Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ask questions of life and THINK before you believe!

A prediction was made not all that long ago that a "dooms day" would occur on May 21, 2011 which I didn't take seriously at all and thought no one else would ether, man was a wrong. Obviously I wasn't wrong about not taking the whole dooms day rumor serious otherwise I don't think I would be sitting here writing on this blog right now but the part that I was wrong about was the fact that I didn't think so many people would have taken it seriously as they did. Are people of the world so lost and in need of a leader or someone to follow so badly that they would listen to some guy who claims to know the day and time that the world would end, its crazy but it seems so.

There is nothing wrong with having a teacher or leader that teaches a particular spiritual or religious practice, as a matter of fact there are various people that I admire from various religions and various philosophies and they have all been great guides for me within my life and have shown me so much which has truly brought out something of love within me. But to be so lost in life that you follow a person who tells you some fear based information like the world is going to end and if you don't claim what he claims in the way he claims it you will burn and suffer isn't really a spiritual teacher at all, always remember this, love always empowers and fear disables. No matter who a true spiritual teacher is or what religion he or she claims to be part of or no matter what authority the individual may claim to have, if the so called wisdom that he or she is sharing doesn't feel as if it is giving you some sort of self empowerment he or she isn't a spiritual teacher at all. This is the easiest way to tell if someone is authentic or not, this is the way to tell if they are sharing REAL wisdom as in if this wisdom really does make YOU feel like a more powerful, free individual. This is the way and I don't understand or see how the person who started the dooms day rumor did this for anyone in a REAL since.

If one is to do research on the whole dooms day issue they would see that this idea is fairly new. Yes, it hasn't even been around for that long. Now there are verses in the bible that do speak of last days, raptures and such, but in order to understand these verses in full I believe that one needs to sit with them on there own, read them with an open mind and also do the research to learn and understand how people thought in the days that the passage was written. Everyone doesn't look at the bible as a spiritual book for themselves and this is a fact that I realize and respect to the fullest. Some people have the Koran, some have the Torah and some have other books that they hold dearly for the sake of there growth. Its up to you if you choose the bible or any other books, I myself do look at the bible as a book of spiritual truths but for me it's not the only so called spiritual book that I use on my path of enlightenment. My purpose of this blog is not to promote any particular religion or philosophy and also it isn't to put any of them down ether. My purpose in writing this or any other post that I write is a purpose that is surrounded by love and love only. If I learn something I share it with loving intentions, I make an attempt to empower everyone who reads my post to the fullest whether you believe in God or not. Love is what I am here to promote, not a certain religion but as I have said already I gain insight from various sources so I have used bible verses in my past blogs a long with sayings from other sources and will continue to do so. So in saying all of this it is up to you if you want to look at a person who claims to know what day the world will end as a leader or not but this is what I tell everyone; no matter what you feel will happen in the future (which doesn't even exist right now) or what you feel is truth or not, if you feel that the bible is literally the words of some god out there somewhere or if you look at it more so in a symbolic since remember that spiritually starts within, not on the outside of you.

Spirituality starts within. That is where it starts and that is what it is all about. Spirituality is about inner growth. Its about realizing that inner self and having it grow to everything that it was meant to grow into. Its about realizing your purpose, your strengths and your joys. It's about an inner growth and since everyone doesn't go through the same issues in life, speak the same languages, live in the same country, are exposed to the same media and don't come up in the same culture do you think that everybody's journey was meant to entail the same aspects in full? This is where I ran into a lot of walls back when I did consider myself under one particular religion. It seemed that within it, I was supposed to follow a certain set of rules, act a certain way, be a certain person and it was being told to me from an outside source. I couldn't be me because within the religion I was told to be something else already. I had questions and thoughts that were never answered and I also had thoughts that were thought of to be sinful or even blasphemous so what did I do with those? I covered them up and with that I didn't express a true aspect of who and what I truly was. When push came to shove and when all of the clouds settled I did and do still to this day believe in the love of Jesus, but he isn't the only one whose love I believe in and to me this doesn't take a damn thing away from him. To some people it does but not me and for those people I say keep up what you are doing if it does that growth thing for your inner self. No one can tell you what your purpose is because only you know that. No one can tell you what path to take in life because YOU only know that and a guide never tells the person that they are guiding where to go ether, remember that. If you asked me if I know how to get to 5th street all I can do is be a guide for you and tell you the best way that I know to get to that street. I'm not going to tell you, "You don't want to go to 5th street, let me tell you how to get to where you really want to go. You want to go to 8th street instead and I will show you the way to get there because if you go to 5th street you will burn." That isn't a guide at all, you didn't need me to tell you where to go because you already know where you need to go, you told me where you need to go and I simply told you the best way I know to get there. It is the same with spirituality and these so called guides. So if someone tells you that you need to believe in a certain philosophy in a certain way or if you don't then something really bad is going to happen to you why would you follow them in the first place? Why would you give them money so that they may spread a message of fear throughout the world? Why would you even give them a ear to listen? Where is the growth in that and seriously, does it make since to know when the world will end if it is going to end? What would be the point of having a judgement day if you knew the day anyway? How would you get judge if you knew, you wouldn't be judged off the authentic self you would be judged off of the person that you pretend to be when that day occurs, how silly is that and what is the point anyway?

As I said earlier if you feel that there is a god somewhere who judges and will judge you there is nothing wrong with believing that. Maybe that belief helps you to be the best person you can be so nothing wrong with it if it does that for you. I myself chooses to believe in a God that is all out love. To me true love is unconditional and unconditional means unconditional as in under any condition. I don't know if saying "yea god is unconditional but if you don't act and believe in him in a certain way you are going to be judged and burn in an eternal hell" is a god that is truly unconditional in his love, I mean what kind of free will or unconditional love is that anyway? Sounds pretty damn conditional if you ask me. What kind of god judges people anyway? Certainly not one that is "all forgiving". I mean if this god is all forgiving as certain individuals say he is why didn't he forgive the ones that are damned to an eternal hell? Also, if I am sitting in some hell burning everyday don't you think I would get use to the burning sensation? After that I don't think it would even be suffering to me anymore now would it? Do people ask themselves these types of questions before they believe in things of these types in a literally way?

If I had a child and they did something wrong, no matter how wrong I thought it was I would always forgive them and I would always want happiness for them. I don't think I would want them to suffer eternally if I truly loved them. I don't want anyone to suffer eternally, what kind of person would I be if I did. This individual who claimed to know when the world was going to end acted like he wanted the so called "wicket" people to suffer eternally and he wanted the people who agreed with his philosophy to gain the eternal bliss. What kind of spiritual leader is this???? I feel that love lives in all and in everyone and I want everyone to gain that feeling. I believe that when people do wrong they are being misguided therefore they are making mistakes. Why would I or anyone want someone to suffer eternally for a mistake? I mean I make mistakes all of the time and if I didn't make them I would never gain the opportunity to grow and become a better person. I've said wrong things and believed in false wisdom in my life but my question is who hasn't? I've made mistakes and I continue to make them day after day and because of them I grow. So if I was to make a mistake in believing in a god that doesn't exist or isn't real would the real God really punish me eternally for that error or forgive me and allow me to rectify that error? And for the people who consider God a father of all of us let me ask you this, what kind of father punishes his children eternally anyway and puts them through eternal suffereing? I will tell you what kind does that, a child abuser does and I don't think God is a child abuser.

As I have said already I do look at the bible as a book of true wisdom but also I understand the context and the time that it was written in. I understand that within this book there is history, there are some myths and there is a very old culture which it is attempting to speak to. The wisdom is there yes but in order to use this wisdom in MY life I would need to understand the mind set of the people back when it was written. I would also need to understand that even if this book is the world of God it came through people so some of what it came through is going to get mixed up in it. Its like if I were to swim across a lake, when I got out of the lake some of that lake is going to be on me. Some of the water and germs from that lake is going to be on me, it just is but this doesn't mean that I am not who and what I claim to be. With all of the scientific discoveries and all else that we have discovered about the world, ourselves and the universe it would be a bit on the elementary side to look at the bible in such a literal since as if I am still in the same mind set as people were back when. Plus I am also growing within a different culture then people back then, all if these things need to be looked at and thought about when reading any old spiritual book. I am not taking anything away from this great book because it has and still to this day helps me with my spiritual growth but if I were to blindly follow anything whether it be a person or a book in life in general I might as well simply ask someone to remove my brain from my head, I mean I'm not using it anyway if I am allowing someone else to run my life in such a way now am I?

So in closing of this blog post I say ask questions of life, make mistakes and know that the only suffering you will gain within making the mistake is within the mistake itself, there is nothing out there ready to punish you for your sins because our sins punish us within themselves. I wrote in an earlier blog post about sin and what the word sin really means but just to refresh your memory on the whole issue sin means miss the mark as in missing the mark in your life and we all do this from time to time, there is nothing wrong about it ether because this is how we grow. If dooms day is going to happen I believe that it will happen in different ways for different people and also at different times. We all are One, we all are One in the same but in the same token we are different. All the cells in our body are cells and they all live for one and the same purpose but yet they all are different. Red blood cells do not do the same thing as white blood cells and none of these cell do the same thing as the skin cells. One in the same but different. This is how it is for us as well. So before you start buying some story that some so called spiritual teacher is selling look within and see how it make you feel. You emotions and intuition are your indicators on this. If you are feeling better about yourself, more knowledgeable and self empowered you are looking at truth in its purest form. But if you feel that this teacher has you co-dependent on him or her or if you feel you are losing self empowerment in following this person then they are not a true spiritual teacher and they shouldn't be followed. And above all please use your brain, use common since and think for yourself. This is your life you are living, you have to live with your believes, you have to wake up to yourself every morning, its all about you when it comes down to it, you and your happiness because happiness is the point to this life not suffering. Research your spiritual books, understand the context of the time that it was written in and use your spiritual practices to uplift and inspire others only, not to scare them in any shape, size or form. This is what spirituality is about anyway, that inner growth not to sit somewhere and make a prediction about the world ending in order to gain more followers for your cause. To me that is nothing but the ego and the ego really has nothing to do with God. Spread love, be happy, live this life and simply enjoy because that is your birth right. Be free!!!


We are all LOVE!!!!!!

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