Friday, August 28, 2009

My ego

“No one can doubt the ego’s skill in building up false cases.”

What is this ego which I always speak of? A lot of people don’t realize that there is something which I call the ego that does dwell with us all. With an understanding of what the ego really is and also with a firm understand of what its purpose really is, one will be able to gain more within this lifetime then they could imagine because with this understand it will be realized that we already have more then we think we do. First off let me reveal what the ego is, the simplest way to put it would be that the ego is what we appear to be in this life. The ego is what gives us our name, age, gender, ethnicity, job title and so on. Our ego is what gives us this identification and makes it us. If I am a doctor, the part of me that makes me believe that I really am a doctor is my ego. It gives me a belief that would have me thinking that I am my name and all of my accomplishments in the world. It makes me think that things that I have are really “mine (my)” and I am a part of them. Like the term “Hey, that’s “my” car” or “That person is my girlfriend or wife, those are mine children.” “That is my job, this is my body, mine mine, mine.” Then comes mine equaling me. “Oh, why did they mess up my car? What would someone do that to me?” “They are stealing from me, they took my cell phone.” All of the attachments of outer things are nothing but the ego building up its false case. We have this ego built conception of our selves as well, “I am black” or “I am white” or “I am Spanish.” “From being a black man I have to be this way because of the way I will be treated” “Because I’m a woman I can’t do that because it’s not what women do.” Do you see where I am going with this? I hope that it is understood as of what the ego really is.

I like to say that the ego means to Edge God Out. It is the thing that separates us from who and what we really are. It drives us to believe that we are flawed, that we are less then or even more then others. It does this by having us believe that we are separate from God and each other. It does this by having us really believe that we really are separate entities from each other and if we are separate we have to get ours or some other separate entity will gain it instead. Our attachments to our race, religion, gender, bodies and everything you can think of are our egos building up false cases. In other words it’s our ego creating our false self.

Everything that we come into this world and are given are not who or what we are. Our life situations are our way to express our life experience. The things that we receive are tools that we in the most metaphysical way have given ourselves so that we may have this life experience under certain chosen terms. We are the ones who have chosen ourselves, Us, not our egos. Our egos are what makes us believe we are actually less then when in reality it is our egos which are actually less then. We made it all up. Our egos are really something that we’ve made up, it’s our creation so does it make since to have our very own creations run a muck and have it control us? The ego needs to be recognized for what it is; it needs to be put out there so that we are able to grow in the way which we see fit, not in the way that the ego says we can grow. Our egos are what puts fear in our lives, it puts fear in our lives by having us believe that this physical existence is all that we have and all that we are. If we are convinced this then there is reason to fear because we really would feel that it is possible for us to loss. Lost is scary, lost is the root of all fear and lost is the greatest illusion that the ego has drummed up yet. We can’t lose anything because we are everything. We are everything that we could ever want, we are everything that we could ever have, the entire universe lives within us so how could we lose something when everything is already within us? All we need to do is remember who and what we are and then claim it; it will then be granted to us because we already have it. We are our creators, the true us, not our egos. WE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE CHOOSEN WHO AND WHAT WE ARE AND ALSO WE ARE THE ONES THAT CHOSE WHO WE WILL ULTIMATELY BECOME. IT’S ALL US!! The ego is a small part of us; it is the part of us that we made up so that we are able to live life in the way which we chose. The ego didn’t do it, it didn’t make us as we are but since it has us believing that we are only what it says we are we feel as if we are powerless in what happens to us. There are but two choices for us in every situation which can arise, its ether love or fear. We are love, we come from love and fear is what we don’t come from, fear is of nothing that’s real but some of us believe in it so feverishly. If we only could come to a firm understand that we and the Source which we call God are One in the same and that the ego isn’t apart of any of that then we would have no reason to ever fear again.

The ego does this so that it can be, it does this because it is afraid that if we realize who and what we really are then we won’t need it anymore and you know what, it is right. But, it doesn’t realize that for most of us we want it to be there. I love who and what I’ve become, I love the growth that I have been able to make within this life and it wouldn’t have been possible if not for my ego. I love the ethnicity that I “have” (notice how I didn’t say that I am my ethnicity, it is simply something that I have.) I love that fact that I have a male gender and that I have a physical body. I love that fact that I have all that I do have because it gives me the option to take it even farther then I’ve already taken it. The truth is that the ego is a part of us, we are of the three, the trinity, we are the mind, body and soul and it is the fusion of the three that makes us the One that we are. When we see that all and everything is the same, it’s all of the soul and there is actually only One soul. This One soul operates on different frequencies which give us our place in being different but it still is One soul. There is One universe, One Source, One Soul, One God and within all of this Oneness there are plenty. There is room in all of this for the ego, the ego doesn’t realize this but their really is room for it without it building up these false cases. This is why we need to know and realize what the ego really is and then we’ll be able to keep the ego in its place and not let it run a muck within our lives with its false cases.


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