Monday, April 12, 2010

The Big Wow

According to the generally accepted cosmological model, there was a period of rapid inflation during the split second that directly followed the big bang-something like 10 seconds-in which the universe expanded very, very quickly. After this initial burst, it slowed down and has been expanding much more gradually ever since. An Italian physicist named Paola Zizzi came up with a theory that during this rapid expansion, the entire universe may have been in a kind of cosmic state of quantum superposition in which multiple universes were possible. She made some calculations and found that by the end of the rapid expansion period, the universe had reached the same critical threshold for quantum collapse that Roger Penrose had Founded to occur in the human brain during each moment of consciousness, In other words, in the split second after the big band, the universe had a cosmic moment of consciousness. This was later named “the big wow theory” Zizzi went on to suggest that our human consciousness may be a literal microcosm of the cosmic-consciousness moment that occurred during the big bang. This means that we’re all subcomponents of that initial conscious awareness that still pervades the entire universe. (Article taken from “EnlightenNext” magazine)

In the theory above, the implications that are stated dictate a universe that was began with pure consciousness. There is a lot to this theory and I’m not going to be able to cover all of what it entails in this blog, I will however go deeper into it in a book that I am now writing called “Namasteday”. When that book is written I will that all know within this blog about it but in the meantime I did want to touch a bit about this theory. Basically Paola Zizzi came up with a discovery about the universe and consciousness and she also wrote a paper on it (if that sparks your interest you may want to read her actual paper. If you decide to look it up, it is called “Emergent Consciousness; From the Early Universe to Our Mind”). She speaks of a universe that instead of being manifested from a big physical explosion, it was a spark of consciousness that birth our universe instead. This concept goes more so with what I’ve come to understand about our physical universe, it also is aligned more with quantum physics. Physics and quantum physics alike tell us that everything is made of energy. Vibrations, waves and energy are what everything which dwells in the physical is really made of. But quantum physics states that a conscious individual needs to be present for anything physical or otherwise the physical can’t exist. It says that we as conscious beings are the creators of this whole universe. One could look a little deeper in this theory by realizing that everything that we experience truly couldn’t be experienced if we didn’t have the mental capacity to do so. If this were not the case then a blind person would be able to see and a deaf person would be able to hear. We need these functions to work within us to experience them physically. With this realization gained we can now see that we truly are what makes the physical world physical. Now, the universe and this earth were around way before human beings, it was around before life itself was around so with this being known (and proven) by scientist then how could a universe exist if there was no one around to perceive it? That answer would lie in the theory which Paola Zizzi came up with, the answer would lie in the “Big Wow Theory”.

Einstein made a discovery about energy. In his discovery he stated that energy does have mass, as in energy does have weight and substance to it. If this is the case then that means that energy and mass are made of the same things. They are the same stuff and they need to be perceived in order to be. But if there was a time which no life existed and the universe did then how could there have been a universe at all during that time? If we are looking at quantum physics then a universe without conscious beings just couldn’t be, unless consciousness did exist before any “beings” did. This consciousness which I am implying which existed before beings is the ultimate collective consciousness. This is what I like to call the universal field which was what everything that is in existence came out of. This field is energy and this field is also consciousness. This conscious field is the same consciousness that we all have within us. We are all part of this universal consciousness; this consciousness is the original consciousness in existence. According to the big wow theory it was an expansion of consciousness that created the universe. To me this theory is the same as the big bang because all the big bang was, was an explosive of energy and this energy is what consciousness is made of. We are all connected to this ultimate consciousness; it is the realization that our consciousness is One with this ultimate field of consciousness that is the beginning of enlightenment.

There is a lot more which could be spoken on within this subject and there will be room for that in my Namasteday book that I am working on and also, if you want to do research on this fascinating subject it is easy to look into. The point of it all is that existence came to be because of consciousness (according to the big wow theory) and within us lives this same consciousness. It also connects us all thus making it quiet apparent that we literally are all One.


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