Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dissent: Old man; Dissent is not disloyalty. Be careful before you retaliate. Your steel wrapped in cotton may only be brittle bone wrapped in fat.

No one is a supreme authority. People seek leaders, priests, gurus, and hermits thinking that someone has a precise formula for living correctly. No one does. No one can know you as well as you can know yourself. All that you can gain from a wise person is the assurance of some initial guidance. You may even spend decades studying under such an extraordinary person, but you should never surrender your dignity, independence, and personality.

There is no single way to do things in life. There are valid paths, even though they may differ from the ways of respected elders. Diversity is good for tradition. Too often, elders confuse dissent with disloyalty and punish people for the crime of having a different view. They are no longer in touch with Tao but instead mouth self-serving convention. Perhaps the panic of their own impending death makes them clutch. When the leaders become repressive, it is a sing that their time is drawing to a close.

A saying about old masters was that they were like steel wrapped in cotton: They appeared soft on the outside but still held great power on the inside. We all hope for elders like that. But oftentimes, the old masters have lost their mandate of Tao. Then, when tested, they are merely brittle bone and fat. How can we respect such people?

Taken from (365 TAO daily meditations by Deng Ming-Doa)

The Tao is the All. It is the force that can’t and can be seen, the Source that sources our very lives, it is the yin and the yang; it is the all and also the Everything that is and ever was. This Tao that I speak of is just simply another name for what we call God. Also, this Tao that I speak of does dwells within us; it tells us and alerts us as to what is good for us and what isn’t, it does this by simply having our emotions feel a certain way if something is right and then if something is the opposite of right (for us) then our emotions will feel the way of the opposite (we will feel bad), our emotions are our true indicator as of what and who we wish to become. Now dissent (which means change) is a necessary aspect of growth and evolution, dissent is simply the change that we all undergo within our life span. We are beings who simply are of dissent but even so somewhere within our lives their may be certain individuals who don’t take to well to the dissent that we undergo. They may see our dissent as being disloyal when this is never actually the case. When this occurs, the individual whom is looking at the dissent in a way of disloyalty has truly lost touch with the Tao and are dwelling in a place which is of the simple, narrow minded ego. It then becomes all about that very ego driven person, no longer are they a guide, they’ve simply become an overall authority of the way which they see fit for us to take. The teacher then becomes a dictator and the individual who is being dictated to will then become basically a slave. We’ve all come into this physical existence to find our own way of life, no one could ever truly dictate a way which is best for us, a good teacher only brings the best out of the student and guides him or her on the path that he or she has chosen. Nothing is written in stone, nothing is absolute and everything within this life is of dissent. These so called masters whom cling to the old ways are only doing so because it is a way that they are comfortable and accustomed to. They identify there self worth with these old ways and with dissent involved, it may seem that these old ways which they tend to identify themselves with is being threaten (even though their way is truly not being threatened at all because the dissent that we undergo is never simply about them ). If the old ways are in a place where they seem to be threatened then so are the people whom cling to them as their identities. In my opinion a person who thinks and feels that they are nothing but a particular way of living (a certain philosophy, religion, cult or just a way of being) is no master or teacher at all; this is not a person worthy of teaching the Tao so if you are to come in contact with a person like this run as far away from them as possible. There are many roads which we are able to choose in life. It is up to us as of which one we wish to travel. We are the ones who know us the best and any true master will tell us so. They will let us know that this life is of our doing, we are the creator, and it is truly just up to us as of what occurs within our life experience. Remember that dissent is a blessing, dissent keeps life exciting and dissent keeps us feeling as if we really are still living. Keep on changing, never stop evolving, never stop learning, never stop growing, never stop adding on to yourself and never, ever, ever stop or fear personal, physical, spiritual or mental evolution. Keeps life exciting and keep change occurring.


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