Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Arguing is a foolish act!

To come to a realization of an insight is something great. I've just stumbled on one and I think I will share it. The beginning of the insight came from me taking part in the most foolish act that anyone could take part in, arguing.

About a month ago I was having a discussion with an individual about religion and spiritually. While this individual spoke for one reason or another I felt obligated to let him know about aspects of what he was saying which I simply didn't agree with. From that I became a target, I was asked questions and every time I stated my disagreeing with a view point I was argued at. I then felt it within myself (my ego) to simply defend my belief's. As I did this, I never discredited the person's belief's to whom I spoke to, I simply told him that I simply didn't see it the way he did. I even said that I could be wrong in what I feel and believe but the fact of a matter does remains; I am a stronger, wiser, more loving, more respecting, more forgiving, and more Godlier person because of the way I think and because of the things I believe in. I am an open minded person that takes insight from all types of spiritual practices and sciences and I love every bit of it. I am pretty humble when it comes to other people's belief's and I never try to convert someone so that they will see things exactly the way I do. I just enjoy spreading self empowerment and love because I see the oneness and I believe in happiness. One may say that there isn't really anything wrong with me speaking up for what I believe when it comes to me. I mean, I didn't try to convert the guy so that he would see things my way, I even told him to keep up his spiritual practice but I was very, very wrong in the way I went about the whole situation.

As soon as I spoke to discredit this person's belief's I did a very, unGodlike, unlove like, egoic thing. I mean it really doesn't matter if anyone sees things the way I do in its exact form. I actually like it better that way. Its the only way I can learn new things from others. Someone has to see things differently then me and I have to realize that I could be wrong in my beliefs and simply keep quiet.

Truth is truth regardless of what me or anyone else says. Does a person need to defend the fact that a baby is young? Does anyone need to defend the fact that we live on planet earth? NO, because truth will be truth regardless. True is to vast, it is to REAL and it doesn't need anyone to defend it. There is another truth too, one the evaded me when I had this conversation. I believe what I believe because as of now it is truth to me and it has helped me in life. Why defend this? Why even speak on it? I enjoy helping others. I want to see people happy, I want to see joy in every one's face that I come across and a lot of times in order to get that I need to throw my believes in the background. If they are truth they will be true when the conversation is over. If they are helping me in life then they will continue to. I really don't need to defend any of this. I really don't

I was called things that I didn't appreciate within this conversation and I was wrong for responding to them. When I responded, I made those things real. I was called "not of God" and in that moment in time I wasn't of God at all. This person has a real passion for his beliefs and he gains this joy in his eyes when he speaks on it. That right there should have been enough for me to keep my month shut. I should have simply allowed him to talk and just agreed and spoke on things that I did agree with. Like I said, if my belief's are truth, they would have been truth regardless of what I could or would say.

Today when a similar conversation arose I kept quiet. I allowed this person to gain his joy when he spoke on his beliefs and I agreed with him when he truly said things that I agreed with. When he questioned me I did say that I didn't agree but quickly said that I didn't do as much research on the subject as he did so I really had no right to speak on the subject. I left it at that and things turned out a lot better. A person was within the happy zone and I played a part in it. This person was beaming with the love of God and I allowed him to beam. I even told him that I would look into some of the stuff he spoke of. When I do get around to looking into these things, I will do it with love in my heart and an open mind. I will not look into it in order to discredit this person's beliefs in any way. I will not ever, ever, look into or try and learn anything for the sheer purpose of discrediting any one's religion, philosophies, belief's or whatever. I will never have it in me to defend one belief over the other because I simply will not prepare myself for that. I won't do that for my ego; I will not glorify it anymore. Insight can come from foolish acts so I believe that a person who allows another to do something foolish is a loving person. Why deny them of that life lesson? Why have them weaker then they would have been in the first place? My sheer purpose is to love and to enjoy life. To serve God by serving the Love that is within me and allowing it to shine. Anyone who ever participates in an argument for any reason is a fool in the first power. This life lesson is actually something I knew already but its good to gain insights none the less. Real is real regardless, allow, love, stay quiet so that you may learn and always know that we are all One in this thing called love.


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