Sunday, November 22, 2009

A mistake is an open door

“The path to happiness is not determined by whether or not we made mistakes in the past. What paves the way to happiness is whether or not we turn our mistakes into catalysts for personal growth and illumination” Marianne Williamson

What is a mistake? Is a mistake a mishap or is it something more? Mistakes leave bricks in our paths but these bricks that the mistakes leave can very well be considered stepping stones for us to rise higher in life. Every event that occurs within this life can be looked on as a needed event; we should never damn an occurrence within our lives because once we do that we will not see the benefit that we may gain from the event. Nothing happens without reason, it just takes a calm and collective person to see that much. Doors open in life all of the time but we need to recognized a situation as a door when it does open. Always look towards the positive and use your mistakes as catalyst for personal growth. Use the mistakes for a tool of illumining so that your dharma will be realized and your happiness will be gain. All events which have occurred in the past are events that were meant to happen and they each can be thought of as tools for growth and strengthening.


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