Monday, August 31, 2009

Make it ready

"If we wait for the moment when everything is ready, we shall never begin."Ivan Turgenev

This past weekend it rained really hard but that didn’t stop my wanting to go out on the town and have fun. One of my friends wanted to go out with me but kept on making up excuses on why it may not have been a good idea. Needless to say I ended up not going anywhere that night. In situations like so people seem to need a circumstance to be a certain way in order for sometime to happen. It’s an excuse that is over used as of why things aren’t happening in life, it’s the sheer belief in the ego driven delusion which states we are just victims of circumstance and this truly isn’t the case. Life is a decision that we as individuals make, it’s up to us as of what happens within our lives, we are the choices which need to be made, us, and it’s not what is happening on the outside of us controlling our outcome because in all reality nothing is happening outside of us at all. So whether you want to lose weight, get into any type of a relationship, get a certain type of job or whatever, you are the driving force of everything that occurs within your life, you are not a victim because there really is no such thing as a victim. Make it happen by stepping on the path that has everything you want as an outcome. No matter rain or shine make it happen. No matter what the economy looks like, make it happen. No matter what other people around you may be thinking still make it happen. Keep on growing and keep on enjoying life. It can be draining to want things to move and it seems that you are the only one that wants things to move but know that you aren’t. Remember “If we wait for the moment when everything is ready, we shall never begin”. Make it happen.


Friday, August 28, 2009

My ego

“No one can doubt the ego’s skill in building up false cases.”

What is this ego which I always speak of? A lot of people don’t realize that there is something which I call the ego that does dwell with us all. With an understanding of what the ego really is and also with a firm understand of what its purpose really is, one will be able to gain more within this lifetime then they could imagine because with this understand it will be realized that we already have more then we think we do. First off let me reveal what the ego is, the simplest way to put it would be that the ego is what we appear to be in this life. The ego is what gives us our name, age, gender, ethnicity, job title and so on. Our ego is what gives us this identification and makes it us. If I am a doctor, the part of me that makes me believe that I really am a doctor is my ego. It gives me a belief that would have me thinking that I am my name and all of my accomplishments in the world. It makes me think that things that I have are really “mine (my)” and I am a part of them. Like the term “Hey, that’s “my” car” or “That person is my girlfriend or wife, those are mine children.” “That is my job, this is my body, mine mine, mine.” Then comes mine equaling me. “Oh, why did they mess up my car? What would someone do that to me?” “They are stealing from me, they took my cell phone.” All of the attachments of outer things are nothing but the ego building up its false case. We have this ego built conception of our selves as well, “I am black” or “I am white” or “I am Spanish.” “From being a black man I have to be this way because of the way I will be treated” “Because I’m a woman I can’t do that because it’s not what women do.” Do you see where I am going with this? I hope that it is understood as of what the ego really is.

I like to say that the ego means to Edge God Out. It is the thing that separates us from who and what we really are. It drives us to believe that we are flawed, that we are less then or even more then others. It does this by having us believe that we are separate from God and each other. It does this by having us really believe that we really are separate entities from each other and if we are separate we have to get ours or some other separate entity will gain it instead. Our attachments to our race, religion, gender, bodies and everything you can think of are our egos building up false cases. In other words it’s our ego creating our false self.

Everything that we come into this world and are given are not who or what we are. Our life situations are our way to express our life experience. The things that we receive are tools that we in the most metaphysical way have given ourselves so that we may have this life experience under certain chosen terms. We are the ones who have chosen ourselves, Us, not our egos. Our egos are what makes us believe we are actually less then when in reality it is our egos which are actually less then. We made it all up. Our egos are really something that we’ve made up, it’s our creation so does it make since to have our very own creations run a muck and have it control us? The ego needs to be recognized for what it is; it needs to be put out there so that we are able to grow in the way which we see fit, not in the way that the ego says we can grow. Our egos are what puts fear in our lives, it puts fear in our lives by having us believe that this physical existence is all that we have and all that we are. If we are convinced this then there is reason to fear because we really would feel that it is possible for us to loss. Lost is scary, lost is the root of all fear and lost is the greatest illusion that the ego has drummed up yet. We can’t lose anything because we are everything. We are everything that we could ever want, we are everything that we could ever have, the entire universe lives within us so how could we lose something when everything is already within us? All we need to do is remember who and what we are and then claim it; it will then be granted to us because we already have it. We are our creators, the true us, not our egos. WE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE CHOOSEN WHO AND WHAT WE ARE AND ALSO WE ARE THE ONES THAT CHOSE WHO WE WILL ULTIMATELY BECOME. IT’S ALL US!! The ego is a small part of us; it is the part of us that we made up so that we are able to live life in the way which we chose. The ego didn’t do it, it didn’t make us as we are but since it has us believing that we are only what it says we are we feel as if we are powerless in what happens to us. There are but two choices for us in every situation which can arise, its ether love or fear. We are love, we come from love and fear is what we don’t come from, fear is of nothing that’s real but some of us believe in it so feverishly. If we only could come to a firm understand that we and the Source which we call God are One in the same and that the ego isn’t apart of any of that then we would have no reason to ever fear again.

The ego does this so that it can be, it does this because it is afraid that if we realize who and what we really are then we won’t need it anymore and you know what, it is right. But, it doesn’t realize that for most of us we want it to be there. I love who and what I’ve become, I love the growth that I have been able to make within this life and it wouldn’t have been possible if not for my ego. I love the ethnicity that I “have” (notice how I didn’t say that I am my ethnicity, it is simply something that I have.) I love that fact that I have a male gender and that I have a physical body. I love that fact that I have all that I do have because it gives me the option to take it even farther then I’ve already taken it. The truth is that the ego is a part of us, we are of the three, the trinity, we are the mind, body and soul and it is the fusion of the three that makes us the One that we are. When we see that all and everything is the same, it’s all of the soul and there is actually only One soul. This One soul operates on different frequencies which give us our place in being different but it still is One soul. There is One universe, One Source, One Soul, One God and within all of this Oneness there are plenty. There is room in all of this for the ego, the ego doesn’t realize this but their really is room for it without it building up these false cases. This is why we need to know and realize what the ego really is and then we’ll be able to keep the ego in its place and not let it run a muck within our lives with its false cases.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

True Freedom

Freedom in general may be defined as the absence of obstacles to the realization of desires” (Bertrand Russell)

Freedom is something that a lot of us do take for granted, some of us truly do believe that we are really free but in a lot of cases this isn’t so. We actually are free to make our own decisions, we are free to think the thought we very well please and we are free to take any action that we deem necessary. Everybody craves freedom and everybody wants to simply do what they want to do but how can we truly call ourselves free if we don’t allow and support actions that people whom we care about take. We are what we express, we are everything that we say, do, and think. Love is something that radiates freedom; fear radiates imprisonment and it also radiates all obstacles which others may put before us. As a person claims to love another it is their duty to support the so called loved person in their transformation to their better selves, in other words, if I’m this person whom claims to love another then I am in their lives for their betterment. I’m not in their lives so that I can nit pick and complain about choices which they are now making or choices that they’ve made in the past. I’m not there to tell them that they need to be a certain way so that I may be happy, it is my duty to see them for who and what they are choosing to be, accept it and then only concentrate and see what I would consider the better parts of them and nothing else. It is my duty to bring the better part of them out by simply showing that part to them. It’s not my place to tell someone that they are doing something that I feel they shouldn’t be doing; it’s simply not my place to do this to anyone. The trick is to realize the truth of the matter, I’ve said it once before and I will say it again, WE ARE ONE. I will say it over and over again until it is realized. Oneness doesn’t mean sameness, even though we are One, we still are different in the way we express our selves and our lives. Still, we are One so the trick is to simply understand that we all are here for our own happiness and to see ourselves in each other. I’ve come into contact with a lot of good people in my life and the ones whom I was able to help the most are the ones whom I simply saw myself in. Because the fact remains that my happiness is the most important thing to me, once I gain a deep understanding that we are all literally One, it will also be easier for me to understand why someone may be acting the way that they may act. They are looking for the same things that I’m looking for. They are looking for themselves, they are looking for happiness, they are looking for love, and it’s that simple. When I see myself in others I help others to gain happiness in the way that they (not me, not my ego) see the need to gain it. I’ll concentrate only on the greatness of that person, I will show that person their perfections and gifts and within that place, I’ll come to an even better understanding of why they act the way they act. I will come to the realization that we are who we choose to be, not who someone else says we should be, this is the only way we will find our happiness, to simply be the person that we came to this planet to be. It is my place to spread love because I am love, not imprisonment. Freedom and love are the same, they in able us to express our life experience the way we see fit. No obstacles involved here, the only obstacles that would stand are the obstacles that one makes for themselves, obstacles shouldn’t come from other individuals. That is not why I or any of us are in each other’s lives. We are here to enjoy life, to learn, realize, grow, remember, and then we’ll gain deep understandings of whom and what we really are. Following, we’ll evolve to the next level of who we were meant to be. We are here to encourage each other and to bring the better part of each other out; we are here to bring the part that is us (utter beauty and perfection) out of others and that is it.

If you are bothering someone because they are doing things that you don’t understand just know that their reasons have nothing to do with you so don’t take it personal. It’s not about you so leave that person a lone. Let that person live, let that person do what they feel comfortable with doing, don’t nit pick, don’t complain, just let it be and I promise you that the person will appreciate it and life will be easier for all of us. Give that person the freedom they deserve, freedom without any expectations or obstacles.



Don’t worry about what happens after freedom is freely given. Don’t fret over things like if freeing someone would keep them in your life experience. If you are honest with yourself then continue to express life the way you see then after all of that you see that your loved one seems to be moving away from you then that means that this person isn’t serving your growth anymore so they aren’t meant to be in your life as they were at one time. Let them go and simply live your life, let them be free. Like I said, Freedom is love.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The great Benefits of READING

Reading to the mind is what exercise is to the body. (Richard steel)

For me it wouldn’t be fair in any shape, size or form if I were to never talk about the benefits of having a habit of reading. I could never express how much reading has helped me out in my growth process as far as life is concerned. Reading has introduced me to so many different worlds, different philosophies, different view points and just simply different paths which would be available for me to travel down on the road called life. Because of reading I’ve had the honor of meeting highly intelligent, God realized people like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, Paramahansa Yogananda, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Neale Donald Walsch, The Dali Lama and so many more. There is so much that I have taken away from simply reading different books. I’ve learned how to become the most fit of people that I know, I’ve learn how to be more loving, compassionate and giving as well. Reading has helped me to remember who and what I really am. Because I know that God lives in us and with that so does everything else and that we actually come into this world knowing all and having all within us already, reading has helped me to remember who and what I am. If not for my reading habits I would have never remembered simple facts about myself like how strong of person I really am. I would have never remembered that life is truly about happiness and that we were put here to grow and gain different ways of joy. I would have never been able to help all of the people who I’ve helped to walk the path which would ultimately take them to that place that they crave to be in. I would’ve never traveled to all the different cities, states and countries that reading has taken me to. I would’ve never traveled to different worlds and different universes. I would have never witness events that most would consider fictional but I consider exciting and life giving. I can’t stress as of how much reading has helped me with my travels, trials and tribulations in life. If I would’ve never picked up a book and gained this reading habit that I have I would have never come into knowing myself as I do. As a youth I was very withdrawn from just about everything that life had to offer. I was plagued with all types of fears and I was at a crossroad with life in general. I knew I was different but I didn’t feel that it was okay for me to be different. I knew I was special but that felt wrong as well. I was being misguided in so many different ways that it wasn’t funny. I didn’t do much except what I was told because I didn’t know that I could do anything else. I told myself that there had to be more to life then what I was experiencing and that in order to know what life really was about I would have to gain some type of knowledge and understanding of life of some type. I knew that knowledge was found in books so I made myself pick one up and that is what started my reading habit. It wasn’t easy at first because I was so use to watching TV and having someone else relay everything to me instead of me using my own mind to gain info. I was so deeply into things like video games, rap music, kung fu and japanimations (Japanese cartoons) movies and these were basically my only form of entertainment. I really didn’t know much else but I did know that there was more to life then what I was experiencing. I just knew I was different and I had a need to gain more knowledge, a need that was like a pain from the inside which threatened to consume me whole if not meant. From my first fitness magazine I learned how to take better care of myself. From there I stopped doing so many things which threatened my well being (like eating fast foods everyday and not being active). I became educated and then enlightened; from there I took my new knowledge to the limits and beyond. Because of those books (along with certain influences like my mother and also people like Bruce Lee) I turned my physical body into the shape that most people claim to want for themselves. I began feeling better about myself, I was able to think clearer and I became more self confident. All of this started with me knowing that I needed to gain knowledge and then reading. After that I began reading the Bible and then I started reading other spiritual books which widening my horizon on what spirituality itself. Other then that and before that I just had what people told me and what was said in the church which I attended (this obviously wasn’t enough otherwise I wouldn’t have felt like something was missing from my life in the first place). I started reading books on different sciences and philosophies as well. I added some fictional readings to my arsenal, which in turn helped me to gain back a love for writing that I always had within me. As a youth growing up I lost so much of myself in the attempted to gain the meaning in life. I gave up so much of myself doing my growing up stage in life, my reading has helped me remember simple things that were lost in my upbringing, it helped me to remember exactly who and what I really am. From educating myself came deep understands, from understands came great accomplishments and from great accomplishments came utter happiness and then came my God given freedom which I had to remember because I had certainly forgotten about it.

Read more!! (gain knowledge, travel to different countries and worlds, gain deep understands, achieve greatness). I will say it again, read more, reading to me is just a very important aspect of my life. We already have everything that we could ever want within us already, all we need to do is simply understand and then remember that. We have God living inside of us (or Source or the universe, it all is the same) and if we become beings of the deepest of understand of that fact then not even the sky will be the limit for us. All it takes is a deep understanding of something to achieve what we’ve always wanted and a great way to gain this understand is to crack open a book and see what’s inside. For your own happiness and freedom I encourage it, read more, learn more, then you will be able to change the world as you see fit, I promise you that you will, don’t even take my word for it, just give it a try.

“One in four adults read no books at all in the past year, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll released”

Let’s not allow this sad statistic to stand. READ MORE OR JUST READ PERIOD!!!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dissent: Old man; Dissent is not disloyalty. Be careful before you retaliate. Your steel wrapped in cotton may only be brittle bone wrapped in fat.

No one is a supreme authority. People seek leaders, priests, gurus, and hermits thinking that someone has a precise formula for living correctly. No one does. No one can know you as well as you can know yourself. All that you can gain from a wise person is the assurance of some initial guidance. You may even spend decades studying under such an extraordinary person, but you should never surrender your dignity, independence, and personality.

There is no single way to do things in life. There are valid paths, even though they may differ from the ways of respected elders. Diversity is good for tradition. Too often, elders confuse dissent with disloyalty and punish people for the crime of having a different view. They are no longer in touch with Tao but instead mouth self-serving convention. Perhaps the panic of their own impending death makes them clutch. When the leaders become repressive, it is a sing that their time is drawing to a close.

A saying about old masters was that they were like steel wrapped in cotton: They appeared soft on the outside but still held great power on the inside. We all hope for elders like that. But oftentimes, the old masters have lost their mandate of Tao. Then, when tested, they are merely brittle bone and fat. How can we respect such people?

Taken from (365 TAO daily meditations by Deng Ming-Doa)

The Tao is the All. It is the force that can’t and can be seen, the Source that sources our very lives, it is the yin and the yang; it is the all and also the Everything that is and ever was. This Tao that I speak of is just simply another name for what we call God. Also, this Tao that I speak of does dwells within us; it tells us and alerts us as to what is good for us and what isn’t, it does this by simply having our emotions feel a certain way if something is right and then if something is the opposite of right (for us) then our emotions will feel the way of the opposite (we will feel bad), our emotions are our true indicator as of what and who we wish to become. Now dissent (which means change) is a necessary aspect of growth and evolution, dissent is simply the change that we all undergo within our life span. We are beings who simply are of dissent but even so somewhere within our lives their may be certain individuals who don’t take to well to the dissent that we undergo. They may see our dissent as being disloyal when this is never actually the case. When this occurs, the individual whom is looking at the dissent in a way of disloyalty has truly lost touch with the Tao and are dwelling in a place which is of the simple, narrow minded ego. It then becomes all about that very ego driven person, no longer are they a guide, they’ve simply become an overall authority of the way which they see fit for us to take. The teacher then becomes a dictator and the individual who is being dictated to will then become basically a slave. We’ve all come into this physical existence to find our own way of life, no one could ever truly dictate a way which is best for us, a good teacher only brings the best out of the student and guides him or her on the path that he or she has chosen. Nothing is written in stone, nothing is absolute and everything within this life is of dissent. These so called masters whom cling to the old ways are only doing so because it is a way that they are comfortable and accustomed to. They identify there self worth with these old ways and with dissent involved, it may seem that these old ways which they tend to identify themselves with is being threaten (even though their way is truly not being threatened at all because the dissent that we undergo is never simply about them ). If the old ways are in a place where they seem to be threatened then so are the people whom cling to them as their identities. In my opinion a person who thinks and feels that they are nothing but a particular way of living (a certain philosophy, religion, cult or just a way of being) is no master or teacher at all; this is not a person worthy of teaching the Tao so if you are to come in contact with a person like this run as far away from them as possible. There are many roads which we are able to choose in life. It is up to us as of which one we wish to travel. We are the ones who know us the best and any true master will tell us so. They will let us know that this life is of our doing, we are the creator, and it is truly just up to us as of what occurs within our life experience. Remember that dissent is a blessing, dissent keeps life exciting and dissent keeps us feeling as if we really are still living. Keep on changing, never stop evolving, never stop learning, never stop growing, never stop adding on to yourself and never, ever, ever stop or fear personal, physical, spiritual or mental evolution. Keeps life exciting and keep change occurring.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Be Selfish as can be !

Today I want to talk about the most honest approach which we can take within our lives. This is also an approach which a lot of us for one reason or another look at as something of the wrong. If I were to ask an individual if they’re selfish and they answer me with a no then they are pretty much lying very blatantly. We all are selfish, being and acknowledging our selfishness is a good thing, in knowing that we all are selfish creatures we are able to grow in ways like never before. Too many of us are held back from accomplishing our dreams because of the fear of being labeled selfish. Too many of us don’t just do what feels best for us because we feel if we were to do so then we would be very selfish to do so. There is nothing wrong with gaining riches of all types for one self, being in a place of the poor isn’t serving anyone of the world. Yesterday I was watching this Abraham-Hick ( ) DVD and on it a woman asked Abraham a question about all and everybody selfishly manifesting their own reality. She asked as of how this could ever be right if one person wants something that goes against what another person wants. They (Abraham) answered her and said “even the cells in our body don’t have this issue. They are very selfish in what they want but they all work together because they know that in order to gain what they want they need too simply work with each other.” Think of it this way, if I’m a person with a child and my child does drugs, if I am not wanting my child to do the drugs I can fool myself all I want by saying that I am doing this for my child’s own good only. Yes, it may be in my mind that I don’t want my child to do the drugs because it will more then likely cause harm to him but I am doing it for me more then him. It is “me” that doesn’t want my child to hurt himself and mess up his life and it is me that sees the drugs as a way which would dictate him messing up his life. I want my child to be drug free because it is something I want for myself, even if it goes against my child’s wishes I may attempt to force him not to do the drugs because “I” don’t want him to, me, not him, ME. How is this not selfish? How are the cells which dwell in our physical bodies not selfish? How is it not selfish of me to want world peace because I don’t want to live in a war zone? It all comes down to me, to what I want and this is the way the world should work, it should work off of selfish wants and nothing else, this is my opinion and my very selfish opinion at that. If you want change to happen Gandhi said that you should be the change which you want to occur. He said YOU, be the change that YOU want. He was the changed that he wanted, he wanted his country free from the grips if Europe so he took the measures in the ways that he saw fit to make it happen. They were peaceful measures and one may say that he did it the right way but the thing is they were measures which he saw fit. This is the selfishness; he was utterly selfish in his efforts. He wanted happiness for the people of Indian, he wanted freedom for the people of Indian and he wanted these things because it made him feel good. If it didn’t then he wouldn’t have even thought to accomplish his aim. I feel that when we realize that we are all truly One because we are Sourced by the same Source and we really do need each other and we are just as connected as the cells in our bodies then our selfishness may not even look like selfishness. They (our cells) know that they need to do what it takes to maintain the life-force that lives within us for their benefit a lone. They know this because they know that it’s the only way which they will survive, they are only concerned about themselves and yet within that same concern they are concerned about each other and also they are concerned about us. They see themselves, all the other cells which dwell in us and “us” as well as One. This is the realization that would bring it all to light. We as a people see ourselves as just a small aspect of the whole when in reality we are the universe and the universe is us. We are this earth and everything on it, we are every breath of air, every walk of land and every life-force that dwells on this planet. We are every plant that grows from the soils and every drop of water that drips, we are all of these things and we are also apart of everyone who walks the face of this plant. This is us; we are that vast; we are that grand so what is wrong with being selfish? If we saw ourselves as what we really are then being selfish would be the greatest gift of all. Just as it is for the cells which are within our bodies, being selfish and claiming that selfishness is one of the greatest gifts of all. I mean even in the so called smallest ways. If we want our lives to be a particular way there is nothing wrong with not settling for less then that. If I want a mate to be a particular way, or I want to have a particular job in a particular place within a particular aspect there is nothing wrong with going for that particular aspect until it is as particular as our want would dictate. Selfishness is a gift, harness it, use it, and go for it. Be as selfish as sin, if rules are needed to be broken to gain what one’s heart desires then break them, be selfish because it is a gift and beings selfish is the only way to gain that heaven on earth in this life which I see do within all of our grasp.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Heaven, hell and the Oneness

I once heard a story about a visit to heaven and hell. In both places the visitor saw many people seated at a table on which many delicious foods were laid out. Chopsticks over a meter long were tied to their right hands, while their left hands were tied to their chairs. In hell, however much they stretched out their arms, the chopsticks were too long for them to get food into their mouths. They grew impatient and got their hands and chopsticks tangled with one another’s. The delicacies were scattered here and there.
In heaven, on the other hand, people happily used the long chopsticks to pick out someone else’s favorite food and feed it to him, and in turn they were being fed by others. They all enjoyed their meal in harmony.
–Shundo Aoyama, Zen Seed (From the book 365 Zen)

There is no separation which means we all are apart of each other. In turn, everything else is a part of everything and that also goes for heaven and hell. To think of a physical place which is called heaven or hell and to think of these places being a part from us and our world is in my opinion the stuff which fairytales are made of. It’s all actually the same exact place but then a big difference between the two is the Oneness of the people whom dwell within them. As we are all One; a way to arrive in heaven is to look at each other in a way that dictates sharing and helpfulness. Just as the Zen tale says, “In heaven, people happily used the long chopsticks to pick out someone else’s favorite food and feed it to him, and in turn they were being fed by others”. In hell however, people though of themselves only, they couldn’t see the Oneness between each other and therefore they weren’t able to achieve there goal which was in this case to get fed. The lesson to the Zen tale is easy, as we live our lives hope for the best for everyone, everywhere, all around and also, help in any way that is within our power which doesn’t cause harm to us personally so that they are able to achieve there goals and in turn you’ll gain the same help and end up just as happy. Be what you want the world to be, know that if you give then you will be given to as well, you just need to maintain a mind state of giving and it WILL occur within your life. Needless to say, when you do share and give you can’t sit there and expect anything back, that is the selfishness and as I said, you will receive what you ARE, this is how it works. It’s how heaven and hell works and its how life works as well. We create our realities, if you want something to be within your world then be that which you want, point blank. Heaven on earth is achievable, just be that heaven which you wish to obtain. In truth we already have and are that heaven which we all want so badly, we just need to claim it for ourselves and the way to do that is to simply BE that which we want.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fear of the Will of God ????

Fear of the Will of God is one of the strangest beliefs the human mind has ever made. It could not possibly have occurred unless the mind were already profoundly split, making it possible for it to be afraid of what it really is. Reality cannot “threaten” anything except illusions, since reality can only uphold truth. The very fact that the Will of God, which is what you are, is perceived as fearful, demonstrates that you are afraid of what you are. It is not, then, the Will of God of which you are afraid, but yours. (A Course in Miracles)

To fear the Will of God is in the realms of the strange. As a matter of fact it’s more then that, it’s just plan ludicrous if you ask me. To fear anything about God period makes no since, do you fear your own happiness? Do you fear your own joy? Do you fear the feeling of love? When we fear anything about God it’s like fearing things which make us happy. Happiness is all God wants for us and it’s really just that simple. God wants nothing of us but our truth which is our happiness and joy for ourselves. Fear comes from a conflicted mind which wants one thing but doesn’t want to do what it takes to get there. The conflicted mind makes up reasons why walking a path to gain happiness won’t work. It makes up situations that don’t even exist, this is the ego in action; the ego causes confliction within the mind. God and We are One, Our will is God’s will and God’s will is for us to be happy. Our truth is the now as we are, not us in the past or future and the “we” that exist right now is okay otherwise reading this wouldn’t be possible. Even if we are dealing with a dyer situation in life right now, we still do have the choice to do what it takes to get out of it, it is up to us and fear shouldn’t be a reason why we don’t go to that place which we know we should be. Walk that walk and walk it fearlessly. Earnestly pursue what your heart desires and don’t let anything stop you. Don’t even listen to yourself in the matter, if something inside of you is giving you reasons why you shouldn’t be pursuing something that you know you should be pursuing then it is nothing but the ego relating the message and the ego just isn’t real enough to even have an opinion in this. The reality of the situation is that you are Divine and have unlimited potential, anything else is an illusion. The only thing reality truly does threaten is illusions, that’s it and fear happens to be the biggest illusion of all. The ego and fear work together to hold us in a place which is separate from God. The ego could never understand the concept that we all are of One, it could never understand the fact that we have unlimited potential, it never could gain the reality that we are the same as the God which we come from. Even so if we were to really think about it then it is quiet understandable as to why the ego runs off of fear. All the ego can fathom is us in the physical world, all it can understand is what appears in front of your physical eyes, it is that limited in it’s ways, this is the same ego that told us that the earth was flat because it couldn’t see anything beyond the ocean’s line. Why believe in such a folly source, why fear something that is of love and only love. Why fear happiness? Why fear joy? The trick is to know and realize what the ego really is and to simply use it for the purpose which it is suppose to serve. The ego shouldn’t run the show, God should. When this fact is realized (remembered) then it will seem just plain stupid to fear the Will of God. The ego is what makes us our name, gender, ethnicity, and whatever other label we use to be identified with while we live in this world. The ego thinks that we actually can die simply because the physical body dies. We are more then what the entire ego identifies us with. The things which the ego identifies us with are things that we have, their not what or who we are really are, they are what we have and they shouldn’t be thought of in any other way. We are One with our Source so in turn we are the same as our Source so with that fact being stated then why would we need to fear anything? There is nothing to fear but fear itself and fear itself is nothing.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Illuminating Knowledge

When ignorance is destroyed by knowledge of the self then, like the sun, knowledge illumines ultimate reality. That becomes their understanding their self, their basis, and their goal, and they reach a state beyond return, their sin dispelled by knowledge. Passage from (The Bhagavad-Gita)

What is ignorance? How could one even be within ignorance? Knowledge frees us from ignorance; true knowledge will always illumine the ultimate reality. This ignorance which I speak of is the not knowing. If you haven’t “Known” then you have no “knowledge”. Within this world of fear based thoughts, there is but one place that we can go which we will always come into a state of illumination. That place is within thy Self; let’s gain knowledge of the Self, the true Self is the knowledge that will free us from ignorance. What sins do we have to worry of if we have knowledge of who we are? What woes and worries do we truly need to deal with if we are illuminated with the Sun that shines on our ultimate reality? How could one look at Themselves in the same manner once they have felt that illuminating glare? All sin will be dispelled once we gain this “Self knowledge”. Knowledge of Ourselves would be knowledge of the all and of the everything. We flow through life making decision which dictates Our futures. If we want a positive future to manifest itself then we need to start with Knowing that we are of the positive. We are the all mighty, we are the strength that we crave and we are the joy that we seek. We are as precious as a new born baby. When we look into a newborn’s face we see nothing but love and happiness. That never leaves us, this is the true us, the precious, the beautiful, the heavenly. We need to come to see that with this realization our lives would be grand. Our lives can be the ultimate ride; all we have to do is always see the precious, beautiful, heavenly being within us that we see within a newborn. Know that Self knowledge dispels all sin and illuminates our ultimate reality. This is who and what we are, We and God (love) are One. God is us and we are God, WE ARE GOD!!!! This is what we need to see, this is what we need to realize and it is cause for a great celebration.

I’ve revealed the ultimate truth within my writings today and I’ve pulled no punches in doing so. We aren’t “idols” to be worshiped or a lower part of the ultimate, we are the ultimate; we are all that is; was and will ever be. This is what it’s all about, when we see and know that we ourselves are God then our happiness will truly be a simple thought away. Believe in My words today, believe Me when I say everything great about Me is within you and vise versa. “I honor the place with which the divine is located” I honor and respect all and everyone, We are One and the ultimate truth has been revealed.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happiness Is A Choice

A strong determination to be happy will help you. Do not wait for your situation to change; thinking that therein lays the trouble. Try to be happy under all circumstances. If your happiness sometimes seems dependent on certain conditions, then change your circumstances so that you will be happy all of the time. (Paramhansa Yogananda)

This passage which I have used today is what it is all about. What Swami Yogananda says is a great reminder for us all when it comes to our lives, our life situations and our happiness. Today as I drove to work I thought about the direction that my life has been going and I also thought about the “what ifs” within my life as well. I began to dwell on past events and then I thought about what may or should have happened within those situations. I got a bit angry because of the way certain things turned out and then I got a little sad right after. But then, I realized something, no one was in the car with me and none of the situations which I thought of were happening yet I still began to feel bad. I was choosing that feeling. It was all me, I wasn’t determined to maintain my happiness within that moment. No condition should dictate our happiness whether it is the pass, present or future. This happiness that we all crave is something that we were born with, it’s inside of us and until we realized this fact in full we will never be in a state of pure happiness which is always everlasting. So if you are mad because of the economy it’s not the economy’s fault that you feel mad. If you are sad because of a “failed relationship” it’s not the relationship’s fault that you are feeling sad. Make a choice; make it your nature to simply remain in a state of happiness. No condition should ever dictate the type of mood you choose to be in, none. We all are all powerful, we all are everything that we ever wanted in life; all we need to do is claim it. Have a knowing that everything you want is already here; don’t even think of it as being on its way, think of it as already here because in truth it already is. Everything that will ever exist, exist already. Everything that ever was, is. When this concept is fully understood it becomes quiet apparent that everything that we could ever want is already with us and thus, it is we who need to claim what we want. We do have the power, that very fact should be enough to make any individual who feels down happy. Make the choice, don’t wait for a circumstance to unfold, just do it and claim happiness!!!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Imagine that !!

Albert Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.

When we were children we knew that happiness was but a simple thought away. We dreamed of the so called impossible and our imaginations were wild and rapid. We dreamed of walking on clouds and going to lands filled with games, enjoyable times, and fun foods to eat. We dreamed of walking with happiness, we dreamed of being around fun people and we dreamed of consist laughter. When I was a child I use to love writing. My imagination would run so wild and rapid with all types of situations which came to life when I wrote them down. I was so innocent and free, happy and joyful and I just knew that I was living in a world which had my best interest in mind. But then something happened, I was shown a different side of things and it really confused me. I was told that I couldn’t do this and I shouldn’t do that. I was told that I needed to act, feel, and believe in only certain things. I was told that reality is harsh, I was basically told that life wasn’t all about fun and games, it was about doing what you were suppose to do whether you agreed with it or not. I became afraid of so many things and because of this new attitude which I was being taught I didn’t know what to do or think. I felt that because I still had certain thoughts and because it seemed that the world simply didn’t work in alignment with my thoughts then I was strange and something was wrong with me. Because of this new thought process which I was being taught I became really shy and simply afraid. I became afraid to be me and because I didn’t feel right being anything else I just simply choose to be nothing. I sat silently, too afraid to express who and what I was. I was taught that I was less then I believed myself to be, I was taught that things just happened to people and that we had no control over them. I was told that I needed to get an education so that I would get a simple good paying job with benefits and that would be that. I was taught that I should look and act a certain way, if not I must be ugly and something must be wrong with me. I thought for so long that I was weird, ugly and stupid. I didn’t think that any girl whom I liked would ever like me, I didn’t think that anyone actually saw me as anything more then just a mere, shy, small person who thought to be afraid of just about everything.

I’ve always said that this world is run off the rules and regulations of fear. We are taught that we need to work hard at getting jobs which we don’t even want so we can make a bunch of money and then that will make us happy. We are taught that we need to get ours and we need to make sure that we do no matter what the cost. So many situations which we are taught about tell us that sometime we need to “stab others in the back” to get anything and therefore to gain happiness. We are born happy, our happiness is taken from us and then we are told a false way of gaining it back. We are told that if we aren’t a certain way then something is wrong with us and we need to shape up. If we have a talent but it isn’t up to the status quo (some group of people’s opinion on how it should be) then we aren’t good at it. If you don’t believe me then do this experiment. Go in a room full of preschoolers and ask the class if they can sing. As a matter of fact ask the people who think they can sing to raise their hands and see what happens. I already know what will happen, every single person in that class will raise their hand. They all know that they can sing, they know this because everyone can sing, we all may not sing in the same manner but everyone can sing. Then, right after you go in that class go in a class full of 4th grades and ask the same question. I bet you maybe two or three people will raise there hand. What happened? Do you think their singing ability diminished in five years? No that isn’t what happened at all, they were told that they couldn’t sing because they didn’t sound a certain way. They were taught that if they sounded any other way then they couldn’t sing. When a friend of mine was a child she wanted to be a model but because some adult told her that she could never be a model because of her height she lost the dream. She grew up to be one of the most beautiful women that I’ve laid eyes on and I believe she could have easily been a model but because of what someone told her when she was a child it never came to pass.

Albert Einstein was a genius. If you ask anyone if he was anything but a genius I’m pretty sure they will disagree with you. His discoveries catapulted the whole human race to another level of thinking, he made that big of an impact and he did it because he never gave up on who and what he truly was. He had a wild imagination and he never did waiver on it no matter what. A lot of people don’t know this but Albert had problems with a lot of his classes in school. He wasn’t a person who did everything according to the books and rules and there were people who told him that if he kept it up with his attitude he had towards a lot of his classes then he would never achieve anything. He still kept his imagination as was, he did keep that attitude that they told him not to keep, he knew what he liked, he knew what interested him and that is what he pursued. He kept at his interest and dreams and because of his no quit at his dreams attitude he made some amazing discoveries about time and gravity. He kept on dreaming, he never stopped. He didn’t let the world put a blatant lie into him, he didn’t allow them to put their fear based way of thinking into him and because of that I admire him a whole lot. He remained a dreamer; he remained with that “child mentality”. It is a gift that we are all born with and it gets lost within our lives. We replace what we really are with a false, made up, fear driven way of thinking and living. There are so many lies which we are taught, lies about how we should view other people, lies about how we should view ourselves (view our bodies and the way our minds work); lies about our true abilities on what we are capable of. As kids, we know we are great. We know we are supposed to be happy and we know it’s (life) all about fun and good times but then we are taught the lie. Adults tend to project there fears onto their children and that is when it all goes down hill.

“We are all meant to shine, as children do” (From a Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.)

Never stop dreaming, fear is a lie and happiness is what’s most important. Just because something isn’t done in the status quo way doesn’t mean it is done in a wrong or bad way. We are all from the divine, we are all divine and we are all meant to achieve whatever we dream of achieving. It’s our purpose and there is nothing else to it

Continue to dream, don’t listen to the lie that you are not supposed to enjoy ever aspect of your life (including your job. You can be whatever you want to be. Who cares if it sounds like a ridiculous thing to be or if people tell you that what you dream of doing won’t pay enough to life off of. All of these things are lies and quiet frankly I am tired of these lies which get fed to us. You can do anything and I mean anything that your heart desires. You are supposed to do what your heart desires; it’s why you are even a live.) Remain with that child mentally of dreaming and knowing that your dreams are the most important thing and then your dreams will be manifested to reality.


Friday, August 14, 2009


~ We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~

Getting a second chance is another word for making a change. We’ve all been in situations that have called for a second chance, it always has been that way and always will because change is real and second chances are apart of simple change. Its funny how in certain situations people tend to say no second chance should be given. Situations like the Michael Vick dog fighting thing. This man did something which he has admitted to being wrong about, he’s been in prison and he has been doing things which show he is willing to change but then we still have people who are still mad at him and are refusing to forgive him. These people call themselves animal lovers but you and I know there unforgiving ways are not about the animals at all. Vick isn’t still doing the dog fighting thing, it’s in the past and he can’t change what he’s done in the past. All he can do is take the “now” moment and make the best of it. He can use the past as a lesson learned and move on with his life. He just like everyone else who does things which they consider wrong deserves a second chance. For the people who say he hasn’t changed and he is never going to change, they really must not understand how the universe works. He can and will change because we all will change. Change is the realist thing in existence, evolution is always occurring, this very universe is expanding as is; nothing stays stagnant so to say that an element in this universe won’t change isn’t feasible at all. Regardless of what is going on in this man’s head or how it is truly, personality affecting him he is changing and he isn’t going to do the dog fighting thing anymore. He had been doing public service work as in regards to stopping animal cruelty and he has given a public apology as well. He was fired from his previous job (the football team that he did play for) and he spent time in jail, he’s already done what society has asked of him so why shouldn’t he deserve a second chance? Like I said before the people who are angry that he is receiving a second chance are not angry because of the animals, they are just angry because of themselves (their egos). It has nothing at all to do with the animals. They feel that this man personally attacked them when he did the dog fighting thing, they stand for a cause and they identify with the cause. They feel that they were personally attacked but in all reality when he was into the dog fighting it had nothing to do with them at all. Theses people are so bent on themselves (ego) and how they feel things should be that they can’t even see pass any of it in this situation. Forgiveness is the key and I mean total forgiveness. These people will be able to do more for their cause if they simply forgive Vick for his past actions. He can’t change what he did and he is making steps to do what he can to make the best out of his future. Everyone should realize that the actions Vick took in the past are actions that we all are capable of taking. As I’ve always said, we all are of the same Source so that makes us all One. We all are together in this and because of this we should want all and everyone to be happy, even the people who do things that we simply don’t agree with. This is why forgiveness is such a powerful weapon in growth. If a person is able to forgive another for doing actions that simply goes against all that they believe in, that person is truly aligned with God in the greatest measures. That person truly sees what it’s all about, that person truly is in a moment of enlightenment. There is power in forgiveness too, imagine if all of the so called animal lovers were to totally forgive Vick for his past actions? Do you know what that would do? If this were the case then Vick himself would become a true animal lover and he would do even more then he already is in regards to stopping things like dog fighting. Holding him in a place that he isn’t even in anymore isn’t helping his cause; it’s not helping the animal cruelty cause ether, its doing nothing but giving the people who won’t let it go a false feeling of justification. The ego makes them thinks that they are too good to “mess up” in life; it has this false sense of separation thus telling the lie which dictates one person is better then the other. Again, we are all One. It really doesn’t matter if you stand for a cause and you could never see yourself doing something against it, you are capable of doing anything that you can witness being done. It’s all in you. Even quantum physics states that we are actually projecting our reality. We are surrounded by vibrations; it’s up to us to how we interpret these vibes. Everything we witness is within us; we are the ones who are interpreting it as it is so that means it’s not outside of us. In turn we are able to do just what we see being done, none of us are better then anything we see. No one knows what this man has gone through in his life to cause him to do what he did. No one walked in his shoes so no one has the right to judge him. I’m not excusing his actions ether because he did what he did because he chose to do it. This is why I always say that we aren’t punished for our sins but by them. He has paid for what he’s done, his sins did not go unpunished; he did pay. Now it’s time to forgive him, let it go and hope for the best for him. Forgiveness is the key; it’s a powerful tool in life; always remember; we are all One. It doesn’t serve us to hold negative thoughts on anyone, it really doesn’t.

“If we could understand almost anyone we could forgive almost everyone” Marianne Williamson

It’s simply and ego issue, not an animal rights issue. Try and understand this man, know that we all are One and that he has and will change for the better. Hope for the best in him and simply more on.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Simple and important message

Love is an empowering force that dominates all in the kindest, gentlest way. It never causes pain or hurt and it never causes hardships. Love always empowers one hundred percent of the time. Anything that results in pain and horror are of fear, Love never wounds and it never damages, never. This is the message which I want to share today, love empowers and fear disables. Love doesn’t break down or imprisons, love doesn’t control ether it only empowers. Everything that results in “good” and everything that feels good is of love. This is all love does, this is all love is and to be quiet blunt love is truly all there is.

I wanted to share the true meaning of love with all today because I feel we are in a time where it tends to be forgotten. Again, love empowers and fear disables. Take that message everywhere you go and with everything you do.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Now !!!!!

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future

What is reality? Is reality this moment or is it a moment not yet born. Is reality a moment that has past? Which one of these moments is reality? Well to be quite frank any of these moments can be our reality. If I were to sit and worry about events that have happened already then I will be living within those events whether they are still happening or not. If I were to sit and worry about the future, even though it isn’t here yet I will be living in that place which doesn’t even exist. There are very few people who know how to live in the present moment but yet the present moment is the moment which we are now in. It’s about preparing for the future or it’s about feeling regret for situations which are in our past. We waste our “now” moment worry about moments that aren’t even real. This makes us truly not within the grasps of the “now” when we do this to ourselves, when we waste the present moment worrying about the future or the past then our present moment becomes lost. We can’t do anything about a moment which isn’t here, there is nothing we can do to change the past, we can’t do anything about what will happen in the future ether but we can do something about the moment at hand. It’s been said that people don’t have control over there lives. This is where the victim mentality comes from; this is where it all begins. The secret to dropping the victim way of thinking and taking control is to come into the “now” moment and leave everything else a lone. We have total control over the “now” moment, the “now” moment really is all there is and all there ever will be. There is nothing else but “now” and we totally can control what occurs at this moment. Our past and our futures are intertwined with “now”. The past, present and future all exist in the now, everything that ever will be and ever is exist now. It is up to us to come into this moment and start living, it is up to us to come into this moment and take our lives in the directions which we wish it to go. It is time to come into the now, it is time for us to truly take control, it is time, now.

If I am a person who wants to gain means which I have never harnessed before what good is it for me to sit and think of the hard times which are in the past and which takes me away from where and who like to be? Its okay to recognize what the past was but it’s not necessary to keep on running thoughts of those times over and over in your mind as if they still exist if you want to change from that way of living. This is why in certain situations certain people never grow in the ways that they were intended to grow. They can’t leave the past in the past. There are people who’ve been poor all of their lives and they wish they were rich but yet, they identify with being poor. They run there poor pasts through there minds over and over again, “Oh I’m from a hard neighborhood, I’ve had a hard live and I wish life was better but it’s always been hard and it won’t get better.” Instead of taking steps towards a better life they sit and dwell on there hard past. There are people who’ve been overweight all of their lives and wish they were thin but instead of taking steps in the “now” and using these steps to achieve this goal they leave their minds in a place of being fat which dwells in the past. “Oh I’ve been fat all my life. I wish I was fit but I’ve just been fat for so long, I don’t see me ever being thin.” They are looking at there “fat” past, holding on to it and remaining in that place. Since they can’t see pass this fat past they will never come into the “now” moment and claim something more and better for themselves. Let’s take the “now” moment, take the needed steps and begin to live as we have always wished to live. Let’s take steps “now” in creating a better life. If you really want change to occur in life stop living in the past and stop worrying about the future. Now is the only moment that is real, put that in your mind and with that, you’ll be able to achieve anything. Do it now!! Now is the time and the “now” is yours to do as you please.

Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

There it goes in a nutshell, simply live in the “now” and make these “now” moments count.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves

In the mind dwells ideas which may not be yet discovered. Ideas that may bring certain understanding to the light, understandings that if not explored fully may never actually even see the light of day. These are ideas that just may not be written in the so called “holy books” that a good number of people name the word of God. Last night as I surfed through the internet I ran across this website which posted an article that spoke of the book series entitled “Conversations with God”. In this article some pastor warned people not to read any of the books. He called the whole series “blasphemy”. In the article he gave some examples of why he considered the series straight blasphemous. He spoke in particular of one of the books in the series which was written for teens. In this book it has a young woman whom is a lesbian and doesn’t know how to go about the whole situation. It then has God speaking, telling the young woman that she shouldn’t trouble herself over the lesbian thing. God tells her that nothing is wrong with her, as a matter of fact she was actually born a lesbian and she should just enjoy her life as she is. The article in the website has other examples that I’m not really going to go into because I feel with the one example my point on this can be seen.

Now in my opinion its okay if an individual wants to be of a particular religion or have a particular belief. If your religion or believe is important to you and it has helped you to become a better you then I condone it one hundred percent. A lot of times these believes and religions tend to bring a love out of us that we thought we didn’t have, they give us structure and reason, they make our lives worth while. All of these things are good in my humble opinion and if I see that a religion or belief system is helping out in a person’s life I will tell them to hold firm and never let it go. With that being said I also have something else to say or should I say I have a question to ask. Is it necessary for anybody to defend the fact that a baby is young? What will happen if I say a baby is old? Will that make the baby old or will the baby remain young as long as it is a baby? I ask this question because from here on out I may say some things that one may take in a way which seems like me trying to bring down a particular religion or believe or religion in general. Everything that I say or everything that I have ever said in my blog has been my humble opinions. They’ve not been something that I am going to deem the one and only gossip truth but for me and for good reason my opinions happen to be my truth. I’m not better then anyone else so never is my opinion, as I always say it is my simple, humble opinion. Because I realize that we all are One and that we all are of the same source I want nothing but happiness for all. No matter how it may come, this is what I want for all. This is all I hope for all and to me it is that easy because happiness is the most important thing in life.

I’m going to start off by saying that I know that I utter a lot of blasphemous things and quiet frankly I am proud of it. I’m an individual whom has seen a light like never before and within this light plenty of change has, does, and always will occur. I don’t identify with any organized religion because quiet frankly there isn’t one around that I agree with one hundred percent. I don’t want to live life in a contradictor way so I simply don’t identify with any of the religions around. What I believe in is Love and Happiness. I believe that happiness is the purpose of living and the only way to get to happiness is through love. I truly don’t even believe in “blasphemy” because I see that as a scare tactic. I see it as a way for a particular group of people to keep there particular religion or philosophy unchanged. I believe that they feel that the religion is what they are and if change occurs the religion will be lost. If change occurs within life and it doesn’t line up with there religion then there religion will fall and they will fall a long with it. They believe that the only right way is the way of there particular religion, they believe it’s they only gossip truth there is, they believe that the book which leads there religion is the only word of God and they believe that the way the book is written is the only way God speaks. These believes limit God, they have God in a single box which makes God very small. It’s like me walking around saying a statement in English and then someone else says the statement in Spanish. Then, because it isn’t said the way I say it I say that the statement doesn’t meant the same thing. As a matter of fact I call the statement a blasphemous way of speaking simply because it’s not said in the way that I say it. Even though the Spanish individual is in fact saying the same thing simply because he isn’t saying it like the person whom speaks English he must be wrong, right? New ideas come up all of the time, new ways of thinking, speaking and living, this is what and who we are, we are apart of our Source, we were made in the image of our Source and our Source is a creator. We make new discoveries all of the time just like this one right here “No species has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.” This fact wasn’t known back when certain statements about homosexuality were written in the bible. Some religions tend to put woman under man, they say the woman are lower then man and in fact they should be lead by a man. They speak against a woman with a creative, free speaking spirit. There are so many outrageous things spoken in these religions that is isn’t funny. If you speak, say, or do anything other then what they deem right (what’s written in their “holy book” or what they say) you are dammed to hell. They say you have to do, believe, and perform certain task to get to God. A lot of them give us the biggest delusion of all. They say that God is something which is separate from us. The word religion is derived from a Latin word which means to bide back or connect back. In other words the purpose of original religions was to connect us back to God. I don’t believe it is necessary to be connected back to something which we never were or never could be a part from.

There is only one blasphemy, and that is the refusal to experience joy.
Paul Rudnick quotes

If we are going to label something as blasphemy, we should label it as a life with no joy in it. Since happiness is the most important thing in life living without happiness is the true blasphemy. So whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslin, Jehovah Witness, Hindu, Buddhist, Agnostic, in to Atheism, Satanist, Pagan, in to Scientology, a kabbalist or anything else I’ve missed. Whether you are gay, straight, or a hermaphrodite, whether you are in to polygamy or monogamy it really doesn’t matter. Everyone will receive God’s (or Source or the universe, or whatever other words we use to describe it. It all means the same thing) love; it will rain on all of these people regardless; they all will receive that unconditional love which is of our Source. They all in fact are actually saying the same thing; they are just speaking different languages. They all are doing what they do to achieve happiness and happiness is the most important thing in life. WE ALL ARE ONE; BLESS THY BROTHER AND SISTER AS THY SELF AND WISH FOR THE BEST FOR THEM REGARDLESS OF THERE BELIEVES. Anything else would condone separation

If you believe in something as real and you know that it is real there is no point in defining it because it will be real regardless. There is no need to violently come at another or rip another person’s religion or beliefs down because you feel it goes against what you believe. In reality it doesn’t go against anything you may believe because all the both of you are trying to gain is happiness in the same. This goes for individuals like the pastor whom called “Conversations with God” blasphemy. The series of books are in my opinion very enlightening and have helped me out in my life a whole lot. Would this man begrudge me of that because I agree with the series and he doesn’t? Would someone begrudge another for them gaining happiness in ways which that person doesn’t? Why can’t we speak different languages and know that we all are saying the same things. Happiness is the key and the only way to happiness is love. All we need is love.

Namaste (We all are One)

Monday, August 10, 2009


“A life by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.” Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsch

I’ve said this before and I am going to say it again. Nothing in life simply “happens” to us. That would be like saying there are actual victims that exist in this world. It may seem that saying that we choose everything which occurs to us would be a bit harsh because there are situations that arise which would be crazy for us to call a pond ourselves. Situations like being rapped, robbed or even murdered, these are situations which no one actually deserves to go through so why would someone call it a pond themselves? Well, this is why I like the quote which I am using today from the book “Conversations with God book two” because for what I know and what I’ve realized and witnessed over the years I am one hundred percent sure that everything which occurs in our lives are our choices and our responsible. Nothing happens without our allowing it to, nothing is apart from us so everything which occurs to us is something that we have happen. This is where the conscious comes in. This is where awareness comes in. This goes for more then just situations which are consider harsh; this goes for all and everything which does, will, and can occur. When simple “chance” occurs to us then we are in a state of unconsciousness. Everything that happens happens because of a decision we’ve made. Conscious living is living in a place which we choose; unconscious living is living in a place where we chance. If we call forth something then it will occur but we have to believe and know the power which we have in doing this. This thing that we call “God” or “Source” or “The universe” for that matter is inside of us. It is in us and of us and we have the same power that it has. It is our true being; this Source that we come from is truly who and what we are. Our ego is what tells us otherwise. It is the part of us which all fear comes from, everything that we woe comes from our egos, everything that brings us down comes from this part of us because it is the part the actually separates us from our Source. It tells us that we are basically just our name, what we accomplish and own. None of these things are our Source, our Source is within and so is the whole world which we supposedly live in. We don’t actually live in the world, the world lives in us. We create our world, we are the world which we create and if we remain conscious of what we are and who we are then the choices we make in life will always occur. It’s going to happens anyway, ether it is going to happen consciously or unconsciously point blank so we might as well make an effort to raise our conscious to a level which we actually are able to come together (as we should always because we all are One) and be the creators of our reality. We might as well make that choice instead of the latter.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Sure Looks Good To Me

“Deep in my mind I’m secure we can buy I wanna see the light before I die or I lie in an empty space,The darkness comes and I’ve been telling my soul And me and myself we turn around, we’re getting old, But the lightning crashing, foolish emotions. From the bruises and the beauty in this moment that we’re feeling, And I feel like I’m seeing the world inside of me But I can tell you that I know, it's getting easier to breathe,There’s a cold in the morning, endless equation. Of who’ve we've become, it’s a complex situation So live, love, life give love Live, love, life, give love Live, love, life, give love. It's who are we anyway. So don’t rain on my parade. Life’s too short to waste one day.I’m gonna risk it all, the freedom to fall.Yes it sure looks good to me” (Alicia Keys = Sure Looks Good To Me)

I’ve come to this place where a darkness threatens my existence but then I’ve seen what Alicia Keys talks about in her song “Sure Looks Good To me”. The waves did come crashing, the songs had stopped play, my fears did consume me and then I was tested. But then I saw I light, and that light’s name is love, I felt it in me and within that period I started to feel free. With silence to face, with growing emotions, with everything falling out of place I heard a voce from within. This voice was from life, this voice was my own. This is who I am. Everything is located deep within, the universe and all, its where all love dwells. So now that I’ve seen, who knows what the future wholes, but I am truly free, and it really is easier to breath, it really does look good to me. Beauty and bruises, are one in the same, they all show me what I am, and who I’m to become. And now that I know, my future’s not yet written, I already know, I have a choice to make. Is happiness or fear? Is it truth or delusions? Let’s see what this life which comes from within offers me. Let’s see.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Kingdom Within

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:20-21)

To reach a place of uttered euphoria is to be within the grips of true love. Love is the heart of all creation and also love is within the hearts of all of us as well. To me God is the creator of all, God is the highest of the high, the highest point of conscience that can be reached and also God is everywhere. The place where God’s presence is most potent is in our hearts. God is in our hearts, in our bodies and flowing throughout our veins. We are created in the image of our creator. We are everything that our creator is and this creator does dwell within us. When I speak of God I don’t mean some man who is better then us that sits among the clouds and looks down on us. When I speak of heaven I don’t mean a place that we go to after we die if we are good boys and girls. I feel that the whole God sitting on a throne in heaven among the clouds is nothing but a bunch of fairytales. Last week I took a trip to Georgia to visit my family and in order to get there I had to ride in a plane. This plane took us so high; we were well above the clouds and guess what? I didn’t see any “god” there sitting and looking down. There’s nothing up there, that isn’t where God dwells, maybe Zeus but not God. God isn’t a single being; God really isn’t a being at all. God is our source, God is our strength; God is our truth, not some single being to praise. To reach God is to reach the truth of whom and what we really are. It is to know that we are not apart from God which means we aren’t apart from anything or anyone. We all come to this life experience by our own whim so that we may experience this life in the way that we choose to experience it. We all came with the Divine within us because we are as much apart of It as a wave is to the ocean. It is our Source, our Source energy is God and this Source is nothing but pure Love. Jesus was God; He was God because He knew who and what he was. He knew that He and God were one in the same; He knew that there truly is no difference between him and the creator and he knew what true Love was. He also knew that he was not apart from any of us ether. He and all of us are One, “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you”. This is what Jesus said; when he speaks of believing in him he is not referring to believing in the simple, physical, fleshy individual whom was known as Jesus son of Joseph (Yeshua Ben Josef). He is referring to his True self, the self that is with all, in all, all of the time. There is no reward given to us for just dying. There is no heaven in the clouds waiting for us, there is nothing apart from us at all, all is already with us and it isn’t necessary to die to gain the kingdom of God (Heaven). It’s already a pond us, there is no trips to take, no fairytales to believe in because in all reality we are already there. We are in the Kingdom right now, the Kingdom is a pond us and within us. Not only are we a pond the Kingdom but we actually are the Kingdom. The delusion is the separation. Love is God, Love is the way, Love gives and doesn’t expect anything back in return Love is joy, Love is happiness, Love is who and what we are and Love is the Kingdom, just like us. All God wants from us is for us to be in a state of pure happiness. When we are happy, God is happy point blank. The purpose of life is to gain true, all out happiness and the way to do that is through love (Through Jesus, God, or what ever label you want to pin on it, it’s all the same thing). In Love dwells the Kingdom of God (happiness).


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Love Is All You Need

There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game It's easy There's nothing you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need There's nothing you can know that can't be known Nothing you can see that isn't shown No where you can be, that isn't where you're meant to be It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need Love is all you need All you need is love, love Love is all you need (From the song "All You Need Is Love)

Because it's truly all we all need to achieve anything which our minds can conceive. Love isn't just a mere emotion, it's the HEART of all creation.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Beginings

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Today is a new beginning for me, I am back from my well needed vacation and now it is time for me to put everything behind me that was troubling me and simply more towards the position which I wish to be in as in regards to my life. This day should be marked for all, it is simply the day of new beginnings, only pursue things that you wish to gain, pursue nothing else. Do nothing else except what you wish to be done. From here on out we all are going to be on the road to that heaven on earth which I see in all of our futures. Today is that new beginning, let’s begin a new.
