Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Own it to change it

“I have learned from experience that happiness is an acquired skill. There is always something to complain about, even in the best of times. And there is always something to celebrate, even in the worst of times. Happiness is not an objective reality so much as a subjective decision. Chronic complainers miss the boat.”(Marianne Williamson)

If I decide to claim being a victim I am submitting my situation to chance in other words I am taking the easy way out which tends to lead to roads of suffering. If I wallow in a pool of regret and I blame everything that happens in my life on me how can I move forward from the situation? How can I move at all if I am living in a place to blame, that my friend would be me living in a place that doesn't exist. In order for me to even consider my blameful situation I would have to use my mind and place the siuation in the now, why would I do that? But if I am not to blame myself and if I am to take full responsiblities for my action how is this to be done. By owning my situaiton and also by letting it go. If I own my siutation I am able to make a change whether for better or worst. To say, "yes I did cause this and I don't like this so now I will change this to a more preferable outcome" would work in everyone's benefit. So in closing I want to just say that we are only victims if we claim to be as such. We are able to preceive a situation any way we chose to. I chose to preceive every situation an oppurtunity for growth and growth in life is always for my benefit. Why sit and complain? Learn, grow stronger and move forward to that place which always dictates joy.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Remain childlike

Adults kill dreams and believe they are doing it for the best interest of another because the other person isn’t being “realistic”. Adults think they know everything because they’re “grown” so you can’t tell them anything because if you do they will say, “don’t talk to me that way I’m a grown man/woman”. Adults spend over half the day almost every day working at jobs they don’t like then they give half the money they earn away to bill collectors then lie to themselves and say things like, “I work hard to support myself and my family”. The only reason they spend over half their lives doing something they despise is because they are afraid to stop because they don’t know what will happen if they do. Adults stay in dead end relationships and keep people around them that bring them down simply because it’s what they “know” and what they are used to. Adults are afraid to step out of their comfort zone no matter how bad their comfort zone may be. They work too much and don’t play enough. In other words adults SUCK!
A child knows that having fun and being happy is the most important thing in the world and will always dream. Life was meant to be enjoyed and children know this, Einstein once said that the reason he made all of his discoveries was because he never stopped thinking like a child. Being humble, smiling, laughing these are all things that children embrace. I don’t see myself ever “growing up” from any of this. I will always dream and follow my heart, I will do things I enjoy, things that truly helps my soul expand and I still am trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I will humbly remain in the mystery of life because I know I don’t know everything and I will embrace that as fact in a childlike and mature manner. I won’t whine about people or relationships that I chose to be in and around, what since does that make? And I don’t mind stepping out of my comfort zone because I know that outside of it is where my growth occurs. Your opinion about me is not my concern and never will be, as a 33 year old child I will simply be truthful to myself and remain in that positive place. I say join me and never grow up!
