Monday, November 9, 2009

I am that I am

“Not Christian, Muslim or Jew, Not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or Zen. Not any Religion or cultural system. I am not from the east or the west, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist, am not an entity in this world or the next, did not descend from Adam and Eve or any origin story. My place is the placeless a trace of the traceless, neither body nor soul. I belong to the beloved, I have seen the two worlds as One and that One call to the know; first, last outer, inner, only that berth berthing human being.” Rumi

Who is this person that occupies my being? Am I a thinker, a writer, or an insurance agent? Am I a Christian, or Buddhist, or agnostics? What am I composed of? Am I composed of cells, blood and water? What am I to do to figure this out? Am I simply a black man in the struggle or am I something more? Am I he who hopes for a bright future for my loved ones or do I even care? I am what we all are which is of the Isness of our Source. I am an aspect of the whole which in turn is the whole. I am all that is good and all that is considered bad as well. My essence is in the timeless because time is not a reality that I chose to identify myself with. Speaking of which, my identification is not real because I actually made it up. My ego is my identification while I occupy this physical plane and what is the ego but a figment of my imagination with its histories and tragic stories. We all are as we are; we are just that which we perceive ourselves as and nothing more. We are from the no-thing, we are of the no-where and that no-where makes us now-here. My story has tragedy and my story has lost but as I sit here with myself I am just the one whom is being. It isn’t that hard to figure out, my path is set clear, my love is in sight and all I have to do is accept what is so that what will be will be aligned with what is to come.
If what I’ve said is confusing and if the Rumi poem that I use today (which is one of my favorites) is as equally confusing then you are thinking from a fear based ego perspective of life. Everything that was uttered within the words above speaks a simple truth. It is a truth that when realized all else that stands in our way for fulfillment will fall away. There reality is nothing which is located outside of us to cling onto because there is actually nothing that is located outside of us. To just be without having a definition of what is good, bad right, wrong, pretty or ugly is the truth of what is. If I say to you that this universe began with a collision and then expansion of energies which scientist call the big bang, then I say because of the Hubble telescope we are able to see that there is proof of this in space because it can be seen that the universe is now expanding and will more then likely one day start imploding and you are able to prove me wrong then you know what? It will just be. It will just be because it just is as it is. You are what you are and I am that I am. I am that I am just as we all are as One. Nothing more matters but to come into this one, true moment of now and be clear of it. There is nothing to fear within this moment because within this moment all is well. This moment is the only moment that is real so this means because all is well within this moment all is always well. There is nothing to fear. You don’t even need to fear death because death occurs all the time. Death and birth is occurring within our very physical bodies, old cells are dying away and new ones are being born. Old moments are dying away and new moments are being born. Death is in the realms of the unknown but so is the next moment. Do you fear the next moment which is about to be a pond you in a moment? This is why there really is nothing else to be but to just be period. Lets just be what we are, lets embrace the “I am” of it all and lets not try and use our ego’s perspective to figure anything out. Life is always within the unknown, the moment is now, it is in the realization of this which dictates NOW is the only moment there is. All is well right now so that means since now is all that’s real all will always be well. Let’s live this life as it should be lived. Do what this moment dictates to do and just enjoy the experience. Let’s just be as we may and always remember that we are all One.


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