Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Simply Love

"If I have faith that moves mountains but have not love, I am nothing" Corinthians 13:2

My faith which I have in you is as potent as it gets and with that, there is nothing that will stop me from reaching you. Happiness; that is your name and you are my sheer reason for life. Within her I find you, within passion you dwell with patience waiting for me to achieve, with health and strength you are there to see me through but with that faith a requirement is a mist. With me and within me something is leaving holes, blank spaces and I don't feel complete. But AH, it is you, Love that dwell within that hole, I just wasn't aligned and aware. Without Love I would be no more. Love created me and Love is all that lives within the truth of this universe. But of this love, it doesn't pout, it doesn't demand and it doesn't disappoint. Love is with me when I see her, Love is walking beside me while I pursue my passion and love is embedded in every strain of happiness and joy. So the message is short and simple tonight. Love is the key and always the answer. Yes, with faith one could literally moves mountains aside but without Love an empty space will remain where that mountain once stood. So have faith, have hope but most of all; be and express Love because it is your power and your true reason and Love is always all out joy.

"there is no fear in Love but perfect Love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in Love" 1 John 4:18

Love is all out perfection, strength and also...Love is the way so express it proudly and do it with faith that can and will move mountains.

Namaste and God bless

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