Friday, January 28, 2011

Who Am I?

"Who am I" He said before he gave way to the truth of the matter. "Why have you done such a thing to me? To ask me to do those things which don't bring me joy?" To sit in a rooom and be told that I need to work hard all my life? To be told that I ned to obtain a cetain grade average to be accepted as intelligent?

But there is a whole world within me waiting to be born. I may not enjoy your schools and your classes and I may not understand why you fight so hard to have me take a certain path. Because my path was laid out before me; even before I came into this physical format. So why do you try and fit me in a mold? I am just not cookie cutter enough to go there. I don't belong and if this is the way of he world then why am I even a part of it? Why don't you just allow me to choose for my liking? Why not ask me what path I wold like to take? The world needs this shine which I am holding within, but you told me not to let it out because you fear that it may not be accepted. why do you care if I take my own path or not in life? I have to wake up every morning and face my life not yours. And I was implanted a want before I was even told what to do. I know why I am but now I am confused. You ask me to be something that I just am not. You tell me that if I don't conform then I could be then end of my own legacy. But what legacy am I to uphold? One that was told to me or the one that I was truly TOLD? The one that I was TOLD was relayed to me by something far more advanced than anything you could think up in your own intellect. Why must I shed the tears of my forefathers when they have fought for my freedom? My freedom to think chose and be. Who am I to this world? And if the world had its say it wold say "I am nothing because I simply don't see it that way"
So if you are in a position as such don't pay the world any mind. You know who you are? You are divine, a god of all gods, a son, a daughter, and a child of the most high. You are love, you are loved and you are the one who decides what is to be within your life. Make the decision of Love and live life to the fullest!!!

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