Sunday, October 10, 2010

Work should be fun

If your job consists of you looking at your watch as soon as you get in hoping time will fly by so that you can get out of there or if you simply dread Mondays because they’re the beginning of the work week do the world a favor it quit the job now. Pursue a job that is fulfilling, manifest a dream career for yourself; don’t waste life in positions that you dread or dislike because life is suppose to be fun (and that goes for work too). If you don’t enjoy the work you do that isn’t making a living, it’s making a dying (it takes more then breathing to live). Its time for us all to start making a living and simply do what we love, stop chasing money around like it’s god, if you concentrate on pursuing your purpose with your work the money will chase you. LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!

So make it a purpose for yourself, know that if a job is needed in the world there is someone out there who would truly love and enjoy doing it so if you are at a job that you don’t like you are taking up someone else’s position. If you are at a work position simply to have a job or just because it gives a paycheck you are at the job for the wrong reasons. For well over half my adult life I’ve gone from job to job in search of happiness. Then one day I woke up, I knew that I was on a treadmill with my situation and would stay on it if I didn’t change something. My loves for work aren’t the most popular when it comes to the stable type jobs (with benefits, a union and such) but they are my loves never the less. Some people don’t understand why I’m putting forth so much to pursue these careers but I know and understand that this is my life’s experience, not theirs. I feel truly joyful because I am back in school and I love it. I see a future which consists of me going to work with a smile on my face and not wanting to leave as soon as I get there and that future feels my heart with joy. As children we dream up some of the most fun careers but then we live in a fear based society which is all about ambition. This society steers us away from our dreams and purposes for its purpose only and sometimes in this steer we tend to forget what our dreams and purposes were in the first place. The easiest way to tell if your job is your purpose is to ask yourself would you do the job for free, if the answer is no then you are in the wrong line of work point blank.

I really enjoy helping people and I love fitness. I help people with fitness goals for free all of the time and I love it. I love helping people see who and what they truly are (love and strength) in any regard. This is why I am in school for personal training and after this schooling is done I am going to get a certification in life coaching. I also love to write so this is why I am pursuing a writing career as well. My loves aren’t city jobs, they aren’t jobs with double over time pay or jobs with great retirement plans but they are the jobs that I feel I was put on this planet to do. I wish all would do this within themselves, pursue a love not a “need” because we truly “need” nothing. We already have everything that is needed within ourselves already. We are the need that we look for, we ourselves are that job, we are that happiness and we all have a purpose to fulfill within this life. Lets get it done and do just that, lets inspire our children to pursue whatever it is that they love even if we don’t understand why (this aspect of it all is very important because this is where the lie begins, with the children). This is what its all away, the love of it not the need of it.


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