Thursday, July 21, 2011

shades of grey exist

"The good guys and bad guys aren't as easy to tell apart as I used to think they were. You can't look at someone with your eyes and take their measures. You have to look with the heart"

As I finished reading a fiction series of books which I have been reading for the past four months I came across this quote which was literally the last sentence at the end of the last book in the series and I couldn't help but realize and feel the truth that those very words held. So remember, as we go about our days working to make a living and to do what is just for our friends and family to judge someone simply for their stark actions or by their appearance alone simply doesn't begin to define what's really brewing within a person's soul. There is a saying that goes like this, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck" and I have to say that things simply aren't that simple. Come to everyone you encounter with a heart full of love and an openness to accept them. Look at them in a grand light, a light which can only shine goodness and go with the feeling that you gain from them instead of simply their actions and physical appearance. Look with your heart instead of your eyes and you will see a beauty that isn't seen by many but a beauty that is more real then any other beauty that exist. There are shades of gray in the whole scheme of things so to see a person's try nature you really do need to use that heart of yours and open those eyes of the heart to see the in real sight. So as we go with our weeks of struggles and life lessons we should take heed and gain the lesson of the heart so that we are able to see the true loving intentions that we may miss if only looking with our eyes which have more so been dirtied by this fear based world that we find ourselves in anyway. Look with the heart, not simply the eyes and the truth of it all will be told in full.


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