Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden's death, a lesson in violents.

An event occurred yesterday which sparked plenty of celebration in America and also other places in the world. A terrorist was so called brought to justice, killed where he hid for his life. When this occurred I first felt a bit of joy spark in me. For any American, the 911 incident was more so one of the most horrific events to occur. So many innocent lives were taken, people who were just going about there daily business were killed. People who wouldn't have hurt anyone for any reason were killed, so many lives, so many dreams, so many great events could have occurred through some of these people and on the date of September 11st 2001 all of that was extinguished. So yes for a moment I felt joy, I felt relief and I felt as if justice had been serve but...this feeling only lasted for a moment within me.

Osama Bin Laden was one of the most wanted men in the world. He was a terrorist, he was a killer and he had millions of deaths on his hands. But to understand the whole situation in full is to gain a bit of insight on why someone would do such a thing. Why would someone chose to be so misguided and take the lives of people who would have never even occupied the same room with him, let a lone hurt him. But to come to this realization is not to gain any sympathy for this individual. Because if someone aligns themselves with a certain energy then they will attract just what they are aligned with. If someone lives by a code of violence, violence will follow and more then likely violence will take them as well. Laden was an exstremist of the worst kind. He for years had declared a jihad(holy war) on America, saying things like Americans are cocky, they are arrogant, they want to makes us(Laden's people) do what they feel we should and they don't know what they have coming for being this way. He (Laden) took the darkest parts of a religion which is more so based on love and threw it to the forefront as if this was all that this religion was all about. Bin Laden sincerely felt that he was doing God's work by killing Americans, he more then likely thought he was doing the same work that Muhammad did all those years ago. But to really look into Islam and to be educated in the slightest bit is to realize the misguidance which Laden radiated to the fullest.

Muhammad is the founder of Islam. He was said the be the last prophet of God. Muhammad was a very intelligent individual. He was intelligent well beyond his years and on top of that he couldn't even read, it seemed as if he just knew things, he had insights which help a lost people find a way to the all loving God. More so to understand what Muhammad was all about and to understand why Muhammad called his jihad all of those years ago is to understand the misunderstanding that Laden gained for the religion and the phophet that he claimed to love so much.

No matter how peaceful or serene a religion is, it's had it's day in the dark at one moment in time, Islam is no different. Muhammad did call a jihad on non-Muslims. He did order armies from ailing tribes to fight for his cause. But Muhammad wasn't always a person who involved himself in war. He was a dear husband to his wife Khadijah, a loving father to his kids and one of the most trusted individuals in the area that he lived in. But then Muhammad started gaining insights which he claimed the angle Gabriel relayed to him and with that, knowledge started to fall from his lips like never before. With this always comes strife, Jesus dealt with the same type of strife when he spoke his insights to the masses. Just as Jesus Muhammad had a message to a lost people and the message was said to come directly from God. Muhammad was so humble that he didn't even take any credit for any of the insights which he shared. But the insights were troubling to certain people. People of the tribes which Muhammad lived among already had gods which they prayed to. Muhammad was turning a lot of heads with his messages and he was giving a way to a people who really didn't know why they prayed to these gods. People started to convert to Islam by choice and this didn't sit to well with the folk who were more so loyal to their gods and their religion. They threatened Muhammad and chased him out of his country. Muhammad ran and continued to spread his message, some people felt him and converted and others shunned him. Certain Christians, Jews, and people of the tribe gods alike made it hard for Muhammad to live in a joyous and peaceful manner. Then it got to the point which Muhammad's life was threatened and that is when he called for the jihad. Now I am not excusing this action because it was a very dark time in Islamic history. The jihad in my opinion got out of hand at a point not to far from when it was first called; it got to the point where Muhammad's forces were going to all of the countries in the middle east and forcing people to become Muslims and people who refused were killed. The darkness continued until the day Muhammad was poisoned; the once enlightened man of peace killed in the line of his cause which at the time was inbedded in a code of violence.

As I said before all and every religion had a dark point in its history. But every religion holds a truth as well. Every religion has a message of love, hope and joy and every religion can be taken and grown from for the happiness and enlightenment of the individuals whom chooses to take them on, none are exempt from this equation but every religion also has extremist. Bin Laden thought to capitalize on the dark aspect of Islam with his cause at the forefront so like Muhammad he (Laden) reached out to those folk who were lost and looking for a leader. But it was more personal at the start for Laden. This man simply had a hate for America that burned his soul to a deep crisp. I can't even imagine why he hated America so much BUT...I can make guesses on some aspects of the country which I live in that may have helped to spark his hate. Point blank, I can understand why Laden felt so passionate for his cause. He truly thought he was doing the work of God and there was no one who could have told him otherwise. He lived by a violent code and because of it he died in a violent way. This is the over all lesson to be learned in this individual's death. There really isn't much to celebrate in this situation because I don't see how justice was done. Laden's death didn't bring back the people whom he had a hand in killing, it didn't do anything accept add on to the violence which already thrives in this world. Do you really think that Laden's cause will die with Laden? As soon as this man was killed someone else stepped up and took his place and now this person is going to spend his life on attempting to avenge Laden and also to let the world know that the Tali Ban still thrives. Violence leads to more violence and the only way to stop the violence is to STOP THE VIOLENCE. To me God is love and love is the answer to all issues, all of them. Not fear, love. Gandhi freed his beloved India by not ordering one person to be killed. He didn't have an army, just a heart of love and he is a perfect example of how love trumphs over all.

Now because of the Laden death issue I will not live in fear in any aspect of the word. Life will go on as it may and I am going to enjoy it. I am going to be the love which I feel God is because I am from that love and that love is my true essence. I encourage everyone else to do the same. The Dali lama said that if every child in the world meditated for one hour a day on compassion then all worldly wars would end in one generation. To me this makes a lot of since. We need to see the underline fact that we are One. We live in the universe, uni means one and a verse is a part of a song which is part of a vibe. One Vibe, One Verse, this is what we all are and we need to start acting like it before we all end up dead. I don't feel bad for Laden because of his code to a violence lifestyle. He was going to end up dying in the way that he did because he simply attracted the situation to himself. Like attracts like, this is a universal law and it exemplifies no one. Its ashame Laden didn't see the beauty and the love in Islam over the darkness. Its a shame that he was so misguided by his ego and his fears. But what is done is done and and I hope a lesson is to be learned from this event. Islam is a beautiful religion whose founder was a very enlightened individual on many levels so why not align with the beauty of the philosophy just as people like Rumi did. Ether way, more violence will more then likely occur because of the violence that occurred yesterday but this is no reason to fear. I only hope that the new leader of the Tali Ban becomes awakened and recognizes the peaceful aspect of the religion he loves. But as of now each individual has a choice in matters of the universe. We can chose love or we can chose fear. Hate is a fear aspect and strength and forgiveness are love aspects. The only way to change this world to a place of love is to radiate love. Radiate it so bright that it reaches the eyes of the Tali Ban thus redeeming them with a new realization. One of love, one that dictates love will also bring them more justice and happiness over fear. Let's simply radiate love. We are all One in this; let's start acting like it.


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