Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Love Writings

Who am I? Am I this person who has comes into this life confused and wondering just as a child would comes into the world? Or am I this individual who looks at things on an outside of me level and then asks questions like why is it the world so mean to me? Again, who am I? What is the purpose of life and why am I here? Will I ever know and will my wondering ever end? Will I ever come to a place where all of my questions are answered within this lifetime and what would I do if I did? Would I simply sit in the clouds like a king of all gods and look down on all who just don’t know? What ever will I do and will it ever end for me at all?

As I sit here wondering I think to myself that to accept something as absolute is a fear based quality. To make claims like you are mine forever, you will be with me forever and I will have a certain quality forever which no one will ever take away from me is fear! How about this for a change, how about we just let it be as they are? The now is relevant and that is all which is important. A future not yet born is a future that doesn’t exist. To make claims over a philosophy, person or label in any way is to look at the fear of it instead of the love of it. To allow all to change as it needs to and not to CLING on to anything in life is the first step to enlightenment. But to also know that we will never truly, fully know and realizing who we are and what we will become is the totality of what is to be considered enlighten. Happiness is what we are here for and love is the vastness of what we come from, to be quite frank we are love but that could mean a lot of things, it simply doesn’t still tell us who and what we are to the world for that we will never know completely. If we radiate the true essence of love then we will come into happiness but if we cling onto that state of happiness that we may achieve nothing but heartache waits for us ahead. Evolution is evident no matter how much we fight. Things will change, people will change, relationships and philosophies will transcend because it simply is the way of things. Not even a rock stays the same forever, as I write this they are within there change. The molecules that make them up are in motion right now and they will always be.

If I have told you that I love you then it will always be. If I make a connection with you then that connection will always remain and you will always be with me. Love is something that is unbreakable but that doesn’t mean that a loving relationship isn’t a changing relationship. So if I’ve told you that you are loved by me, nothing more needs to be done by you. Simply be as you are, grow as you must and know that this love that I have for you is exactly what God is. It is strengthening and it is all out power. So within the world, we all have this Love within us and we’ve all connected this loving aspect in one way or another with others. This is what life is all about, being love. Knowing that change occurs and not allowing our egos to make us demand aspects of individuals in any way. If they want to change, allow them, if they want to leave, encourage them. To love and to express love are two different things. If I have one million dollars in the bank and I choose to live in a box on the streets then what good is my one million dollars? Yea I got the riches but I’m certainly not expressing them if I am living on the streets. And so it is with love. Okay so you love, but if you love why you do throw expectations and limitations on your loved ones? Why do you try and make your loved ones feel bad simply because they’ve chosen a route in life that may not include you in a physical way? If it is love then it allows, it encourages and it uplifts. What good is the love if it isn’t being expressed? What good is the cake if I can’t have a slice? What good is life if I can’t even breathe?

So there it is in a nutshell with all of its grace and glory. To make it even more simple the terms of it all goes as follows. First it’s hope that is needed and then comes belief. Following those two terms comes the KNOWING and because its so powerful and releasing KNOWING is the realist, most potent step into the enlightened side. All of these aspects require faith which is something that is always in need. Fear cuts off faith, and the ego loves to use fear. Know that love is a knowing not a “needing to be proven” is the pinnacle of what faith is. Love is the deepest connection that any person could ever gain; it is so powerful that it knows what will become of it. Love knows all because love is God. So have a knowing and allow those who are loved to go on living as they may. Have a knowing that your loved ones are happy and are always with you in the deepest most metaphysical way. If there is something in the heart that says this loved one should be in your presence in a physical way have a KNOWING that it will occur. Just be in that level of faith and just know. Allow, let go, and know. Become One with God and gain all the power. Change the world by changing yourself and simply allow love to do what it does.


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