Thursday, February 25, 2010

It appears a lot of the times that fear rules over love (part one)

Within these last few days I've been in a place of relaxation adn reflection. For the most part I've been in a place of joy because I know that it is up to us to choose how we feel and how we view our "Nowness"and I've always chosen to view mine in a joyous way. But, if I'm being honest within this week of refections I've felt a bit like what I've done within life and what I am doing is a bit pointless. I'm not going to get too deep into the reason I feel this way but I will say that it has something to do with the place that I find myself in within my life's experience right now. It can be challenging to ramin within the grips of love at time and it can sem as if it is a bit pointless. I say this becacuse I believe we are all from love an we are all of love. Even though Love may be our true essence it may seem as if our loving ways may get us nothing in return. We may give to others and feel as if we've been walked over because of it. We may be there for others then find that it seems they arent there for us and we are left in a lonely space. We may look at others in a caring and loving way only to sit back and watch in horrow while they self sabotage themselves, then we may ask ourselve why we even bothered to look at the individual in a caring and loving way in the first palce. We may plan and dream and then when push comes to shove it may seem that our lives dictate something which is on the total contrary to what we've dreamed. As we look into the world it may seems that others who are only loving when it seems to fit their egoes gain more then those who are loving all of the time. It may seem that those who use fear to get what they want seem to get what they want more often then those who remain in a place of love. If I weren't to say that it seems certain people who derive from a fear based philosophy gain the better hand at times this would expres a blindnes on my behalf as well. I am in no way blind and I do realize that it may seem at times that fear rules out love.

I've always said that we are the authors of our own life stories and I still stick to that statement to this day. Even so, and with all I've said and wrtten of this blog, let a lone all I've done in my life there is a reason why I am writing about the subject of "It appears a lot of times that fear rules over love". Fear will try and triumph because we do live in a fear based society. Fear is more so easier to see then love is...if you believe what I just said then you've been fooled in the worst way. In darkness, light can't be seen because in darkness there is no light to be seen. Fear is nothing but darknes because fear isn't even real. Eventhing that we fear are things that don't exist. The NOWness of life is actually good because if it weren't then you wouldn't be able to read this blog right NOW. You may say that things could or should be better but when you say things like that you are clinging onto a fear based philosophy. The world "could" implies lack and lack is a dellusion within itself. Even though this world is fear based, it is also a world that derives from love. This world is full of the light of heaven but when the darkness is what's noticed in a greater fashion, heaven isn't seen at all. Love is still the way, always will be and the fact still remains that the only way to happiness is through love.

When we love we empower, we release those who we love so that they are able to achieve what they feel that must (even if we may disagree with what they are doing with their lives). In doing this we empower ourselves as well. When we let go we free ourselves, we don't cling and we don't try and force, we empower and this is what love is all about. I could sit here and talk about the things that have bothered me for the past week but in doing that I would be making those very things more potent therefore I would be pushing those things to the forefront within my life's experience. The truth is that great change is about to occur within my life. This is why I've felt a bit off even though I've been having good times these last few days. Last night I went to bed feeling really funny. I felt a bit dizzy and a sadness that I felt lay dormant within me was doing it's best to rear its ugly head. That was the fear trying to gain a grip on me because of the great changes that are occurring within my life. It's like when a jet is being flown, right before the sound barrier is broken within a jet the cock pit shakes, and when it shakes it really shakes. When we are in the most of "breakthroughs" within life it may seem that our very cock pits are shaking within our very own lives. These periods are periods to rejoice. It is even a bit challenging for me to say something of the type but I know it to be true. I know it to be true because I've seen what love and what fear does to people.

Why do I bother and try to save the world at all? Why do I give so unconditionally if my very own reward is that of lack and loneliness? Why do I bother to dream if when I look at my life's situation I see nothing but nightmares? Why do I bother geting up in the morning when the morning has no promises of great events for me? What is the point of life and why am I even here? Why not just stay in the bed and never get up, or even better why even choose to take the next breath? Wouldn't it be better if I just stayed in the bed and not attempted to breathe at all? When I look to my side she is not there. When I look to the forefront my purpose is not seen. I look at the world and I see selfish, sabotaging people who wouldn't think twice in killing my spirit if they felt that in doing so they would gain something for their egos. Why do I even bother to breathe another breathe. Why??

In the mist of all my anguish a light does shine. It is the light of truth and it's the light of love. A feeling of hope occurs from my within and a feeling of greatness is felt. When I share a smile with a stranger, the love is felt in the greatest form. When I face a fear and simply do what I must, so much stress is released and I am instantly in a greater place. When I pray for those who choose not to be in my physical presence (as much as I would want them in my physical presence), even so, I feelt their greatness and I feel their love. It makes my smile from the inside out when this feeling occurs. Then as I look at all of the divine masters and great people in our past I see a road which these individuals have walked which wasn't always rosey. Great God realized masters such as Jesus and Buddha, Lao Tzu and others. Saints like Saint Francis and Paramanhands Yogananda. Great leaders like Martin Luther KIng Jr and Gandhi. They've all seen the dark and they've all felt the cock pits shake within their very own lives. The great minds liek Einstein and Thomas Edison were called fools plenty of times because they could see things within this world that no one else could even fathom. So as I walk down my path I feel noing but hope, I don't feel or have faith in a hope that all will become perfect and my life in full will be healed. I have hope and faith in God which is Love plain and simple. I have faith in that feeling I gain when I give this love to others freely and I have faith that there still is a light that shines bright within this world. When all comes to push and shove my faith in love is all that is left. My faith which is life is of all that is, all that will be and all that ever was. It is a faith that is like a light which always outshines the darkness. It is a faith that knows darkness will not exit within this light and it is a faith that is being tested now more then ever. There are two chioces before me. A chose of love and a choice of fear; I could use the fear and maniputate those who have felt I've played a great part in their lives. I could use this fear and project it with less so that I can gain some companionship insted of physically walking the path a lone. I could use fear to gain a choke hold on those who I know are weaker then me and have them simply and aimlessly fololw me about. I could lie my way into a so called grand situation. I could scam and rob. I could do whatever it takes even if it goes against my ethics it take to gain fame and richers and within that place I would never have to deal with confusion (so it may seem). Or I could simply be of love. I could remain calm and good, I coudl remain in a space of light so that all may see who and what I am (even if it may seem at the moment that who I am isn't that desirbale. With love on my side, I rather people Love me for who and what I truly am then for who and what I'm truly not. To have this kind of love is the most freeing thing in the world). I could actually put a plenty cognation on what makes me feel good then on what makes me feel bad. So many joys and so many beautiful aspects exist within this world. Why would I sit and simply dwell on what makes me feel bad? So what I'm a lone, if it is a freeing lonelines then I will take it (lonelines is a delusion anyway. Who in this world is truly alone? Even the hobos on the street who think that everyone who ever meant anythig to them are no longer with them, even they are surrounded but people who would help them out in a heartbeat. They just need to open up their eye of Love so that they may see.) So in closing I will say that this story has just begun. There are plenty of opportunities that are to be gained in life and it will be up to us all as of what path to choose. Even if I am feeling down I can't help but continue to travel on the path of Love and Light. The beauty of life is knowing that we do nave a choice. Fear is a beauty because if it wasn't for this delusion then we really wouldn't be able to choose. Choose wisely and simply know that we are the authors of our life stories.

Happiness is the reason for life and the only way to gain hapiness is through LOVE. Wear that saying like a tattoo and I promise life will turn out to be grand


P.S. TO be continued....Some great things are unfolding in my life right now. I am in a place of loneliness and utter confusion but I am also in a place of love. I will be continuing this very blog post (part 2) with great news about my life personally so don't look t this aspect of this blog as the end. There is more to come. Again, LOVE IS THE WAY

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