Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Illuminating Knowledge

When ignorance is destroyed by knowledge of the self then, like the sun, knowledge illumines ultimate reality. That becomes their understanding their self, their basis, and their goal, and they reach a state beyond return, their sin dispelled by knowledge. Passage from (The Bhagavad-Gita)

What is ignorance? How could one even be within ignorance? Knowledge frees us from ignorance; true knowledge will always illumine the ultimate reality. This ignorance which I speak of is the not knowing. If you haven’t “Known” then you have no “knowledge”. Within this world of fear based thoughts, there is but one place that we can go which we will always come into a state of illumination. That place is within thy Self; let’s gain knowledge of the Self, the true Self is the knowledge that will free us from ignorance. What sins do we have to worry of if we have knowledge of who we are? What woes and worries do we truly need to deal with if we are illuminated with the Sun that shines on our ultimate reality? How could one look at Themselves in the same manner once they have felt that illuminating glare? All sin will be dispelled once we gain this “Self knowledge”. Knowledge of Ourselves would be knowledge of the all and of the everything. We flow through life making decision which dictates Our futures. If we want a positive future to manifest itself then we need to start with Knowing that we are of the positive. We are the all mighty, we are the strength that we crave and we are the joy that we seek. We are as precious as a new born baby. When we look into a newborn’s face we see nothing but love and happiness. That never leaves us, this is the true us, the precious, the beautiful, the heavenly. We need to come to see that with this realization our lives would be grand. Our lives can be the ultimate ride; all we have to do is always see the precious, beautiful, heavenly being within us that we see within a newborn. Know that Self knowledge dispels all sin and illuminates our ultimate reality. This is who and what we are, We and God (love) are One. God is us and we are God, WE ARE GOD!!!! This is what we need to see, this is what we need to realize and it is cause for a great celebration.

I’ve revealed the ultimate truth within my writings today and I’ve pulled no punches in doing so. We aren’t “idols” to be worshiped or a lower part of the ultimate, we are the ultimate; we are all that is; was and will ever be. This is what it’s all about, when we see and know that we ourselves are God then our happiness will truly be a simple thought away. Believe in My words today, believe Me when I say everything great about Me is within you and vise versa. “I honor the place with which the divine is located” I honor and respect all and everyone, We are One and the ultimate truth has been revealed.


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