Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The blasphemy challenge???

While surfing YouTube to see what new videos might be going viral I came across this one video which for some reason I checked out. Now I'm not going to spend a lot of time or energy writing about this subject because I kind of thing its silly but within the subject I feel a message that we all need to embrace could be learned. Let me get to the point. In the video this lady sat in front of a camera to say that she denies God. She just wanted to let the world know that she denies God or any other deity because to her they aren't real and they are stupid. She claimed that religion makes people wait to die to get rewards and she wanted to live. When I heard this message I thought that it was simply a waste of time and silly. I mean why would you spend time and energy to deny something that you don't believe in? If it doesn't exist then why deny it? Something inside of you does believe in what you are denying if you need to deny it in the first place. If I enjoy my life I don't need to say, "I deny unhappiness in life" because if I did that then its like I really don't enjoy life and am trying to convince that aspect that lives within me which is telling me that life really is an unhappy experience. I mean I don't sit around and deny Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, I simply don't believe in them, they don't exist so why spend any time and energy denying them? Belief is a verb, to believe in something is to hold something in your brain as in you need to give thought to something if you believe in it point blank. When we deny or believe in something we are simply using two sides of the same coin in our efforts, its all the same. If I put thought to something I am putting thought to something whether it be negative or positive and I am still promoting it regardless. This is why in the world of entertainment they say any press is good press. This is why when a movie or book is slammed in the media of being bad or evil they usually do better then they would have done if the people who didn't agree with the message would have kept their mouths shut in the first place.

I say just be love. I for my personal reasons do believe in God. With all that I know and learned, all that I have experienced and done within life and through my simple perception a lone I can't help but believe in God. But this belief that I have in God works for me and is my decision for my life. If one doesn't want to believe in a god then fine but if there is no God then why even bother speaking on it at all? Just believe in what you believe in. There is no point in trying to insult or bring down someone elses beliefs because anyone who tries to bring another person down in any way is just looking for company. If one thinks highly of themselves and their beliefs then they try and uplift others, if one thinks of themselves as something low and ugly they will try to bring others down to their level so they won't be a lone. Love is the way, the answer and Love is happiness. I say God is Love but if you don't want to say that or believe that, fine. Just believe in Love. Be loving and life will be better, express love and you will receive more love in life. Just be love. If you feel you can be Love without religion, fine, but if you are expressing Love you are a person who really wants all to find Love and express it as well even if they need some guidance from a religion to do so. Religion does help a lot of people find themselves so I won't down religion. I am not a religious person but that is just me. I am spiritual but not religious but again, that is just my take on things. So to end this blog post I will say this, believe in what you believe in and leave everything else a lone because if you put energy and thought into something you don't believe in you actually do believe in it whether you want to admit it or not. This blasphemy challenge is so silly anyway. All these people who take part in the blasphemy challenge are simply trying to piss off people who chose to believe in God so that those people can feel angry, thus bringing a God believing person's energy down to the level of the so called "denying" person's. Express Love and Love only, gain understanding on why some people need religion within their lives and others don't and simply respect it. If you spend time denying a god you are just as bad as a person who sits and tries to force a belief of god down some one's throat. You are all in the same boat and don't even know it. Simply be love and all will be well.


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