Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Don't feed the geese

There is a reservoir near my home and on the gate that gates this man made body of water away from the rest of us there is a sign. This sign reads as follows, “do not feed the geese” then it goes on to explain the reason why. It says that in feeding the geese our drinking water will be affect in mutable ways but you know what? I bet you people still do feed the geese, I’ve seen them do it. This is something that humans are good at doing, making decision that causes us hardships but yet when the hardship hits home they blame it on others. I see people every day dropping trash on the ground like the ground is a big trashcan acting like this act won’t affect them personality. They don’t see the bigger picture and as the humans who aren’t as conscious, they feel that when hardships come their way its ether someone else’s fault or just the way it is. Some people think that they couldn’t help it because they are overweight and having multiple health issues. They think that it’s just like that because that’s the way it is. Humans gain all of these different cancers and diseases and they think it’s just circumstance and on top of that they want everyone to feel bad for them because they feel they are being made to go through there hardships. Bills pile up, companies threaten to shut off services, things get back up and it is just a stoke of bad luck. Our economy goes down the gutter and it’s the fault of the politicians in office. We lose our homes and it’s the fault of the people who are taking them from us, our jobs aren’t paying us enough money and it’s the people who we work for faults, they should just give us more money or else. Or we find ourselves in relationships that seem to do more harm than good and it’s the faults of the people who we are in the relationships with, if only they would do right, if only they would do better then everything would turn out as it should but for some reason they simply don’t so now we have to suffer. The blame game is played so much that it becomes the norm and as this occurs our lives go deeper and deeper into that harsh, dark place and then it get so harsh and dark that it gets nearly impossible to see the light of day anymore.

“So I fed the geese so what” he says as he hears on the news then because stuff was thrown in the reservoir it’s been jammed and now we aren’t able to get drinking water. “They should do better, those people who are in charge of making the running water work” he continues and not ones did he even look at a part that he may have played in the whole mess. Never take yourselves out of the equation because there is always a reason why something in YOUR life is happening whether good or bad and even if you weren’t conscious enough to realize this, you did play a part in it and I don’t care what it was. I am by no means saying that everything that happens bad to everyone is happening because that person brought it on themselves. I would never do that because in doing that I would have to say that kids who get sexually abused or children who get cancer and suffer are to blame. But even in the harshest of situations, even if we weren’t conscious of our part in situations unfolding for us, we still need to realize that we did play a part in it happening. We truly may not deserve some of the harsh things we go through but to throw the events in the wind is to allow the wind to control it and that is like claiming a victim mentality. Once that occurs all bets are off. We may not have control over what happens to us but we can control the outcome, we can turn so called bad situations into opportunities for growth, we can turn them into strengthening lessons but in order to do this we need to claim some type of responsibility for the action. Don’t blame yourselves for harsh situations but say to yourselves that you will gain strength and learn from these events so that these things won’t happen to you or anyone that you love and that is willing to hear you out when you attempt to enlighten them. So if it is to be, and we want to live a life within that happy place that we were meant to live in we need to claim our lives to ourselves, own what we go and are going through with pride, not blame and place it in a place of positivity and growth. If we mindlessly continue to do things that hurt us and our planet we won’t have a planet to live on or even a life to experience and that is all to it. We are all One. This planet and everyone on it is a part of us, this is our home, this universe in itself is our home and we should take care of it just as it is. Our economic situations is our doing, not the man sitting in office and if we are to change it we need to first look at ourselves and see what can be done with the decisions we make, and then we need to back up those people in office with efforts to help gain freedom from the situations. We need to come together and take care, we need to be more conscious, know that it doesn’t take much to recycle but recycling does so much for the planet. It’s not the same as throwing the recyclable on the ground or in the trash, not at all. Stop playing the victim in life, STOP FEELING THE GEESE AND TAKE CONTROL!


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