Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky. Imagine all the people Living for today... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

What if there wasn’t a God in existence that judged us in such ways that we would ether go to heaven or hell. Imagine if there really wasn’t a physical place called heaven or hell for us to go to at all. What if we could live a life in which the day that we found ourselves in was the only day that we’d live for? Imagine a world which left us no reasons to judge and hate each other. Imagine that.

Imagine there's no countries. It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too. Imagine all the people Living life in peace... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Just use your imagination to the fullest and imagine a world with no countries existed. Imagine a world with no religions and no governments. Imagine a world with nothing in existence which is right and wrong to prove and nothing in existence to claim for one’s own. Imagine that for a moment for me.

Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger. A brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people. Sharing all the world... (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

Imagine if no one ever claimed anything or anyone for there own. Imagine a world that Love was the driving force for our lives instead of fear. Imagine happiness was a feeling that we actually wished for all, regardless of who and what they were. Imagine a world where all of earth’s resources were shared with all. Everyone whom lived always has at lease 3 square meals a day and shelter without worry.

You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one….. (Lyrics from Song called Imagine by John Lennon)

I truly want all to sit somewhere by yourself, close your eyes and try and imagine all that I’ve stated so far. For one moment simply let go of all that you may hold dear and just imagine. Let go of your social statues, let go of your claimed ethnicity and let go of the religions that you may identify yourselves with. Just imagine a world with no expectations but love, no judgments but greatness and no lack of what is needed for basic survival. Imagine everybody embracing love; imagine a world of people that don’t expect anything out of each other, just use your imagination and see what you come up with when you do. What a world it would be, just imagine. Imagine the Oneness between us all. Imagine what this world would become if we just allowed each other to be happy and joyous. No attachments and no limitations, everyone is allowed and able to be around whatever, and whoever brings joy out of them without any worries. Know that this is possible in our imaginations and also know that all reality actually starts with imagination, something won’t be changed if the change isn’t imagined first. Imagine a world which one is able to view God and Self as they please without being called any negative names or chastised in any way. Imagine if we were all able to all be “receivers” and “giver” all the same. Imagine if all difference were respected and never feared. Just imagine for a second longer before you return to the “real world”. Just sit back and imagine; imagine these thoughts as reality before you return to the reality that is already at hand.

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