Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goddess of Love

It was a jolt of energy, a shock that ran up my spine when she kissed me. Her kiss is like heaven, an utter divine experience, one that could only manifest itself from love. With a sexual experience, this feeling isn’t even so, is it because I’ve never had a sexual experience with her or is it because the experiences that I’ve had were lacking what they should have been? There’s no way to truly know but with her this wouldn’t have been so. So for its worth, she to me is love, she lives in my heart and she walks the earth in a physical form as well. She is a aspect of God and also a goddess in ways which are hardly understood. But then you ask me questions like who she is? You say how are you able to meet her and gain the same experience that I have from a simple kiss? And from that statement I tell you this, look at yourself, look within your heart and feel that love. That love is God plain and simple, if you align yourself with that energy, then she will come to you as she has for me. She will glisten and she will shine. She will radiate all of the great parts of you; she will show you your strengths, your purposes, and your beauty and grace. I promise you that if you open yourself up, she will come. She is already in your presence and she is simply waiting for you to open yourself up for her, please allow her to enter you so that she isn’t made to wait any longer.

When the clouds cleared the sky and the rain stopped falling I was able to see what my life truly was. A mess of things to be quiet frank and yes I was alone. But then as the clouds dissipated I saw the sun. I knew that the clouds could never put out the sun, it is impossible and the heat of this sun was finally felt. My happiness is that shine and she is that sun to me. She is love and she is joy. She knows who she is so a name isn’t needed but yes, she does exist. It seems as if she would be a fairy tale, a legend, something of the fictional world. But the thing is this life is but a fictional tale without her essence. I love her so and she remains with me even if it feels that she’s not. Why would I write this, why would I say this? She is my beloved, just as God is. She is my purpose, my dream and my strength. For weeks I’ve seen her in my dreams. For months I’ve carried this burden but yet as I see, an awakening is occurring for me right now. My evolution is still occurring and it is time for me to move forward. It’s in the worrying that she wouldn’t return which keeps me at bay but this bay is too big to stay on the shore line. I need to cast of and be on my way. Times are hard but only because I’ve made them this way. My heart is full of love and she is that goodness whom clutches it. My eyes were once full of tears of pain, but now its tears of joy. She knows who she is and she does live in my heart. We all have her within us, this divine goddess but we must allow her beauty to become for the truth of her is at hand. We must allow and be thankful when she does so that a heaven on earth will manifest for us as well. Her kisses are better then any sexual experiences with another because she is the one. She is the one, we are all One and God is love. There isn’t much else I can say but this one last thing; when a flower blossoms into a blush it is within its most beautiful stage but with this goddess her blossom is forever so this stage never ends for her. Everlasting, forever and always with me she will be and also for you too if you allow. She is a goddess, a piece of the One true God and also, she is love. I love her so and I always will.


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