Friday, October 22, 2010

Remember this, FEEL THE POWER!

In a world which so much exist; to have a closed mind on any aspect of it is to have a mind that is closed off to the whole of this amazing world? As a matter of fact; we are the world (that statement which I just made is more then a lyric in an old, popular song. It is truth!), we are a part of this world and this world is what we make it out to be so if we close our minds to any aspect of this world we are closing our minds to a great part of ourselves thus making it harder for us to understand who and what we truly are. In saying this I will also say that we shouldn’t live “of” the world ether. This means living life in a way that coincides with the ways of this world. We should look within and live by those standards instead, not the standards of this world because the world outside of us isn’t the “true” world at all. The inner world is the truth; this is the world that we should live “of”. Nothing which happens in this world that is true is a part from us anyway. We are connected to this world in a way that is so intimate that it would be hard for me to verbally express or describe.

Heaven and hell are two places in the same, they both are in the same location, it’s just the perception of the two the makes them different. Heaven is anywhere which God (love) exist and hell is simply a place which God does not exist. There isn’t a place in existence which God is not. God is omnipresent which means God is literally everywhere all of the time. So hell really doesn’t exist because there isn’t a place where God is not. So in me saying that hell isn’t real you might be wondering why I would have said right before that statement that heaven and hell are in the same place. The reason I said that hell and heaven are in the same place is because basically you can look at heaven as light and hell as darkness. The light and the darkness exist in the same places but darkness cannot exist where there is light. If you go into a dark room and turn on the light the dark basically converts to light. It (the darkness) doesn’t go run off and hide somewhere, as a matter of fact it doesn’t move, it just turns into light. The light shows the truth and the truth about a room could be that it had within it a bed and desk. But the darkness tells a lie because even though the desk and the bed were always in the room the darkness made it appear as if those things weren’t there, the darkness makes it look like nothing but darkness was in the room which is a lie within itself. So there it is for all to understand. To become enlightened or awaken (or saved or whatever term you deem to use) is to become aware of the truth. To live in fear (or hell) is to live in an illusion world (to live a lie).

We are born enlightened, we are born perfect and we are born beautiful. We are born divine and we are also born ALIVE. Nothing really needs to be done to achieve any of these things because we simply were born of them. I always tell people to let children know that whatever anyone else tells them or whatever they hear to know that they were born perfect and perfect is what they will always remain. Some people seem to enjoy telling children that they were born flawed or born sinners. Let me ask you a question. When you see a baby laying in her crib does that baby look like a sinner to you? Does that baby look like anything is wrong with him? Does she look like she is going to rob, cheat, or do you wrong anytime soon? Or does that baby look like the most perfect gift from God? It is such a fallacious idea to think that a baby is a sinner or a baby is flawed but babies are ready to learn all that it can about the world that it finds itself in. If you start the baby’s life off with telling it that it is a sinner it will adapt this idea and then it will become a SINNER. A baby is Love and that means a baby is GOD. A baby is a perfect example of God’s greatest work, a baby is a perfect example of God’s beauty and grace and just like all of us a baby is a part of God. Now God is so awesome that any part of Him is awesome as well. Any part of Him need it be a very small part is all powerful and all knowing. It is just as awesome as the whole; this is how awesome God is. Now let me ask you another question. Don’t you think that a person would maintain happiness easier and achieve greater feats if this person felt that he or she were Love and would always be Loved no matter who or what they became then if they were told that they were born sinners and had to act a certain way in order to be accept by society, you, or God? Now try this one for size, what if you told a person that they were literally a part of the energy and intelligence that made this universe. Then tell that person that any part of this unlimited energy is all power. I think a person who knew this as fact would KNOW that they would be able to achieve ANYTHING they put their mind to thus causing them to gain the power to achieve greatness. True spiritually is solely about SELF EMPOWERMENT! To know that the strength and power to overcome any obstacle or to achieve any gain is located within is freedom, true knowledge and true all out POWER.

Love is everlasting and it is all accepting. It isn’t necessary to give love anything, it isn’t necessary to worship Love or act a certain way for Love because Love is UNCONDITIONAL. The word unconditional means “under ANY conditions” period. Life is tough enough because we do live in a fear based society and we want to be loved. We are Love, we are a part of God, we are always connected to God so we ARE one with God (just as Jesus said about himself right before he said “you are apart of me, I am apart of you and I am apart of my Father (God). What do you think he meant?). So there it is; I just wanted to speak of these things because sometimes we forget (because we all come into this world knowing these things but we do tend to forget). Spread this message and watch heaven manifest here on earth because earth is where heaven truly is anyway. Once we all “turn on the light” which is located within us we will all see the heaven that is and has always been right in front of us all along.


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