Monday, December 27, 2010

Lets Love For 2011

The New Year is a pond us and for a great resolution we should simply be more loving. Lets enjoy each other and love others even if the other doesn't made decisions that we may understand. Lets realize that love is the answer to all of our problems, love is the solution to all of our issues and love is the way to happiness. Lets love instead of judging. Lets not push our rules and ways on others, lets not look down on others because they don't agree with the way we perceive things. Whether be republican or democrat, Christian, Muslim or atheist. Whether be gay or straight, man or woman, black or white, son or daughter, we all have something in common and that thing is love. It is something that lives within each and every one of us and it isn't hard to come in contact with. Lets help bring the loving aspect of each other out instead of the fear. Lets become more humble, reverent and accepting. If one is loved one is trusted. If one is loved one is encourage. If one is loved one is accepted on an unconditional level. Its okay if you don't agree with everything that I utter but know that I still want to be loved. If one judges on the basis of fear then that individual is driven by that very fear. So for this New Year, lets simply love. Love is empowering and fear is disabling. Lets love and lets take a chance for happiness. Why dwell in the known? Why stay in that same place? Why not grow and evolve to the next and better you? Look within always. Never follow someone blindly and don't expect some book, person or TV show to give you all of the answers to life. Know that if you desire something within live and you have a knowing that the desire will manifest the universe is conspiring in your favor to make that desire so.

Within this year I've gone through alot of changes. I've had scares that would make me think my life would end as I knew it. I've had loses that would make me think that God Herself was against me but at the end of the day it was love that brought me out of those dark pits. For 2011 I plan on becoming more patient with others, more understanding, and less egoic. No more do I have anything to prove, no more will I sit and not radiate all that I am. No more will I play foolish games in the name of fear, no more.

If you want something, go and get it. Don't let fear stop you. If you desire a certain relationship or certain individuals in your life go and make it so. Don't allow fear to hinder this. Fear will turn life into literal hell if it is allowed to run things. So for 2011 I want all to live from love and not fear. Lets make love so; do your best and never give up. Simply radiate love for this new year. For a while I was without a computer but since I have one now I will be writing on this blog more often. I am looking forward to going deep within then writing and sharing. So with love and joy I am wishing all a great New Year to come and always know that we are all ONE.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Moon River

Moon River, wider than a mile....I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world..... There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end-- waiting 'round the huckleberry friend, Moon River.... and me. (From the song Moonriver)

In this world of strife and ambition there is a moon river that we all desire to see and cross. Its full of our dreams and aspirations, its full of our opportunities to be dream makers and heart breakers for all who can't seem to realize the true aspects of life which are of love, change and growth. To understand that my life is of love and the joy of it is located in this moon river is a great understanding to posses.

Within this moon river is where my dreams are, I drift off into these waters within my mind and I envision my beloved, we're drifting towards our dreams not having a care in the world. This moon river is what I envision when I feel a little down. Instead of facing the ground I look up towards the moon and I know that when I do take flight I will reach it. I can walk its surface and as I walk I'll reach this river then I will be able to cross it with all its dreams and joy. After this river is crossed I will be able to travel the planet below as I see fit with just not a care in the world; with me as I travel my beloved will be. My beloved and I both want to reach the same rainbows end because its an end which dictates a true beginning for us both which is of nothing but love. Also, the beginning of a dream as well. This river may seem unattainable but then as I invite my beloved to travel this river with me we both know that we can attain and achieve anything that we put our minds and our hearts to.

Moon river, waitin round the huckleberry friend and I.
Its time for us to see.....
everything we dream, we're just a little team, dreaming of the dreams.... that... we could never..... forget.
Moon river, its time for us to go, please be with me the whole way there.
When we envision.... our love, nothing but the wind, my huckleberry friend. waiting for no end, this... river's... the dream

Just drift into the river and allow the love that you have within you to flow as it may.Its filled with the dreams and aspirations that we all seem to keep bottled up within us at one point or another. Dream like a child and never let it end; never become to serious about life. Just dream, love and within that love and dream, fly. Fly so that you may reach the moon river of your dreams. Then as you cross this river never allow that feeling that you've gained to leave you. Remain as a child; dream, then achieve. No matter how silly the dream may seem to others. KEEP IT ALIVE!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spilling of words

What is located below is literally a spilling of words. Three poems with no names has spilled out of my intellect waiting to be shared. I don't know what any of them would mean and I don't even know if they would make any kind of since to anyone who would read them. But as I sat here in this chair in front of this computer on this Sunday evening something occurred with me. These words came through me and as it occurred I just stayed with the flow of it all. I began to write without a purpose, I wrote and I wrote and when I thought I was done I wrote some more. So with that being said I do hope you enjoy. I don't know if anything said will offend anyone but if anyone who comes across this knows me personally, they would know that I only hope to spread love to all. I want all to be a self expression of what they feel is true to themselves. I don't even know if I agree with every single word or message that is written in the poems below but just know that I did enjoy writing them, don't take anything said to heart, look within as you read and keep an open mind. ENJOY THE SPILLING OF WORDS! There was no insightful point to these writings, I didn't have an aim to share as I usually do when I post blogs but I believe something will unfold within each person as they read these three poems.........
Whether you are a sinner or saint, a killer or lover of life, teller of truth or lies, whether you bask in the light or skulk in the darkness, it doesn’t matter because in reality you are all the all. If you can’t claim yourself a sinner you will never be a saint. If you can’t claim yourself a killer you could never be a lover of life. If you can’t claim yourself a liar, you will never know what its like to tell the truth. Contrast is within; any perception of reality comes from within as well. Nothing is separate or outside of our true being. Nothing comes into this world that doesn’t first come through you. If you are able to perceive a person being murdered then you are able and willing if your situation was as such to murder too. So why do you judge the sinner but praise the saint? Why would you judge the branch but praise the twinge when they are from the same tree? Open up and see, realize and recognize. You are everything that you see and everything that you experience because life in itself is an experience. With all of this known, then comes the illusion. Sinning and saintliness is an illusion. Being an Ender of life or lover of life is an illusion. Light and darkness is an illusion. They are but labels that the ego uses to define a moment in the illusion called time so that it may understand and maybe gain control. Even so and as a matter of fact, control is an illusion too. But there is one thing that remains and this one element is the only factual aspect within the whole of the universe. Now brace yourself because whatever you believed before, know that LOVE is all that exist. Not the act of being a “lover of life” but LOVE and LOVE alone. We live to be happy and that can only come from and through LOVE. Everything else that you have adapted yourself worth to is worth nothing, they are illusions. So realize that all of those illusions which I have named are being made manifest by and through you and LOVE is the only truth. Through the truth of LOVE peace will find you and also, you will realize and then become WHOLE.

You think you are better then me because you are Christian and I am not? You think you will make it to heaven without me because you belong to Islam and I don’t? Or do you think that you are more so on a higher level of consciousness because you choose not to believe in that “myth” called God and I do? Well, let me tell you something Christian man, let me set the records straight for you Muslim woman, let me show you something that is more “solid” then what you science can prove mister Atheist. If life was a boat, the three of you would be in it together and have an oar each. You would be rowing together through the same waters and not even know it. You boast that your way is better then mine, you claim that you are part of the chosen; you feel that I am a fool for having faith in God. But all along and no matter how much you all fight, know that you are fighting for an illusion in your efforts. If you aren’t fighting for LOVE then you fight for nothing. Nothing else exists but LOVE. The wind blows through the trees with the intent of love. The sun shines down on the earth with the intent of love. The birds sore through the sky with the intent of love, the lungs take in air with the intent of love. So as you claim being a Christian is of love but then you say that the Muslim is going to hell. And you over there, you want to express the peaceful wisdom of the last prophet but deep within you feel that the “infidels” must die. So you say that you’ve help to extend human life with all of your scientific discoveries but something in you wishes that all of them bible thumping, fairytale believing fools would walk off of a cliff and just get out of the way. What is wrong with this picture? Knowing that you want to be loved, when you feel that a lover has betrayed you the three of you feel the same way. When you feel that a loved one’s life is being threatened, the three of you want to protect them in the same. When you feel that you are about to lose the love of your lives, the three of you try to cling, just as you are, the three of you are all the same. But no matter how many scriptures you can recite, no matter how well you feel you know the Quran, no matter how many scientific formulas you know, just know this, without love you would be no more. You feel that you are special and you feel that you have found the way. But in finding the way you have lost yourself. If you don’t know how to look at yourself and then look within yourself you will never find true love and you will continue to search. Why search for something and continue to look outside when everything you need is within? You will never be content, you will never be happy and you will never find peace. Love is the way period and love in its truest form is located within your hearts. Come to that realization then also realize that you, the atheist, the Muslim and the Christian are One. Realize it now before you kill yourselves for the hope of maintaining an illusion. ONLY LOVE EXIST!

Between you and me there is an ocean. It is a vast body of water that separates my truth from yours. I am in a state of love, but this ocean stands as is, ready to erupt into a prodigious wave ready to crash down on your beauty and your grace. It feels like you are miles away and I miss you so much. My heart aches because of this ocean; it makes me want to kill myself. I don’t feel as if life is worth this, being so far away from you. I want to touch you, caress you and feel you from within. But this damn ocean is too vast and I don’t know how to swim. I wish I could drink these evil waters so that I am able to come to you. Or maybe I could do like Moses and put a part in these waters so that I could start and then continue to walk. But it was the faith that Moses used to have his way meant. To free God’s people it took the kind of faith that could make oceans part. This is the insight, the lesson to be healed and I know that even though it seems as if these damned waters would forever keep us apart. The faith that I have in our love will make them split for us. So as I wait for you, I do maintain my faith. I have faith in this love for you, as strong as it may be. I feel as if it will swallow me whole at any moment but so what because I do condone. I would call on the pain and yell for the suffering if this is what it takes to be with my beloved. And as I just said, the soothing sound of your voice is all I ask for. Just one more moment with you is all I desire. I love you like a fire which will engulf my world completely. Please come back to me. Please, I would walk on hot coals for you. And then that is when it occurred. After listening to all of the sad love songs and shedding all of the tears I come to realize that the waters which separate us also keep us as One. For all it is worth, we are made of these waters. They have parted a walkway for us but that wasn’t even necessary. They have been made in a way for the drinking but why would I care? You and I are One within these waters. The waters represent the mind and the chasm which they are in represents the lies. But love is like flight and with that we are reached. This love that I possess connects me with you more intimately and our fates are intertwined. We are these waters and with that, we are LOVE! I love you, I await you and I know that your essence is found within my heart. As soon as I look to my heart, my wait will be no more and you will be with me for ever so.

So there you have it, a spilling of words


Friday, October 22, 2010

My demon's experience

A True story?

As I lay in my bed that seemingly, peaceful night I felt tiredness well up in me and my eyes began to become too heavy for me to keep open. This was a good thing being the fact that I needed to wake up the following morning invigorated and ready for class. But on this night, as peaceful as it seemed it would turn out to be anything but a simple peaceful night. In that moment, as I lay, I was in peace and moments later I had dosed off. That is as long as the peace for me would last because for some reason within a few minutes later I was awaked by a loud, awful yell. When I came to it felt more like this yell was an individual screaming violently at another. As I lay there in my bed and because of the yell I became totally awake and following, totally aware. I realized then that a neighbor of mine was yelling violently at her son. By not much choice I began listening to the screaming and heard all types of profane statements flying out of my neighbor’s mouth. I thought to myself that I’ve in my now 32 years of life had never spoken to a human being in such a sadistic manner; it really was that bad. I did hear bits and peaces of the child whom was getting yelled at. He made these small sounds which sounded like a whimpering, lost, cold puppy. While that was going on I heard a smack and I the cry of the child followed; witnessing this in the manner that I was made me feel so uneasy. I really wanted to run to the child and stand over him, I wanted to break the door down to my neighbor’s house and somehow shield the child from all that was coming at him but I knew deep in my heart that at the time there wasn’t much I could do to help. In about a few minutes later all was silent and I was left with such an uneasy feeling. About 20 minutes after that I dosed off with tears in my eyes.

It seemed like ten minutes had passed since I witnessed an innocent child being verbally abused but for some reason following my eyes flew open. I’d become wide awake but I’d awoken to a very unpleasant surprise. The surprise which I was awoken to actually felt as if something was holding me down with plenty of strength and vigor but it was dark so that I couldn’t see anything. I did how ever feel these hands pulling me down, they were slowly pulling me down off of my bed and in the direction of the floor. I attempted to move and felt surprisingly no fear in me at all. Something which felt full of light came over me and at that moment, and more so then ever I knew who and what I was and I knew that whatever was pulling on me could not cause harm to me. I called out, “Get off of me!” and I struggled under the weight of this force in an attempt to free myself. With all of that struggling it seemed as if my efforts were useless so in the next moment I decided to simply relax. Then next I was actually off the bed and was slowly being placed onto the floor. It felt as if I was floating but I was floating downward. In about three seconds later I was down on the floor and then in the next moment I was literally being pulled through the floor. This turn of events confused me and also angry me. I still had no fear within me but there was still this anger and it was gaining momentum. It felt as if this anger was flowing through my veins, making me feeling utterly hot (anger is an aspect of fear, so that being said I wasn’t afraid but I guess I did have “fear” within me). I decided to try and get lose again so I began shifting and with the shifting I struggled some more. As I shifted I glanced over to my side and within the darkness I could vaguely see my arm disappearing into the floor. It was funny because I couldn’t even feel the floor as my arm made contact with it and then found its way through. The weirdest thing about the situation was that I actually couldn’t even physically feel anything that was happening to me. As a matter of fact I kind of felt like I was still lying in my bed, I felt awake and aware but I felt as if I was still under the covers in my bed, it was the most confusing feeling in the world, it actually felt as confusing as it sounds. So with me in the struggle and me not even gaining a physical feeling of what was happening to me, out of nowhere something else came over me which felt like even more light and love and at that moment all of the anger which I had within me was converted into acceptance. As soon as this happen I actually said out loud, “do what you need to do but I know you can’t hurt me and you are not REAL!” then with that acceptance and new serenity on my side I closed my eyes with literally no fear in me what so ever (not even anger). The next moment I found myself waking up; still laying in my bed just as if I hadn’t undergone anything out of the norm. But there was something that was still occurring, as I opened my eyes I saw these white faces and they looked as if they were some type of strange ghostly figures simply floating above me with hate in their glares. “You aren’t real.” I said quietly as I jumped up and grabbed at the faces. As soon as my hands made contact with them they simply disappeared. When all was back to normal I slowly settled back down and allowed my mind to cogitate for a few minutes. Soon after I dosed off and into a dream which was simply more pleasant then what I had just underwent.

Now I would love to hear what anyone who comes across what I just wrote above things about what I underwent that night. I know I put a question mark in front of the “true story” toping that I place before I wrote about my experience but let me just make myself clear, I REALLY DID GO THROUGH THE EXPERIENCE AND JUST LAST WEEK TOO. The thing is; I have an opinion on why I went through what I had and I also have an opinion on what exactly the force which held me down and those faces were. To be quiet blunt, I truly do believe that I was dealing with demons that night. Now before you get all excited let me just tell you that to this day I don’t believe in Satan, hell or demons that live outside of us waiting to take our souls. I think that to believe in such mythology is no different then believe in Zeus and Hades. But I do believe in a darkness that does live within us all.

We live in a universe of contrast, this means we live in a place which opposites do and must exist. I believe that things are in the way that they are for our benefit because if we didn’t have something called darkness we wouldn’t be able to experience light. We would “know” light but we wouldn’t be able to experience light. Just like joy and pain, without pain we can’t experience joy, we have to know what pain is to experience joy and life IS and needs to be an experience. Before time even existed (because we created time) there was just “being”. This being is what I call God and this being had all of us a part of it just as it does now. We and God were One and the same just as we are now but there was only God and nothing else. So God couldn’t experience God unless God had contrast. This is why God split and made different parts and aspects of itself so from that one idea the universe was born. Scientist calls this event the big bang theory because it was a big bang which made manifest the universe. Now I want you to think of it like this for clarity; when you have an idea doesn’t it feel like something “hit” you? Sometimes when I gain a realization my head physically goes back a bit. I feel as if I was just “hit” with something, I feel as if an explosion just occurred within my mind, I feel as if a “big bang” occurred. This is what happened in the beginning when God created the universe (so you see, religious books and science tell the same story, just in a different way so they (some religious leaders and some scientist) need to stop fighting with each other and see that they are both about the same thing). That idea which made the universe so was the contrast idea and from that moment on God and all the parts of God was able to not only know but experience what it meant to exist.

Contrast is the reason why “evil” energy exists but this evil energy doesn’t exist outside of us, its all in us. So whether you call it fear, Satan, demons, the dark side or whatever it is something that is in existence within you. It is there so that you can experience things like joy, happiness and love (God) and this is the only reason that it does exist. Demons can exist in a physical form and so can Satan but it has to be us to make it so within the mind first. The mind is an amazing tool and it can manifest physical objects and beings out of just thought (there is a science that actually studies phenomenon as such; I probably will go into that more in another post). One could even be hypnotized into thinking that a piece of ice is hot as coal so when they touch it, the ice would actually leave burn marks on their skin. Some people NEED to believe in Satan in order to believe in God and they will fight you down to the bone if you say that Satan isn’t real because without Satan they feel as if they can’t experience God. I never try and take the Satan experience away from those people because I want them to be able to experience God since God is love but if I’m asked do I believe in Satan I quickly say no. I don’t like the Satan idea because it puts a personality on darkness thus making it seem that this darkness is outside of us. In doing that it make it seem that this darkness has power over us whether we give it the power or not and this darkness is out to get our soul. THE PURPOSE OF SATAN IS CONTRAST; IT IS IN EXISTENCE SO THAT GOD CAN BE EXPERINCE, NOT TO HURT US AND STEAL OUR SOULS. The darkness that others acknowledge as Satan is acknowledged as me by simple darkness or the dark side. In doing this I know that this is something that is apart of me and that lives IN ME, I don’t give it a personality (when we give things personal names we give them personalities) and I don’t make it out to be some person. I am the darkness that is within me, I am this darkness but I am also light. This is the way I look at it and this is why I was able to get rid of the demons that “attacked” me with ease and without harm. I knew that they were nothing but a physical representation of a dark vibe which dictated helplessness and imprisonment which exist within me.

As a child growing up I felt helpless. I was afraid of just about everything and everyone. I was afraid to express myself, I was afraid to simply be and I felt weak. I had “demons” within me but didn’t realize it and during this period of fear I never faced them. Because of this I was helpless and I was held down. I missed a lot of the normal activities that kids gain because of this fear because of it. I never went to parties, I never dated as a kid, I didn’t participate in anything in high school, I did nothing but radiate fear. Then as I grew older I knew that if I wanted to live I needed to change. I started to read more and I started to get more serious with my spiritual side. Following I got to “remember” God and I gain strength. But as a kid I also had an experience with a demon. It actually knocked hard on my window and said, “whose in there!!? It was a night as I lay in my bed as a kid some years back. I was about 13 years old and I was so afraid at that moment that I convulsed. That was all of that gathered fear that I had within me and also back then I did believe in a hell, and Satan and demons so it wasn’t too hard for my mind to manifest that aspect of me into reality. Now, even though there is a small part of me that does believe in such things like demons running around outside of me (if I didn’t have this belief then I wouldn’t of had the demon experience) I know who and what I am and I know that creatures like demons are not real in an outside prospective.

I have a good connection with children because I have never left the “child” aspect of me behind. This becomes evident to anyone who sees how children are around me. They(children) jump around and they play, they are happy and they tell me things that they would never tell any other adults (even adults that are much younger then me). They feel the childlike vibe coming off of me and they know that I’m not going to hit them, punish them or judge them. They know that I don’t look down on them and I don’t think that I am wiser or better then them in any aspect, this gives me an opportunity to help them like other adults cannot because they are open to me in a way that I can feel them. This is why I connected with that child that night and this is why I had the experience with the demons. I felt helpless just as the child did when the person that he loved the most in the world came at him in such a hateful way. I remembered how it was for me to live in fear of myself as a child (not because my parents yelled at me in a violent manner because they didn’t but because the world actually did). From that and because I was connected to a vibe of powerless entrapment the demons came. They came from MY darkness. When my mind became the radiate with light of God it caused me to not become fearful and also to overcome the demons with ease. I know now that I am a child of God; I know that I am One with God and that God is always with me. Knowing that and know that God is all that exist gives me the wisdom to know that those demons couldn’t have been real and so after a few moments they weren’t. It feels good to have these knowings. It gives me confidence and these knowings also gives me enough insight to lend a helping had out to others. So in closing, my experience is as I wrote and my belief still stands strong. I feel that if I did believe in outside demons, those very demons more then likely would have been able to inflict physical harm and fear onto me. Love is the answer, love is the way and there is no way in “hell” that a child should have to undergo what that child did on that night not to long ago and I don’t care what he did ether before. Children are perfect and children are love but most of all, children are HUMAN. They are not some lower class citizen that are meant to be talked down on or verbally abused because they’ve done something that some adult doesn’t understand. If I see a child being abused I will stand up for them (as I have in the past and man did I catch a wrath for it). Our little ones need someone to stand up for them and since I STILL FEEL AS IF AM ONE OF THEM I will be that person. Use love, not fear to reach and understand others. If you don’t you may just help to manifest demons for them.


Our children come through us, not for us. They are life longing for itself. Remember that!

Remember this, FEEL THE POWER!

In a world which so much exist; to have a closed mind on any aspect of it is to have a mind that is closed off to the whole of this amazing world? As a matter of fact; we are the world (that statement which I just made is more then a lyric in an old, popular song. It is truth!), we are a part of this world and this world is what we make it out to be so if we close our minds to any aspect of this world we are closing our minds to a great part of ourselves thus making it harder for us to understand who and what we truly are. In saying this I will also say that we shouldn’t live “of” the world ether. This means living life in a way that coincides with the ways of this world. We should look within and live by those standards instead, not the standards of this world because the world outside of us isn’t the “true” world at all. The inner world is the truth; this is the world that we should live “of”. Nothing which happens in this world that is true is a part from us anyway. We are connected to this world in a way that is so intimate that it would be hard for me to verbally express or describe.

Heaven and hell are two places in the same, they both are in the same location, it’s just the perception of the two the makes them different. Heaven is anywhere which God (love) exist and hell is simply a place which God does not exist. There isn’t a place in existence which God is not. God is omnipresent which means God is literally everywhere all of the time. So hell really doesn’t exist because there isn’t a place where God is not. So in me saying that hell isn’t real you might be wondering why I would have said right before that statement that heaven and hell are in the same place. The reason I said that hell and heaven are in the same place is because basically you can look at heaven as light and hell as darkness. The light and the darkness exist in the same places but darkness cannot exist where there is light. If you go into a dark room and turn on the light the dark basically converts to light. It (the darkness) doesn’t go run off and hide somewhere, as a matter of fact it doesn’t move, it just turns into light. The light shows the truth and the truth about a room could be that it had within it a bed and desk. But the darkness tells a lie because even though the desk and the bed were always in the room the darkness made it appear as if those things weren’t there, the darkness makes it look like nothing but darkness was in the room which is a lie within itself. So there it is for all to understand. To become enlightened or awaken (or saved or whatever term you deem to use) is to become aware of the truth. To live in fear (or hell) is to live in an illusion world (to live a lie).

We are born enlightened, we are born perfect and we are born beautiful. We are born divine and we are also born ALIVE. Nothing really needs to be done to achieve any of these things because we simply were born of them. I always tell people to let children know that whatever anyone else tells them or whatever they hear to know that they were born perfect and perfect is what they will always remain. Some people seem to enjoy telling children that they were born flawed or born sinners. Let me ask you a question. When you see a baby laying in her crib does that baby look like a sinner to you? Does that baby look like anything is wrong with him? Does she look like she is going to rob, cheat, or do you wrong anytime soon? Or does that baby look like the most perfect gift from God? It is such a fallacious idea to think that a baby is a sinner or a baby is flawed but babies are ready to learn all that it can about the world that it finds itself in. If you start the baby’s life off with telling it that it is a sinner it will adapt this idea and then it will become a SINNER. A baby is Love and that means a baby is GOD. A baby is a perfect example of God’s greatest work, a baby is a perfect example of God’s beauty and grace and just like all of us a baby is a part of God. Now God is so awesome that any part of Him is awesome as well. Any part of Him need it be a very small part is all powerful and all knowing. It is just as awesome as the whole; this is how awesome God is. Now let me ask you another question. Don’t you think that a person would maintain happiness easier and achieve greater feats if this person felt that he or she were Love and would always be Loved no matter who or what they became then if they were told that they were born sinners and had to act a certain way in order to be accept by society, you, or God? Now try this one for size, what if you told a person that they were literally a part of the energy and intelligence that made this universe. Then tell that person that any part of this unlimited energy is all power. I think a person who knew this as fact would KNOW that they would be able to achieve ANYTHING they put their mind to thus causing them to gain the power to achieve greatness. True spiritually is solely about SELF EMPOWERMENT! To know that the strength and power to overcome any obstacle or to achieve any gain is located within is freedom, true knowledge and true all out POWER.

Love is everlasting and it is all accepting. It isn’t necessary to give love anything, it isn’t necessary to worship Love or act a certain way for Love because Love is UNCONDITIONAL. The word unconditional means “under ANY conditions” period. Life is tough enough because we do live in a fear based society and we want to be loved. We are Love, we are a part of God, we are always connected to God so we ARE one with God (just as Jesus said about himself right before he said “you are apart of me, I am apart of you and I am apart of my Father (God). What do you think he meant?). So there it is; I just wanted to speak of these things because sometimes we forget (because we all come into this world knowing these things but we do tend to forget). Spread this message and watch heaven manifest here on earth because earth is where heaven truly is anyway. Once we all “turn on the light” which is located within us we will all see the heaven that is and has always been right in front of us all along.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goddess of Love

It was a jolt of energy, a shock that ran up my spine when she kissed me. Her kiss is like heaven, an utter divine experience, one that could only manifest itself from love. With a sexual experience, this feeling isn’t even so, is it because I’ve never had a sexual experience with her or is it because the experiences that I’ve had were lacking what they should have been? There’s no way to truly know but with her this wouldn’t have been so. So for its worth, she to me is love, she lives in my heart and she walks the earth in a physical form as well. She is a aspect of God and also a goddess in ways which are hardly understood. But then you ask me questions like who she is? You say how are you able to meet her and gain the same experience that I have from a simple kiss? And from that statement I tell you this, look at yourself, look within your heart and feel that love. That love is God plain and simple, if you align yourself with that energy, then she will come to you as she has for me. She will glisten and she will shine. She will radiate all of the great parts of you; she will show you your strengths, your purposes, and your beauty and grace. I promise you that if you open yourself up, she will come. She is already in your presence and she is simply waiting for you to open yourself up for her, please allow her to enter you so that she isn’t made to wait any longer.

When the clouds cleared the sky and the rain stopped falling I was able to see what my life truly was. A mess of things to be quiet frank and yes I was alone. But then as the clouds dissipated I saw the sun. I knew that the clouds could never put out the sun, it is impossible and the heat of this sun was finally felt. My happiness is that shine and she is that sun to me. She is love and she is joy. She knows who she is so a name isn’t needed but yes, she does exist. It seems as if she would be a fairy tale, a legend, something of the fictional world. But the thing is this life is but a fictional tale without her essence. I love her so and she remains with me even if it feels that she’s not. Why would I write this, why would I say this? She is my beloved, just as God is. She is my purpose, my dream and my strength. For weeks I’ve seen her in my dreams. For months I’ve carried this burden but yet as I see, an awakening is occurring for me right now. My evolution is still occurring and it is time for me to move forward. It’s in the worrying that she wouldn’t return which keeps me at bay but this bay is too big to stay on the shore line. I need to cast of and be on my way. Times are hard but only because I’ve made them this way. My heart is full of love and she is that goodness whom clutches it. My eyes were once full of tears of pain, but now its tears of joy. She knows who she is and she does live in my heart. We all have her within us, this divine goddess but we must allow her beauty to become for the truth of her is at hand. We must allow and be thankful when she does so that a heaven on earth will manifest for us as well. Her kisses are better then any sexual experiences with another because she is the one. She is the one, we are all One and God is love. There isn’t much else I can say but this one last thing; when a flower blossoms into a blush it is within its most beautiful stage but with this goddess her blossom is forever so this stage never ends for her. Everlasting, forever and always with me she will be and also for you too if you allow. She is a goddess, a piece of the One true God and also, she is love. I love her so and I always will.


Work should be fun

If your job consists of you looking at your watch as soon as you get in hoping time will fly by so that you can get out of there or if you simply dread Mondays because they’re the beginning of the work week do the world a favor it quit the job now. Pursue a job that is fulfilling, manifest a dream career for yourself; don’t waste life in positions that you dread or dislike because life is suppose to be fun (and that goes for work too). If you don’t enjoy the work you do that isn’t making a living, it’s making a dying (it takes more then breathing to live). Its time for us all to start making a living and simply do what we love, stop chasing money around like it’s god, if you concentrate on pursuing your purpose with your work the money will chase you. LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN!

So make it a purpose for yourself, know that if a job is needed in the world there is someone out there who would truly love and enjoy doing it so if you are at a job that you don’t like you are taking up someone else’s position. If you are at a work position simply to have a job or just because it gives a paycheck you are at the job for the wrong reasons. For well over half my adult life I’ve gone from job to job in search of happiness. Then one day I woke up, I knew that I was on a treadmill with my situation and would stay on it if I didn’t change something. My loves for work aren’t the most popular when it comes to the stable type jobs (with benefits, a union and such) but they are my loves never the less. Some people don’t understand why I’m putting forth so much to pursue these careers but I know and understand that this is my life’s experience, not theirs. I feel truly joyful because I am back in school and I love it. I see a future which consists of me going to work with a smile on my face and not wanting to leave as soon as I get there and that future feels my heart with joy. As children we dream up some of the most fun careers but then we live in a fear based society which is all about ambition. This society steers us away from our dreams and purposes for its purpose only and sometimes in this steer we tend to forget what our dreams and purposes were in the first place. The easiest way to tell if your job is your purpose is to ask yourself would you do the job for free, if the answer is no then you are in the wrong line of work point blank.

I really enjoy helping people and I love fitness. I help people with fitness goals for free all of the time and I love it. I love helping people see who and what they truly are (love and strength) in any regard. This is why I am in school for personal training and after this schooling is done I am going to get a certification in life coaching. I also love to write so this is why I am pursuing a writing career as well. My loves aren’t city jobs, they aren’t jobs with double over time pay or jobs with great retirement plans but they are the jobs that I feel I was put on this planet to do. I wish all would do this within themselves, pursue a love not a “need” because we truly “need” nothing. We already have everything that is needed within ourselves already. We are the need that we look for, we ourselves are that job, we are that happiness and we all have a purpose to fulfill within this life. Lets get it done and do just that, lets inspire our children to pursue whatever it is that they love even if we don’t understand why (this aspect of it all is very important because this is where the lie begins, with the children). This is what its all away, the love of it not the need of it.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Everlasting life and happiness!!!

Life is everlasting and will always be. To think otherwise is to think of something that is just a fallacy within itself. Because of the fallacious thought, people tend to take life too damn serious. We (people) hold ourselves back from taking steps that would determine our ultimate happiness because of mental walls and blocks that we have thrown up. This thing called life is simply a big game and this game was meant to be played for the joy of it. It (this life) is only a small step in the whole scheme of things to occur. Life has existed before even this earth was in existence. An ultimate boom occurred because of consciousness (which has always existed, I call this ultimate consciousness God but it really doesn’t matter what you call it) and then out of the boom it everything became. The scientists call this event the big bang theory. Because of the so called big bang theory we all are here in our present forms but even so, we have and always been (even before the big bang) and will always continue to be. We are all connected to this ultimate energy which I call God and we always will be connected whether we believe it or not. Energy is forever, it can’t be destroyed so it only transfers from one form to another and this is what will happen to us when we leave our physical bodies. How that transformation will affect us is anyone’s guess. There are people a live who have actually died and have come back from the dead (they were pronounced dead because they had no brain waves and their hearts had stopping beating but miracles do happen and for anomaly type reasons they’ve come back from the dead). Some that have been through this experience say they’ve seen Jesus waiting for them at the gaits of heaven, some say they’ve seen the heaven that Islam promises Muslim people. There are even factual cases in existence now that prove reincarnation (in Indian, there is a case where an old woman said she wanted to be reincarnated as a male. Before she died a scar was placed on her head so that when her male self was born he would be recognized. Guess what happened? A few years after she died a male was born in her village with a scar on his head that looked just like the one that she was given; it was even in the same place. There are countless stories that I’ve heard that prove reincarnation exists). There are also children that have died and come back; they usually say they went to a heaven filled with cute animals and such for them to play with. So in saying all of this I just want to state that even in a physical death there isn’t just one thing that is guaranteed to occur to us after. To be quiet frank and with all that I’ve stated being fact, we really don’t know what will happen to us when we pass. But whatever it is, it will simply be another stepping stone in what we call life. Life never ends.

Life is also within everything. A rock has life in it; the life that is located in a rock can be seen with a powerful microscope and energy can be felt with a machine that is made to pick it up as well. Protons and neutrons are floating around making very small changes to the rock, a rock just has a very, very low life frequency within it but it still does have life in it. It (the rock) is actually evolving as well. Everything is evolving because evolve means change and life IS change. Evolution is a reality that we can actually see. We as humans didn’t always look as we do; we evolved from something else just as every other animal has. We have bones and fossils that actually do prove this as fact and also prove that life started in water (we have fossils that date back billions and billions of years. At a point in times past the land animals fossil suddenly stop and then its nothing but aquatic animal fossils, we also have fossils of animals who looked to be fish that evolved fin like feet so that they would be able to come out of the water. All of these things are very interested to me. I think everyone should know a little bit about everything so I am encouraging anyone who comes across this to do a little research on these events for themselves. The more we know about the world around us, the more we know about ourselves). So all animals and us as well do all come from that same place, all of these past events that occurred billions and billions or years ago were stepping stones that have put us in the place which we find ourselves today. Life is in everything, life is happening all of the time, life will never end and life is always evolving into something else. So in saying all of this, it makes no since to deny oneself of ultimate happiness within this life (I say “this life” a lot in a lot of my blog post because I mean just that. This life isn’t the only life we will live and quiet frankly from what I’ve learned from studies it’s not the only life that we have ever had). We need to take chances for our happiness and know that it is up to us to decide what happiness is. Knowing that our life will never end should free up a lot of fear based mess that may stop us from doing what we know we should be doing. For me, studying religion, different philosophies and science has helped me to come to certain understandings about life in general and about myself. Meditating, praying (talking to God) and simply being love has also given me help but just like all of you I am still on “that” path. I still have issues that I need to step up and resolve, I still have situations which I need to simply take the chance so that I may reach a happiness that I’ve never known. It’s all what I call life and life is God. God is life, and God is love. Love is Life and Life is living. To truly live takes more then just breathing, it takes joy. If we are to sit and just exist that is not a living that is a Dying!!! Why would you have a dying when you could be having a living? We die within our very only physical lives so many times, it shouldn’t be anything new to us and it (death) shouldn’t be anything to fear because even though we have died so many times and may be having a dying instead of a life at this moment we are all still a live. I’ve died every time I’ve evolved into my next self and I mean in the life I’m in now; I’m not taking about reincarnation here. The old self has died and the new self was born but I mySelf will always live. Let’s get it going, take those chances and enjoy life!!!


Remember, everything that I have stated whether science, holy books or whatever proves it for me are still just my humble opinions and if I find that I am wrong about anything I am not afraid to change my point of view and adopt another. My point in writing this is to free up fears and to let all know that life wasn’t meant to be taken so serious. We are here for happiness and regardless of what one may choose to believe in, our happiness is still our choice. There is nothing to fear in that!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Love Writings

Who am I? Am I this person who has comes into this life confused and wondering just as a child would comes into the world? Or am I this individual who looks at things on an outside of me level and then asks questions like why is it the world so mean to me? Again, who am I? What is the purpose of life and why am I here? Will I ever know and will my wondering ever end? Will I ever come to a place where all of my questions are answered within this lifetime and what would I do if I did? Would I simply sit in the clouds like a king of all gods and look down on all who just don’t know? What ever will I do and will it ever end for me at all?

As I sit here wondering I think to myself that to accept something as absolute is a fear based quality. To make claims like you are mine forever, you will be with me forever and I will have a certain quality forever which no one will ever take away from me is fear! How about this for a change, how about we just let it be as they are? The now is relevant and that is all which is important. A future not yet born is a future that doesn’t exist. To make claims over a philosophy, person or label in any way is to look at the fear of it instead of the love of it. To allow all to change as it needs to and not to CLING on to anything in life is the first step to enlightenment. But to also know that we will never truly, fully know and realizing who we are and what we will become is the totality of what is to be considered enlighten. Happiness is what we are here for and love is the vastness of what we come from, to be quite frank we are love but that could mean a lot of things, it simply doesn’t still tell us who and what we are to the world for that we will never know completely. If we radiate the true essence of love then we will come into happiness but if we cling onto that state of happiness that we may achieve nothing but heartache waits for us ahead. Evolution is evident no matter how much we fight. Things will change, people will change, relationships and philosophies will transcend because it simply is the way of things. Not even a rock stays the same forever, as I write this they are within there change. The molecules that make them up are in motion right now and they will always be.

If I have told you that I love you then it will always be. If I make a connection with you then that connection will always remain and you will always be with me. Love is something that is unbreakable but that doesn’t mean that a loving relationship isn’t a changing relationship. So if I’ve told you that you are loved by me, nothing more needs to be done by you. Simply be as you are, grow as you must and know that this love that I have for you is exactly what God is. It is strengthening and it is all out power. So within the world, we all have this Love within us and we’ve all connected this loving aspect in one way or another with others. This is what life is all about, being love. Knowing that change occurs and not allowing our egos to make us demand aspects of individuals in any way. If they want to change, allow them, if they want to leave, encourage them. To love and to express love are two different things. If I have one million dollars in the bank and I choose to live in a box on the streets then what good is my one million dollars? Yea I got the riches but I’m certainly not expressing them if I am living on the streets. And so it is with love. Okay so you love, but if you love why you do throw expectations and limitations on your loved ones? Why do you try and make your loved ones feel bad simply because they’ve chosen a route in life that may not include you in a physical way? If it is love then it allows, it encourages and it uplifts. What good is the love if it isn’t being expressed? What good is the cake if I can’t have a slice? What good is life if I can’t even breathe?

So there it is in a nutshell with all of its grace and glory. To make it even more simple the terms of it all goes as follows. First it’s hope that is needed and then comes belief. Following those two terms comes the KNOWING and because its so powerful and releasing KNOWING is the realist, most potent step into the enlightened side. All of these aspects require faith which is something that is always in need. Fear cuts off faith, and the ego loves to use fear. Know that love is a knowing not a “needing to be proven” is the pinnacle of what faith is. Love is the deepest connection that any person could ever gain; it is so powerful that it knows what will become of it. Love knows all because love is God. So have a knowing and allow those who are loved to go on living as they may. Have a knowing that your loved ones are happy and are always with you in the deepest most metaphysical way. If there is something in the heart that says this loved one should be in your presence in a physical way have a KNOWING that it will occur. Just be in that level of faith and just know. Allow, let go, and know. Become One with God and gain all the power. Change the world by changing yourself and simply allow love to do what it does.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Choose your god wisely

“Be careful of the gods you choose, for you will reinforce each other” Jane(Seth) Roberts

When it comes down to it, we truly do embrace what we choose to be god or gods to us in life. If it’s a famous idol that we embrace then we ether try to look like that person or we try to blatantly be that person. So in knowing this as fact, even for a god or an aspect of a philosophy, it is what we choose as holy that determines who and what we will radiate within our lives. There is a source, and this source is what sources everything in existence. Everything came from it; it is everywhere all of the time and it is within everyone and everything. But this source is a vast source; it reaches the cervices of the universe and the smallest areas within our personal spaces as well. It is a source that gives us choices on how to view it, there is no one way to view this source which sources all that is and all that will ever be.

In that past, human cultures have views this source in terms of gods. These gods were basically big people who lived above us with powers over nature and such. They also had great egos as well. In Greek mythology there were a lot of gods. The purpose of these gods was to explain the natural occurrences that humans saw outside of themselves. Every god that existed back then could be proven because of a natural occurrence or a catastrophic natural past event. (There was a great volcano which occurred in Greece well over 6000 years ago. This volcano was so powerful that its force could have been felt all the way in California. The people who believed in these gods whom were referred to as the Olympians believed that the cause of this great, catastrophic shake was that of the gods warring with each other. They believed that it was the battle between the Titans and the Olympians that caused this great volcano. Their proof was the aftermath of the volcano which actually destroyed a great part of Greece and can still be seen today. They had physical proof for their god’s existence) so in saying this every aspect of every form of god or gods that existence does have something that truly happened which could back up their existence. Also, the great source which sources all is the source of all that occurs so it is the cause of these natural, great even as well (these Greek gods truly were source). If one wants to look at these natural occurrences as something negative then it can be look on as such, if one wants to look at these events as something of the positive, they can do that as well.

This source which I keep on speaking of is a source that gives unconditionally, and in doing this it empowers. It has given us the power do whatever we want in life and also the tools to do so. The mind is the greatest tool of all that this source has given us. It (this source) has also made us literally part of the physical environment that we see around us. We are made of the same stuff as the earth and the earth is made of the same stuff that the stars and stardust is. We are all one in the same with what we see, feel and touch and we have the power to change and maneuver whatever we need to in order to reach what we would consider joy in life and so with this, we have this source, which is all giving, all accepting and all understanding within us just like it exist in everything else. Things do occurring within our lives that may dictate a god or gods in the sky being angry but this is only because of our perception of what is going on, and that perception comes from somewhere within our hearts.

Right, wrong, pretty, ugly, strong and weak all are subjective perceptions that we come to conclusions about. Nothing is absolute, nothing is truly objective and nothing is made a rule of thumb without us making it so. What I consider God is an aspect of the whole that I see fit to consider God. I can’t say that my opinion on what God is happens to be the all out gossip truth of it all myself, I have no right to make such a statement (nobody does). If I were to do so I would be pointing out a bold face, fear based fib. Lately, I’ve been reading a book called “Seth Speaks” and in it is where I got the quote that I’ve used for today’s posting. In the same chapter that this quote is stated in, it also marks that we as people have this source that we call God within us but then we project it to exist outside of us. In doing this we try to connect back with it by comparing ourselves (consciously or unconsciously) to what we’ve deemed this god to be. I thought that the statement and the whole chapter in general hit a truth that not many people realize even exist. We are so unconscious of ourselves that it isn’t even funny.

Love is empowering, love gives and never ask for anything in return. Love always accepts, never hands out ultimatums, never judges in a negative way because love always understands. All love does is shine, it shines joy and it shines light and quiet frankly from simply studying nature, science, different religions and philosophies and looking at life itself I can’t help but say that God is love. Some people choose to believe in a fear based god, one that sits up in the clouds and judges us for our wrong doings. One that doesn’t understand why people do what they do, one that is absolute and that say everybody needs to follow a certain rule book to be “right” in the world. One that has a straight conditional love, one that says, “even though I love you, I will send you to an eternal damnation if you don’t do what I say and in the way that I say it”, one that kills because it is pissed, one that dislikes homosexuals with such a passion that it would damn them to an eternal hell of they don’t “straighten up”, one that just sits somewhere and says that if you don’t cater to its ego it will leave your side. Some people choose to believe in a god that simply will turn its back on us and allow us to suffer knowingly if we don’t act a certain way. This god is jealous, it doesn’t like anyone to grow over a certain aspect within their lives because it fears that they won’t love it, it wants everyone to simply praise it because this is what serves its ego the best and it will reward those who praise it and punish those who don’t. This god can’t connect with everyone because it has a limited opinion on what is right and wrong, if you happen to fall in the wrong then you are basically on your own and on the way to this eternal damnation unless you straighten up before you die. Who does this sound like to you? Doesn’t this sound like a great deal of people out there today? We live in a fear based society because too many of us believe in a fear based god. We truly reinforce this god to the fullest in ever aspect of life.

Imagine a world where the inhabitance within it really did embrace a God that is love. How would those people react? Even if one considers themselves and atheist, they still have something that they truly do consider god. It may be science, money, politics or just another person that they admire. It is simple human nature to claim something for god and radiates that which is claimed god. You don’t actually have to acknowledge a god to have one, as a matter of fact it isn’t even necessary that you do acknowledge a god if you don’t choose too, doesn’t change that fact that something still does exist within this world that you consider god. But if we all were to consider God simply love then this would be a world of love. This would be a world of acceptance, a world that doesn’t say one has to be or act a certain way to be wanted. A world that allowed others to grow in the ways that they need to grow without causing hardships for them, a world that would be free from the grips of fear. This would be a world that didn’t fear lost, this would be a world that didn’t allow the ego to run the show in life, this would be a straight “heaven on earth” world. Imagine a world that had people in it whom allowed each other to maintain every empowering and loving relationship that they gained. One that didn’t have individuals whose own egos felt threatened at any of this. Imagine a world that allowed everyone to embrace whatever religions, philosophies, or ways of life without trying to down them and making them feel like “sinners” for doing so. Imagine if every single person in your life accepted you for all and everything you were without trying to make you choose or try and make you change an aspect of it? If every single person that you encountered knew that even though situations and relationships change, love is a bond that is forever and will never be broken. Imagine a world that saw the oneness in all, a world that wants happiness for its loved ones even more then it wants happiness for itself. This would be so because in this world, people would see sparks of themselves in others, they would see growth within themselves when they saw others grow, this is the kind of world that I am aiming at; this is the kind of world that I want so THIS is the kind of GOD that I believe in. God is love to me and nothing else and this isn’t something that I am just making up, it is something that I see every single day and to me it is being proven more and more within every single breath I take.

There is a reason why Jesus the Christ overthrew Zeus the king of the gods and took over. There is a reason why the religion that Jesus is kind of (not all of the way but kind of) was the founder of is the most popular religion in the world today. This reason is because of the love and compassion that Jesus had within his lifetime. It’s because Jesus was love and Jesus felt the oneness between him and his father God as the same, the Greek gods saw themselves as separate from everybody else, not of one God and one essence like Jesus did. The Greek gods did actually serve a great purpose for their time, they were explanation for all of the natural happenings that occurred within the world but they were also very selfish. They had egos larger then the world as a whole, they wanted people to praise them just because they were more powerful and they would punish people who didn’t give them these praises. Jesus didn’t do this, but the thing is the religion that Jesus sort of founded has lost a lot of what Jesus was all about. It’s like Greek mythology all over again. People believe in this fear based god that will destroy and is jealous. There are so many paths, so many religions and so many philosophies that we can take in life. Every single one of them has a great truth that can be used as a catalyst for growth. Every last one of them can be placed on the road that leads to our happiness in life and not one is better then the other. If one wants to embrace Buddhist then it would be a powerful, and life changing religion to embrace, if one wants to do the same with Islam or Hinduism then they can be as equally life changing in a positive light. But the thing is to allow one to embrace what they choose and loving them for what they choose to embrace. This should be truly so within life, it should be simply about change, growth, and happiness. If we allow fear to stop us from embracing every single, growing, changing, shining, joyous aspect to life then we will never see the gates of heaven. I believe that the first step to becoming a loving society is to embrace a God that is love. Everybody wants love in their lives because everybody needs it. We all need love so we all need what I consider God within our lives. Without it (love) we would all die away, literally.

Imagine a God that just allowed people who embraced a certain rule book the right to breathe air. Imagine a God who didn’t let the sun shine on a certain group of people because they didn’t praise him a certain way. Imagine a God that took away gravity, strength, companionship, opportunity, and joy from a certain group of people because they weren’t apart of a certain belief system. Love gives because this is all love can do. Love allows relationships to grow in their most natural ways, love accept all that it comes in contact with; love doesn’t try to change others because it is afraid for its own ego, and love simply is strength. So I closing, even though there is a whole lot more that I could say on this subject I just want to state that a person filled with fear is a person who embraces a fear based god. A person who lives from love embraces a God that is love plain and simple. God really does dwell within us and all around us and if we embrace love, praise love, and live love then this loving God will radiate within our lives with every answer to any of our issues. Stand firm for what you believe in, grow in the way that you feel growth is best for YOU, and simply embrace love. Watch what will happen within your life and within the life of everyone who is around you. Remember this simple fact, love empowers and fear disables. It doesn’t get any simpler then that. GOD IS LOVE!!!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sweet Treats???

The sticky, sweet sustenance of sugar are ingested to help give our bodies a simple solution to its depleted energy, but how long will that energy last? Within every issue in life, sugary, sticky solutions arrive. It’s like candy to a baby, why not take a bite? Why not embrace the simple, the easy, the icing on the cake? I want to bask in it; I want to indulge in the sweetness no matter how quick that energy may leave me. Why not simply over eat? Lets just devourer all of the sticky treats that lay at hand. It’s like heaven in a plate, a dish of delectable deserts. So if I eat them all then I will gain the feeling of being satisfied. Or maybe those sweet treats my just sit in my gut and cause it to protrude. Is this what I want? A fat gut at the cost of the sweets? Do I want to feel again depleted of energy in a few moments because I’ve chosen the sweet treats as my only sustenance? And so it is with life, wisdom and knowledge are at hand but then the lucidness of just giving in is there as well. Feed the mind with insight, not junk. Stand for what you feel you should, remain in growth and keep it going. Never give in to fear no matter what. Never allow others to dictate what is good for YOU. If one can’t accept you for all that you are they truly aren’t accepting YOU. If it is only an aspect and not the whole then how is that love? If they allow the sweet treats to remain but frown at the nutritional entrées then what are they to you? A growth will occur; it can occur in a bad, ugly growth or in a beautiful, enlightening, strengthening growth. Evolution is happening right now and change will transpire. These sticky treats may be tasty for the moment but why would you want to fill up on junk? Why not be free, embrace the sustenance that will take part in your growth instead. But in saying all of this; there is nothing wrong with indulging in a “sweet treat” here and there. Keep life interesting yes; but still fill yourself with the nutritional, loving, empowering sustenance for your body and soul in a plenteous manner. It’s not the all out only gossip truth that I speak, but these are my simply, very, humble opinions that I share, do what you want with them and BE LOVE!!!

Namaste : )

Give Love freely.

"If you are feeling hurt or just plain angry, don’t give in to it! Instead go and give someone an unexpected compliment, smile at a stranger, do something for someone without expecting something back in return, just go find someone and serve them in a loving manner. This really does works better then drinking, smoking, or drugging your problems away. Its guaranteed to work. You will feel better, stronger and more ready to take on whatever the world throws at you after doing any loving, kind act for another. This really works!"

There are actually endorphins that are release within our physical, bodily structure after we do a kind act that gives even a physical reason why my quote which I used above is truth. We are loving individuals because we come from love and love truly is the answer to every issue bad or good. Someone that we care about may have rejected us in an unseen way, someone may have lied to us or cheated us out of something, we might even feel that things are going so bad in life that taking our very own life in itself may seem like the only solution out of a situation. We begin feeling negativity in any aspect because we align ourselves with a vibration of fear, this is what fear does, it separates us from joy and happiness, and it bars us from simply growing in a free manner. The best way to gain the vibe of love back from this fear vibe is to be love, be loving and that light of love will always outshine the darkness of fear. Simply head out, go and sweep off some elderly person's porch then leave without even letting them know you did it. You can even simply tell someone that they look lovely today without expecting anything in return, or why not just simply look a stranger in the eyes and smile at them. In doing any of these things (or any positive thing you can think of) love will shine bright, heaven on earth and within LIFE will be a step closer and you will simply feel great about yourself and about life. It really isn't hard to find someone in this fear based world to cheer up at all so the task is very easy to accomplish.

So instead of yelling at an individual because they've "pissed" you off or thinking that it would be better to hurt someone because they've hurt you, go out and be of service to someone. Seriously do this without the intentions of gaining anything back in return. If you do I promise you that happiness will spring from within your soul like a jack in the box. You will feel so euphoric that you won't even understand why you bothered to feel angry in the first place. This world is full of love and that love is the light of God. God is really everywhere all of the time but for you and me, the most potent place that God does dwell is within our hearts and souls. Simply do as God does, radiate love and joy and your whole mood will change to one of imprisonment to one of empowerment. An answer to all of your hard issues will come to you in a more potent manner if you are in a loving mood. If you aren't, don't expect insight to find you. Be love, let go of all of your issues, allow God to handle things that you find too much for you (by simply not even worrying at them) and simply serve in a positive light. I promise you that even if an answer doesn't come right away, the serving part will make you feel better, then and only then will you hear the voice of God speaking to you from within your heart and soul, and then, all will be well and everything will turn out perfect.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Solution within

"When we are immersed in the depths of a problem, our situation is like the baby chick encased in its shell. As the chick evolves, the shell becomes a polluted and claustrophobic environment where its space, mobility, and plenitude are challenged. God does not step up to the plate and "solve" this problem for the chick. The solution has already been placed in the seed of the chick's existence-the chick pecks its own way out when it has sufficiently evolved to maintain a life outside the shell. And so it is within us. All that we need to do is peck our way out of any challenging predicaments, its (our solution to an issue) is already within us, awaiting activation by our taking self-responsibility" Michael Bernard Beckwith

I've learned a lesson in life which has served me in so many ways. Its a lesson of failure and pain. I've also tried to push the reasons for my failures and pains on others in the past and with that, I've uncosciously embraced more pain. As a matter of fact, every time that I've done this I've basically empowered individuals with the charge of my happiness. Then one day I came to a realization. This came in meditation. Following my meditation session, because my mind was no longer like a body of water which was shaken up so that ever piece of muck and murkiness floated around I was able to see. My meditating calmed the waters of my mind down in a much needed way. Life is so full of hustle and bustle, we are so full of this world and its demands and within all of that mess, our mind waters become shaken up. Nothing but worldly mess floats around within our minds. Our jobs, our family issues, our financial situations, our this and our that, we never see the end of it. Then when we find ourselves in a struggle and we are hurting for a way out, we then see no one else to put our pain on but the people who are within our lives. Then we start the blame game and it never ends. It becomes never our fault. But the thing is, every solution to our problems lie within us. We do know what to do in order to get out of an issue because quiet frankly, we are the ones who put ourselves in these so called issues anyway. The issue and the solution is simply located within and calming the mind with sitting in silence (all televisions and radios must go off for this!!!!) is the quickest way to see this as fact. We must allow all of that muck which the world has place in our mind waters to settle. It needs to settle just as dirt and muck would settle to the bottom of a pond once it has arrived at a calmness within itself. Then and only then will our mind waters be clear enough for us to see a solution.

Do you think a chick which is still encased in it's shell blames the shell for its situation. Do you think it sits there and says, "damn shell, why don't you move out my way!!" or do you think that it simply comes up with a solution to get out of the shell by itself? Chicks know that they have the power to free themselves from the shell when it is time. They realize that it's all within them, this power which can give them all the freedom they need to gain. We need to take a lesson from the chicks. All is located within us, we just need to find calmness within ourselves and the answer will come. It may come in the form of someone talking to us, or in the form of us leaving a relationship or a job situation that doesn't serve us. It make come in the form of us simply putting a stop to fights that we may constantly have with people in our lives and allow them to be right (even if we know they aren't). It make come in so many forms but for it to be felt, we need to first gain this insight from within. We need to feel it in our hearts and in our minds. After this occurs we will come to the realization that we are strong enough and wise enough to get out of a harsh and hurtful situation. It is all within us all, the solution to an issue always dwells with us no matter what or how harsh.


The Ankh cross (life)

The Ankh Cross represents life (immortality) and death as one aspect of it all, also male and female, balance. It can also represent zest, joy of life, and energy. It's closely related to the looped cross that can mean fertility and life. The Ancient Egyptians used the ankh to stand for the word ʿnḫ meaning life. It is also called crux ansata, Latin for cross-with-a-handle.

Symbols are a very important aspect of humanity. Ever since humans emerged and gained the intellect that comes with the human spark, symbols have been in use. A symbol that I've come to embrace is that of the Ankh cross.

The Ankh, also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata, was the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read "eternal life", a triliteral sign for the consonants ˁ-n-. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.

Some people embrace symbols that represent suffering, some embrace symbols that represent hate. Others embrace symbols that represent the eternalness of life which is at hand. This is what the Ankh cross represents for me. It is a symbol that started as a Egyptian hieroglyphic, then it was embraced later on by certain Christian groups. It is a symbol that represents the power of life, it stands for the utter strength of God. In Egypt, gods are often represented carrying an Ankh, these gods and goddess are depicted as some of the more powerful ones. To embrace ones own God given divinity would be a great benefit in life. With a power like God's within, what could stop you from achieve great heights in life? Well, this power does dwell within all of us but some are ether afraid to embrace it or were taught that they weren't good enough to embrace it in full. It is something that dwells deep in our souls, something that gives us strength to rise out of the darkness that life sometimes puts us through, and it is a very empowering bit of wisdom to maintain. We all are One and apart of Love which is God in its truest form and I for one am not afraid to tell anyone whom I blatantly see this light shining through so. Nothing wrong with being one of the great ones to bare that Ankh, even if you don't have one of our own to bare, bare it within your heart and soul.

For me to say that nothing is needed accept belief in oneself is to cut off all of the egoic folk who want you to find God or happiness through them. It isn't cutting off God because God is just as much apart of us and with us as our own essence is. Empowerment gives and allows growth within itself, it doesn't strike fear in the hearts of its beloved. The Ankh is a powerful symbol to embrace if it is understood in an empowering way. To be love is to be one with God, to be One with God is to dwell within heaven's gates, and to dwell in heaven's gates is nothing but sheer, utter joy. If it isn't an Ankh that you choose to embrace, embrace something else that gives power and strength. To acutally make it really simply, all one actually needs to do is embrace the power of Love but even so, I personally think that Ankh cross is pretty darn cool.


I'm not afraid!!!!!

"I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid) To take a stand (to take a stand) Everybody (everybody) Come take my hand (come take my hand)We'll walk this road together, through the storm. Whatever weather, cold or warm. Just lettin you know that, you're not alone. Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)" Eminem, Not afraid

Why is this road which is full of darkness within my life for? What is this road of harsh realities real purpose for me? Why must I see myself as an aspect of the weak, too afraid to speak on things that sit within my heart ready to causee all that I am to explode? For me, the time has come, the time has arrived for me to stop walking that same road of darkness within any aspect of my life and make what I've been dreaming of happen. Growth has occurred in great measures for me, I've reached heights in my physical, spiritual and mental self more so then I would have ever imagined. I am definitely walking a righteous road , but I can't say that I've been placing every footed step of life on this road of righteousness.

An opportunity did recently rise within my life that might have had more promise then I could have even thought it to. This opportunity if taken just may have brought my most potent dream to reality. As a child growing up I never even imagined that I would gain an opportunity that would bring so much happiness from within me to the surface, I guess I still have a little bit of that childhood fear within me because when the opportunity presented itself I felt as if wasn't able to take advantage of it. I told myself that there was a chance that all may not turn out for the better, I also said that there was a chance that I would get rejected, I could get spoken to in a negative way and in turn could become very, very hurt. But even so, at lease I would have known, I would have known with sheer truth and strength that I did give it a go, Iwould have known that I wasn't afraid and I would have been able to grow from the experience into a better me.

We've all been given opportunities in life that seemed too good to be true. We all have dreams and hopes and these dreams and hopes are the seeds which God had planted in us for a reason. Fear truly is darkness, its like a drought, no moister. Like sheer blackness to a seedling which is in the soil, waiting for the light; ready to sprout. Fear literally "nips it in the bud" for us all. Nothing that we've dreamed of is impossible, nothing is unjust and the day will come where we all will gain an opportunity to make all that we've dreamed of and deserve come to the light of truth. We may need to go through a "dark night" to get to the shine, but even so we will gain at lease an opportunity to gain that shine. Situations as such reminds me of a biblical story that I've read in the pass, this story was about an individual named Job. I'm not going to tell the whole story here but I will share the reason why I've brought this story up. Job had faith, an unshakable faith and with that faith he knew what he wanted out of his life. He went through harsh circumstances and still maintained his faith. His faith in love (God) was what shone the light which did eventually eat away at all of the darkness which had been manifesting within his life. He did have fear at times but that aspect of love which was always with him was stronger then the darkness still. There is nothing that can shake Love because Love is all and Love is everything. It is the answer to all of our issues in life and all of our problems. Love always empowers, this is all it does and fear disables. Fear really is darkness and love is light. For a plant to grow, it needs light. It needs this light because this light is its life force. This is the same for all of the dreams that are sitting dormant within our hearts. Its the same for this dream that has been sitting in my heart ever since I've encountered "her". Now just as it is with me its time for us all of us to rise.

"And I just can't keep living this way. So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage. I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons. I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground, I've had enough, now I'm so fed up. Time to put my life back together right now! (now)" Eminem, Not afraid

This now moment is the only moment we ever will have, it is all that ever will be. Opportunities present themselves ONCE in a lifetime. We may get opportunities similar to those that we've passed up (if we do we are really fortunate) but it can't been counted on. So in short, this blog is about becoming empowered. If you have a career that you really want to obtain, you have a person whom you have "deep" feeling for and you want them to be with you and be within your life, if you have a fear that is stopping you from moving forward, you have extra weight that you really want to lose, take the step now!!! Do it now and stop living the same way you've been living. It isn't working!!!! Fear is nothing but a cage and we are all strong enough to break it. So let's all come together and face it down. I'm no longer afraid, are you??


Monday, May 31, 2010

They know not what they do

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. (Luke 23:34 )

Last night I came home to a very unpleasant situation. Someone had broken into my home and ransacked everything; stuff was literally thrown about ever which way. They (the individuals that broke in to my home) made away with my cell phone, computer and my digital camera and then pretty much ruin the house to a point that it took me hours to clean the mess up. As a matter of fact I just got done cleaning all of what they did today (last night I cleaned just enough so that I could go to bed, I finished up with the cleaning today). Now last night when I found out about the situation I was out on the town in that act of enjoying my Memorials day weekend. I was in good spirit and I was having plenty of fun. Then as soon as I found out what had happened my sprit totally plummeted. I felt angry and I was no longer able to enjoy my night. I thought to myself that because I spend my life helping people out that it just wasn’t right for anyone to do to me what occurred to last night at all. I still feel this way but the way that I perceived the situations in general has truly changed. The thought that caused me to totally look at the situation in a different and more in a positive light was the verse that I used for this blog today. I thought of Jesus and how he was nailed up on that cross, suffering more then I have ever suffered in life and he still was begging for forgiveness of the people who were putting him through what he had to undergo. This is the case because Jesus knew who he was and he also knew that the people who caused his suffering did not. As a matter of fact these people didn’t truly know who they were because if they did there would have been no way that they would have done to Jesus what they did. They wouldn’t have been able to do the kind of heinous act which they did to Jesus to anyone if they truly knew who they were.

The reasons which eluded the people who burglarized me and also eluded the individuals who did what they did to Jesus is the same reasons that made Jesus feel that it was his responsibility to enlighten the masses like he did, he did this because he knew that he was one with his father God and also he knew that every single person who lived also shared that oneness. He knew that within the heart of each person lies something that defines what he was in full. Jesus knew that within each person’s heart, God truly does dwell. He knew that the energy that drove him to do his good works was within everyone and because of this fact he was connected with everyone who lived and who was in existence in more of an intimate way then any of them realized. There is no way that a person’s arm would try and break a finger on the hand that was connected to that same arm unless it wasn’t aware of what it was doing. There is no tree which has branches that are foolish enough to fight among themselves. It makes no since because if the branches on the tree would try and hurt each other those very same branches would only be hurting themselves. This is the same “oneness”, the same connection that we all here on earth have with each other. In all essence there is One earth and that One earth dwells in One universe. As in uni which translates into one and verse which can be seen as song, so we are all a part the same song. There is One of us and that One which is the truth of us all is expressed in different manners. There is one universal field which is the ultimate energy which actually gives life to us all. If we try and take away or destroy any aspect of that Oneness then we truly are taking away or destroying ourselves. We all are here in existence for a reason just as every cell in our body has a reason. If one cell starts to take away from other cells it is called a cancer cell and if it isn’t set straight it will destroy the body in whole thus destroying itself in this act. The world we live in will fall apart if this fact isn’t realized. We all will be destroyed and it will be out of self destruction. So this is why I ask all who come across this to pray in the truest manner that they know to pray in for the individuals whom burglarized me last night. Pray for all who take away or hurt others for they own ego’s purpose. Pray for them so that they will see the light and they will realize and understand. Pray for that aspect of Love which lives within them to shine through them just as it never has before. Pray for them so that they will become that aspect of Love in full, thus they will become the true person that they were meant to be.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44

That is what it is all about, they truly know not what they do and they really need prayers more then any of us. They need this prayer before they destroy themselves and in the same act destroy us all. We are all One, we are all of One Love and that is as true as it gets.
