Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael the blessing

There are certain people who come into the world and within there lives truly realize there dharma. These people are the connected ones, we all are here for a reason, we are here for a purpose and this purpose would be what I call our dharma. It’s the thing that we are great at; it’s the thing that can and will change the world for the better once it is seen, realized, pursued and accomplished. To me, life isn’t complete until we live within our dharma, the world is cheated out of a gift that would uplift and better it if this dharma of ours isn’t realized. It can’t be helped to also realize that when one truly does live there dharma and then passes from is world it is felt on so many levels. Its felt because it feels like a piece of what this world is made of has been snatched up. Ever though I do truly believe that death (which is just a transformation to another stage, it’s an important part of life and there would be no life without it.) is a very important part of life and truly isn’t a bad thing it still is felt in a way which would dictate lost when it happens. Everything happens for a reason, nothing is by accident and everything which happens really does happen to serve the change and growth that is needed for this world to thrive. Now when one has a dharma such as creating music it truly is one of the greatest dharma’s to harness, music moves us, entertains us, and in a lot of situations tends to help us out when we go through hardships in life. When one is able to reach this dharma and uses it to make the best change for good that they are able to and then pass out from this world one can’t help but go into a stage of mourning. Yesterday on June 25 2009 an individual whom played a big part in my upbringing and life for that matter was alleviated from this world and brought to a place which God will always be present. Michael Jackson was one whom came into his dharma, realized it and took it to levels that were never before reached. He will be missed by millions and he definitely will be missed by me. There were some points in his life that one would shun, there were speculations about situations that may make it seem that he was someone that was not always of the positive but for me, when I heard his voice or watched him speak I felt nothing but an authentic feel coming from him. He was misunderstood in so many ways, but he was one who really did his part in bringing this world to a better place. Not only did he entertain for decades, he also did is part in helping the less fortunate. He saw the light, he did his part; he helped millions of people see hope where it just wasn’t present for them in so many ways. Certain things that may be speculated about and looked on as “bad” are to me just misunderstands for a misunderstood individual who really did have a big heart (this is not me making excuses but we have to understand that once we can come to a place which we understand everyone then and only then will we be able to forgive anyone. No one has walked in this man’s shoes so there is no way anyone can judge him. I know within my heart that Michael really did have loving intentions in his soul and he really did put forth an effort to improve this world). At this point in time when I think of Michael Jackson I can’t help but see an enlightened individual that truly did get it. He got that he had the ability to change the world and he did. He visited sick children and would pray with there parents for there wellness. He brought children to his ranch so that they would have a piece of heaven on earth when they were in the ranch’s amusement park. He was there for the less fortunate children, he got that the children truly are the future, they are the world, they are the ones who need to see love in it’s truest form when it comes down to it and he was there for them to show them a light, he wanted to show them a light that he really didn’t get to see as a child, he really wanted them to see that they truly do have it right and he didn’t want them to ever lose that innocence that maybe the rest of the world would snatch up from them one day. Even with all the speculations about him and the children I still can’t see the “wrong” in what he was trying to do for them. Some thought he was too close to some of them but I truly believe that he wanted to just show them what true love (God) is, he wanted to show them that simply because he was an adult it didn’t put him above them and he simply wanted them to remain in bliss. With that aspect of him and with the music he made in my opinion he was more then just an icon. I grew up with him on the radio; I can remember walking backwards as a kid saying that I was doing the Michael Jackson moonwalk. I remember enjoying the Moonwalk movie numerous amounts of times. I remember singing his songs and enjoying his movie like music videos. He was by far the biggest and best thing to hit the music industry ever. When he was in that place within his music he always was in the presence of God because he was truly walking the path of his dharma. He walked that path hard, he walked it well, everyone felt it in a good way when he walked this path and because of it he will truly be missed. I would be honored if I could reach my dharma in the level that he reached his. He made so many uplifting songs, he was the king of pop; he was what God wanted us all to be in our own rights. He was unique, caring, loving, and he really did put forth an effort to make this world a better place. He was misunderstood by plenty but loved by even more, I will always have love for him, I believed he radiated love in great measure and he truly was the greatest performer of all time in my humble opinion.

Within my life a month or so an ago I took a personal lost in my very own life. A very important person had to leave my life for personal reasons which involved her and her happiness within her own life, her reasons are understandable and I don’t begrudge her of them at all. A week ago she sent me an email in the hopes of helping me move on and to free me from something that she felt was trapping me. She thought that I was stuck in the pass because everyday I wrote on a blog that actually talked to her. She didn’t realize that I was only doing this because I needed to for the time being, it was my way of letting go, it was my way of moving forward because she was such an important part of my life, she was more important to me then she probably now will ever know and I couldn’t have just dropped her whole image without gathering a feeling of hate and pain in great measures so writing this blog was my way to have an aspect of her while I moved on with other things in my life. The blog was my way of coping with the situation, it was in no shape size or form meant to try and convince her to be in my life in any way. When she sent her message because of the content of it I didn’t take it to well, I snapped at her in a return email and I asked her if something was wrong with her for doing that to me. I took it as an attack on me because I really wasn’t in a good place at the time and I kind of took it as her throwing something in my face that she felt I would never have. I took it as someone trying to open up old wounds for me, I looked on at her letter in a fearful way; nothing I believed about the letter was the case, not in one bit. I reacted in a way that I am now in a way feel a shamed of but I don’t fully feel shamed because I did get something from that experience that will strengthen me and help me become a better person. As I went through this situation, the pain and hurt seemed as if it wouldn’t subside until I did something that Michael Jackson spoke of in one of his songs. I myself have always lived the true virtues of life which are simply the virtues love but then on that day something was off for me. I tapped into a false power from within that obviously still dwells deep inside of me. This world has situations which are of this type and they occur all the time. Because of it people go through unnecessary pains, the world needs to change so that these situations won’t happen, we all cry out, we all do feel the pain and change is definitely needed so that this pain will subside for us all. Michael Jackson saw that this was happening and this is why I believe he brought this song out for us to learn from and enjoy. Read these lyrics and feel it, and know that because of it Michael Jackson truly did get it.

(I’m Starting With The Man InThe Mirror. I’m Asking Him To Change His Ways. And No Message Could Have been Any Clearer. If You Wanna Make The World. A Better Place (If You Wanna Make TheWorld A Better Place) Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change(Take A Look At Yourself, AndThen Make A Change)

Yes, he really did get it and when I read these lyrics or hear this song I know he truly got it. He knew that pains like mine occurred because of something within. He knew that the world cried because of these types of pains. He knew that the only way to change ourselves and the world for the better was to look at the man in the mirror and in turn, change that individual. Change him and the world will change, change him (or her) and our lives will change, this is the only way and Michael got it. He knew it, he got it, he lived it, he will always be loved and he will truly be missed.

Namaste and God bless to all, let’s try not to mourn this great man’s death, let’s instead celebrate his life because there is really a lot about it to celebrate.

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