Monday, November 16, 2009

He did suffer the "cross" for us

Jesus the Christ did die on the cross and he did it for all of our sins. This Jesus dying for our sins concept wasn’t one that I completely grasped in the beginning of my awakening but before I was awakened I did believe in it. When I was at a point in my life when I just accepted with no questions my Christianity I totally believed in Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. I didn’t know exactly what that meant but because I was what I was I believed in it blindly. Then later in life when I began to awaken I started to ask questions about the belief and started to have doubts about it more then any other Christian belief. I would ask people questions like why we as Christians hold such a painful event like Jesus being slain so dearly. I thought that we held the suffering and the painful part of Jesus’ life more dear then the actual time that he spent teaching and waking people up to who and what they really were. When I put this question out there I got answers like, “Well you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins because if you don’t then you are going to hell.” Also people told me, “Some things you just don’t question, you just accept them for what they are and simply believe. You just don’t ask certain questions.” Some people tried to make me feel sorry for doubting, they would say with tears in their eyes, “Jesus loved us so much that he died for us. He suffered for us. Isn’t that enough for you?” I thought to myself, “Shoot, I didn’t ask him to suffer for me so why should I feel sorry.” The answers that I got were mostly fear based and just didn’t line up at all for me. Also I was starting to realize what “love” really was so that didn’t help the Jesus dying on the cross for our sins belief out much at all. I came to a realization that love is not painful and love does not hurt. If someone is in pain it isn’t because of love, if someone is suffering it isn’t because of true love at all. Love is joy and love is happiness, love is God, love is Source, love gives and asks for nothing in return and love always, always, always empowers, this is what love is. Hurt and pain come from fear; fear is produced by our egos because it comes from us identifying with things that exist on the outside of us. Then in turn this hurt comes from us losing these things which we identify with, hurt comes from us becoming confused and worried because certain events (something else that we identify our self worth with) didn’t happen the way we expected it to happen. This is us identifying with things and events that are outside of us. This is also where fear comes in. Fear is a lie because first off we are only afraid of what is not, we are never afraid of what is. It is silly to be fearful because everything that we fear isn’t real and also, nothing exist outside of us so when we identify with things that exist outside of us we are again believing in what isn’t real. With all of these changes happening inside of me I started to feel that there was no need for me to identify with any organized religion, part of this choice came form me learning what the true purpose of religion is. The purpose of religion is to connect and bind us back to God, or Source or whatever you want to call that which we all are created by. Since this Source has always been with me and always will be then what’s the point of religion? What’s the point of identifying with any particular religion of God is already with me (something else that I realized)? I have embraced the teachings of the Buddha and of Jesus but I don’t identify with the religions that people (these great God realized masters didn’t start the religions that were made in there names) made up in these great masters’ names. I simply embrace the teachings. In doing this I am also open to other teachings and I can gain more of what and who I am from a greater circle. So with me not identifying with any religion there was no need for me to embrace Jesus dying on some cross for our sins. I knew that Jesus was crucified but my take on the whole event was that he was crucified because the priests of that day were afraid of him. They felt that he was taking certain false powers away from them that fact scared them so they killed him. This is how I looked at the Jesus dying on the cross aspect and my way of looking at it in this way has remained unmoved, that is until recently.
My realization and then change in thought of the whole Jesus dying on the cross event began when I learned what the true meaning of sin was. To sin simply means to miss the mark in life, it doesn’t mean to break some written rules that some established organized religion has drummed up; it simply means to miss the mark in YOUR life. If you are a gay man who is living like a straight man then you are living in sin. If you are a person who is in a loveless marriage then you are living in sin. If you are a person who sells themselves short and does what they do because they are trying to live up to some expectations that this society has set, instead of living up to the expectations that the true THEY have set then that living in sin. There are no written rules to this life. If that were so then we all would be the same, we all would simply need to follow some rule book, be the same and then life would be grand but it isn’t like that. We actually have to dig deep within ourselves and figure life out for ourselves. There is no one who can tell us how to do it and there is NO book our there with all the answers. All of the answers we need are already located within us so anyone who is looking for this “Miracle book” which has all the answers to the problems of life is chasing a fake phantom. It just isn’t in existence; you need to look within; now, back to my realization.
It says in the bible that Jesus and God are One, which means Jesus and God are One in the same. Also, it says that Jesus said, “I am in you, you are in me, and I am in my Father.” Jesus always called God his father because he understood that he (just like all of us) is one of God’s children. But Jesus is also saying that he is within all of us as well just as his Father is within us because he did say that he is within each of us and he and his Father are One in the same. The true Jesus lives within us and we also lives within each other (We are One). There is no true separation, we are all truly One. Now, certain things were quiet obvious and Jesus was no blind fool, he knew that he was going to be crucified so why would he stick around for this? Because he knew that we all as One needed to come to a realizations about ourselves. The people were the ones that caused Jesus to suffer because the people were living in sin. Back then when the man Jesus walked among the people in that part of the world which Jesus lived society was run by a bunch of egotistical religions figures. These religions men had one thing in mind and that was gaining what they could for their lowers selves (their egos). They made so many people suffer because of it, they thought that they were greater and better then other people and they saw themselves as separate from others as well. They indeed were living in sin. Also a lot of other people that weren’t religions figures were also living in sin. People stole and hurt each other, people caused harm to each other for so many egotistical reasons and Jesus saw and recognized that things were getting a bit out of hand with all of this sinning. We were not put on this earth to suffer but sometimes suffering is definitely necessary. We are punished by our sins and when we sin, we suffer. When we let our minds and our egos run the show called life instead of letting God (our deeper, higher self) then we sin and from sinning we suffer. Now, when Jesus was crucified he actually wasn’t living in sin but since he himself was the greater part of everyone else, all others’ sins caused the suffering of Jesus and he accepted this as fact and embraced it to the fullest. He didn’t fight when he was in the mist of the suffering and he didn’t try to escape it, he embraced it full on. He suffered because just about everyone else was living in sin. He saw himself as God who is within all of us and he said himself that he was within and apart of us all as well. Because he was at full realization of whom and what he was and because he knew that he himself was within all he suffered and died for all who ever had sinned. He allowed them to slain him, he allowed them to beat and torture him and while they were doing this they were beating and torturing us all as well. He himself carried the load and took on the suffering for all of us so that we wouldn’t have to. He died on that cross for all of us so that we wouldn’t have to have this type of suffering death within ourselves. He indeed died for our sins and because of it I do acknowledge this as fact for the whole of us.

When sin is being lived then suffering always comes right behind it. If you are missing the point in life you will suffer for it. Jesus suffered so that we wouldn’t have to. He took all of our sins and he owned them (because he knew he was part of us anyway) then he took on the suffering that our sins inflicted. Now you may ask what does all of it really mean. This is my humble conclusion to the meaning of all of this, it isn’t necessary for us to believe in a single man whom died on a cross for us all. It is necessary for us to believe in ourselves and know that if we sin, we suffer. It is always necessary to know that we are not living to suffer but yet, if we live in sin (miss the mark in life) then we will suffer. There was a man whom walked among us that was not living in sin but yet he took on the suffering for the sins that were being lived. He did this so that we wouldn’t have to so yes, we are free from suffering and it is all because of him. Jesus doesn’t really care of you acknowledge his human self, he wants you to acknowledge his true self which lives in us all.
Even with all of this happening it seems that some of us (including me) still need to carry and bare our own cross. This means that we need to sin and then suffer. Then from that we come to a realization, we then become resurrected (reborn) and then we rise to heaven to be One with God. In this way suffering is a good thing. It makes us see ourselves for whom and what we really are. Our old selves actually have to die so that the new us is reborn.

“The fire we endure in life is only to refine, polish, and perfect the diamond we are meant to be”

Eternal (A.S) Blossom

The quote that I’ve just used holds a meaning that is so divine that the individual whom wrote it probably doesn’t realize how divine it is. The fires we endure are caused because of our sins. We go through so much suffering because we’ve missed the mark in life so many times. We sin over and over again but every time we come out of a harsh situation we seem to become closer and closer to becoming who and what we really were meant to be. We are like perfect diamonds, this perfection is our birth right and it’s so because we ARE all children of God. So there it is and now I can say I understand the meaning of the cross. Because Jesus already died on the cross for our sins we do have a choice. He already suffered so that we would have a choice. WE DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER IN LIFE, EVER!!! When we suffer, this suffering is not love; it is not God making us suffer it is us. It is our sins that cause us to suffer. God doesn’t have to punish us for our sins because our sins punish us already. All of the happenings that cause us to suffer are happening that are located within us so until we take it a pond ourselves to make that change and be exactly what we know and feel we should be we will continue to suffer. We are Love because God is Love and we are One with God. Be love and you will not have to ever suffer. Be of fear and shame and you WILL suffer. It doesn’t matter of you believe in a man who they called Jesus some 2000 odd year or so ago or not. Believe and have faith in God (your higher self). Sit in silence and quiet your mind so that it along with its best buddy the ego won’t run a muck in your life and then simply be and follow your higher self. Just become what you were meant to be no matter how scary it may seem. You do this and you will be acknowledging and thanking Jesus for what he did, you will be thanking him more then you would be if you simply believe that he did die for our sins. Be happy, be joy and be of love. WE ARE ALL ONE!!!!


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