Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spilling of words

What is located below is literally a spilling of words. Three poems with no names has spilled out of my intellect waiting to be shared. I don't know what any of them would mean and I don't even know if they would make any kind of since to anyone who would read them. But as I sat here in this chair in front of this computer on this Sunday evening something occurred with me. These words came through me and as it occurred I just stayed with the flow of it all. I began to write without a purpose, I wrote and I wrote and when I thought I was done I wrote some more. So with that being said I do hope you enjoy. I don't know if anything said will offend anyone but if anyone who comes across this knows me personally, they would know that I only hope to spread love to all. I want all to be a self expression of what they feel is true to themselves. I don't even know if I agree with every single word or message that is written in the poems below but just know that I did enjoy writing them, don't take anything said to heart, look within as you read and keep an open mind. ENJOY THE SPILLING OF WORDS! There was no insightful point to these writings, I didn't have an aim to share as I usually do when I post blogs but I believe something will unfold within each person as they read these three poems.........
Whether you are a sinner or saint, a killer or lover of life, teller of truth or lies, whether you bask in the light or skulk in the darkness, it doesn’t matter because in reality you are all the all. If you can’t claim yourself a sinner you will never be a saint. If you can’t claim yourself a killer you could never be a lover of life. If you can’t claim yourself a liar, you will never know what its like to tell the truth. Contrast is within; any perception of reality comes from within as well. Nothing is separate or outside of our true being. Nothing comes into this world that doesn’t first come through you. If you are able to perceive a person being murdered then you are able and willing if your situation was as such to murder too. So why do you judge the sinner but praise the saint? Why would you judge the branch but praise the twinge when they are from the same tree? Open up and see, realize and recognize. You are everything that you see and everything that you experience because life in itself is an experience. With all of this known, then comes the illusion. Sinning and saintliness is an illusion. Being an Ender of life or lover of life is an illusion. Light and darkness is an illusion. They are but labels that the ego uses to define a moment in the illusion called time so that it may understand and maybe gain control. Even so and as a matter of fact, control is an illusion too. But there is one thing that remains and this one element is the only factual aspect within the whole of the universe. Now brace yourself because whatever you believed before, know that LOVE is all that exist. Not the act of being a “lover of life” but LOVE and LOVE alone. We live to be happy and that can only come from and through LOVE. Everything else that you have adapted yourself worth to is worth nothing, they are illusions. So realize that all of those illusions which I have named are being made manifest by and through you and LOVE is the only truth. Through the truth of LOVE peace will find you and also, you will realize and then become WHOLE.

You think you are better then me because you are Christian and I am not? You think you will make it to heaven without me because you belong to Islam and I don’t? Or do you think that you are more so on a higher level of consciousness because you choose not to believe in that “myth” called God and I do? Well, let me tell you something Christian man, let me set the records straight for you Muslim woman, let me show you something that is more “solid” then what you science can prove mister Atheist. If life was a boat, the three of you would be in it together and have an oar each. You would be rowing together through the same waters and not even know it. You boast that your way is better then mine, you claim that you are part of the chosen; you feel that I am a fool for having faith in God. But all along and no matter how much you all fight, know that you are fighting for an illusion in your efforts. If you aren’t fighting for LOVE then you fight for nothing. Nothing else exists but LOVE. The wind blows through the trees with the intent of love. The sun shines down on the earth with the intent of love. The birds sore through the sky with the intent of love, the lungs take in air with the intent of love. So as you claim being a Christian is of love but then you say that the Muslim is going to hell. And you over there, you want to express the peaceful wisdom of the last prophet but deep within you feel that the “infidels” must die. So you say that you’ve help to extend human life with all of your scientific discoveries but something in you wishes that all of them bible thumping, fairytale believing fools would walk off of a cliff and just get out of the way. What is wrong with this picture? Knowing that you want to be loved, when you feel that a lover has betrayed you the three of you feel the same way. When you feel that a loved one’s life is being threatened, the three of you want to protect them in the same. When you feel that you are about to lose the love of your lives, the three of you try to cling, just as you are, the three of you are all the same. But no matter how many scriptures you can recite, no matter how well you feel you know the Quran, no matter how many scientific formulas you know, just know this, without love you would be no more. You feel that you are special and you feel that you have found the way. But in finding the way you have lost yourself. If you don’t know how to look at yourself and then look within yourself you will never find true love and you will continue to search. Why search for something and continue to look outside when everything you need is within? You will never be content, you will never be happy and you will never find peace. Love is the way period and love in its truest form is located within your hearts. Come to that realization then also realize that you, the atheist, the Muslim and the Christian are One. Realize it now before you kill yourselves for the hope of maintaining an illusion. ONLY LOVE EXIST!

Between you and me there is an ocean. It is a vast body of water that separates my truth from yours. I am in a state of love, but this ocean stands as is, ready to erupt into a prodigious wave ready to crash down on your beauty and your grace. It feels like you are miles away and I miss you so much. My heart aches because of this ocean; it makes me want to kill myself. I don’t feel as if life is worth this, being so far away from you. I want to touch you, caress you and feel you from within. But this damn ocean is too vast and I don’t know how to swim. I wish I could drink these evil waters so that I am able to come to you. Or maybe I could do like Moses and put a part in these waters so that I could start and then continue to walk. But it was the faith that Moses used to have his way meant. To free God’s people it took the kind of faith that could make oceans part. This is the insight, the lesson to be healed and I know that even though it seems as if these damned waters would forever keep us apart. The faith that I have in our love will make them split for us. So as I wait for you, I do maintain my faith. I have faith in this love for you, as strong as it may be. I feel as if it will swallow me whole at any moment but so what because I do condone. I would call on the pain and yell for the suffering if this is what it takes to be with my beloved. And as I just said, the soothing sound of your voice is all I ask for. Just one more moment with you is all I desire. I love you like a fire which will engulf my world completely. Please come back to me. Please, I would walk on hot coals for you. And then that is when it occurred. After listening to all of the sad love songs and shedding all of the tears I come to realize that the waters which separate us also keep us as One. For all it is worth, we are made of these waters. They have parted a walkway for us but that wasn’t even necessary. They have been made in a way for the drinking but why would I care? You and I are One within these waters. The waters represent the mind and the chasm which they are in represents the lies. But love is like flight and with that we are reached. This love that I possess connects me with you more intimately and our fates are intertwined. We are these waters and with that, we are LOVE! I love you, I await you and I know that your essence is found within my heart. As soon as I look to my heart, my wait will be no more and you will be with me for ever so.

So there you have it, a spilling of words


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