Monday, August 24, 2009

Be Selfish as can be !

Today I want to talk about the most honest approach which we can take within our lives. This is also an approach which a lot of us for one reason or another look at as something of the wrong. If I were to ask an individual if they’re selfish and they answer me with a no then they are pretty much lying very blatantly. We all are selfish, being and acknowledging our selfishness is a good thing, in knowing that we all are selfish creatures we are able to grow in ways like never before. Too many of us are held back from accomplishing our dreams because of the fear of being labeled selfish. Too many of us don’t just do what feels best for us because we feel if we were to do so then we would be very selfish to do so. There is nothing wrong with gaining riches of all types for one self, being in a place of the poor isn’t serving anyone of the world. Yesterday I was watching this Abraham-Hick ( ) DVD and on it a woman asked Abraham a question about all and everybody selfishly manifesting their own reality. She asked as of how this could ever be right if one person wants something that goes against what another person wants. They (Abraham) answered her and said “even the cells in our body don’t have this issue. They are very selfish in what they want but they all work together because they know that in order to gain what they want they need too simply work with each other.” Think of it this way, if I’m a person with a child and my child does drugs, if I am not wanting my child to do the drugs I can fool myself all I want by saying that I am doing this for my child’s own good only. Yes, it may be in my mind that I don’t want my child to do the drugs because it will more then likely cause harm to him but I am doing it for me more then him. It is “me” that doesn’t want my child to hurt himself and mess up his life and it is me that sees the drugs as a way which would dictate him messing up his life. I want my child to be drug free because it is something I want for myself, even if it goes against my child’s wishes I may attempt to force him not to do the drugs because “I” don’t want him to, me, not him, ME. How is this not selfish? How are the cells which dwell in our physical bodies not selfish? How is it not selfish of me to want world peace because I don’t want to live in a war zone? It all comes down to me, to what I want and this is the way the world should work, it should work off of selfish wants and nothing else, this is my opinion and my very selfish opinion at that. If you want change to happen Gandhi said that you should be the change which you want to occur. He said YOU, be the change that YOU want. He was the changed that he wanted, he wanted his country free from the grips if Europe so he took the measures in the ways that he saw fit to make it happen. They were peaceful measures and one may say that he did it the right way but the thing is they were measures which he saw fit. This is the selfishness; he was utterly selfish in his efforts. He wanted happiness for the people of Indian, he wanted freedom for the people of Indian and he wanted these things because it made him feel good. If it didn’t then he wouldn’t have even thought to accomplish his aim. I feel that when we realize that we are all truly One because we are Sourced by the same Source and we really do need each other and we are just as connected as the cells in our bodies then our selfishness may not even look like selfishness. They (our cells) know that they need to do what it takes to maintain the life-force that lives within us for their benefit a lone. They know this because they know that it’s the only way which they will survive, they are only concerned about themselves and yet within that same concern they are concerned about each other and also they are concerned about us. They see themselves, all the other cells which dwell in us and “us” as well as One. This is the realization that would bring it all to light. We as a people see ourselves as just a small aspect of the whole when in reality we are the universe and the universe is us. We are this earth and everything on it, we are every breath of air, every walk of land and every life-force that dwells on this planet. We are every plant that grows from the soils and every drop of water that drips, we are all of these things and we are also apart of everyone who walks the face of this plant. This is us; we are that vast; we are that grand so what is wrong with being selfish? If we saw ourselves as what we really are then being selfish would be the greatest gift of all. Just as it is for the cells which are within our bodies, being selfish and claiming that selfishness is one of the greatest gifts of all. I mean even in the so called smallest ways. If we want our lives to be a particular way there is nothing wrong with not settling for less then that. If I want a mate to be a particular way, or I want to have a particular job in a particular place within a particular aspect there is nothing wrong with going for that particular aspect until it is as particular as our want would dictate. Selfishness is a gift, harness it, use it, and go for it. Be as selfish as sin, if rules are needed to be broken to gain what one’s heart desires then break them, be selfish because it is a gift and beings selfish is the only way to gain that heaven on earth in this life which I see do within all of our grasp.


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