they get married to have sex? No because I didn’t do that myself. I don’t tell people that they shouldn’t drink because I like to drink some wine a few days a week myself. So in closing of this blog I just want everyone to seriously be the change that you would like to see occur. With that you yourself will make this world a more loving place to live and then after you have made the change within yourself you can start spreading a message of the same change but still, not in a forceful way ether. The best way to spread any message is not to speak it anyway but to simply do it. You will have an easier time convincing more people to follow a certain change if they see the benefits that it has in your life anyway.


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