"When I was young I believed that life might unfold in an
orderly way according to my hopes and expectations. But now I understand that
the way winds like a river are always changing ever onward following God’s gravity
towards the great Sea of being. My journeys revealed that the way itself
creates the warrior, that the very path leads to peace, every choice to wisdom
and that life has always been and will always be arising in mystery." ( Quote is from the book 'The Journey of Socrates' by Dan Millman)
I loved and then I lost and following wondered why or how it
could have occurred. I was kind and they made fun of me, poked at me because I
didn't think or act like them. I was too shy at times and missed out on a great
much in my younger days. I felt lost but I still had this spark within that
dictated to me that I deserved love and only love and with that my happiness
would be found. Lost and alone, confused and upset I set off on a journey that
would forever change my life. Love ones have passed and many loses have
occurred, I've been rob and stolen from, I've been placed to the side as if I
was a pain within another’s life and with all of that and because of the spark
I still chose love. Then with that decision I arose from it all like a phoenix
from the ash. I realized that with the pain came pleasure, I grew and became
stronger, I researched, started to read more and study to widen my mind but
most of all and most importantly I decided to take a glace within. To find
something that was never lost, to come up the mountain of life and to reach the
peak and then on arrival come to a realization that this peak was actually just
the beginning and I had a long way to go. I became a warrior of such, to fight
the battles that were brewing within and to take charge. In this war I captured
the flag from the enemy within and brought it to base so that my lieutenant would
give me horror and reward, the flag I took is love and my lieutenant is God. I
brought Love to a Loving place, I allowed Love to realign with itself because
all and all, God is Love anyway. But these battles that were fought all
unfolded within. With that I learned that heaven is within and so are the
burning pits of hell. I then understood that everything that occurs in life is
for my higher purpose and benefit. No matter how harsh it became, it was for my
benefit because life is about the simple joys of the matter anyway. It’s not
about the suffering but sometimes in order to reach a destination I may have to
walk through a few storms here and there. But to say that my destine place was
for the storms is to not see the truth at hand; BUT to gain an understanding
that these storms may be part of the journey and also to gain an acceptance of
this fact is to gain a simple and needed peace. So with these words yes life in
itself does arise in mystery just as your mother went through her birth pains
to bring you into this world. Just as our greatest God realized masters have
gone through certain types of suffering so that you could gain insights and
become free. Do you think that Jesus' life was simply about the hanging on the
cross or the love and light that he brought to the world? But even though his
life wasn't simply about the suffering the suffering had to occur so that his
mission could be accomplished. His life just like yours and mine is about the
joys and the happiness. Happiness is the key to life and the only way to gain
happiness is through Love. Sometimes it does takes a big pile of shit to
fertilize a blossom for growth just as it takes the mess of suffering at times
to bring forth the Love and the beauty that life was meant to become for you
and me. Remember that and take it in strive to realize that everything that
happens in life is for your greater benefit and always, always be and radiate love;
I simply can’t say that statement enough!
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