Friday, September 11, 2009

The 9/11 lesson

The year that I felt I stood among the clouds was 1988. I was about 10 years old and I was on a class trip which took place in New York City. Since I was in my last year of elementary school and the following year I’d be in middle school my school decided for a treat to take all the 5th graders on a considerable trip to New York City, this trip would mark the first time I’d ever been in N.Y. On the trip, our first stop would be the world trade center and when we got in the building the plan was for us to take an elevator which would take us all the way to the peck of the building. When my classmates and I arrived within the building we all clamored into the elevator and with all of the excitement we could muster and then with our excitement in its highest state we allowed the elevator to take us all the way up to the top floor of the building. After touching down at the peck of the building and after the elevator doors came open I was able to gaze out a head onto the building’s roof. I immediately felt awed and amazed at what I saw. As I looked out over the building and then down below I gazed at New York City in its entirety. With wonderment as my emotion I peered down and around me at all of the other buildings which surrounded the World Trade Center. They looked so small from where I was stood; even the statue of liberty looked minuscule from my standing position. I felt a new respect for the capabilities of possibilities and of what could be accomplished from that one event on, I felt so awestruck, it’s actually hard for me to describe what I felt at that time. We spent about a half an hour on the World Trade Center’s peck just taking in New York and then after all was said and done we left the building’s top. While we were in the process of leaving the building’s peck I asked my mother (whom accompanied me on the trip with my class) how it was possible that a building like that could be built as it was, I felt that the building must have went up into the clouds and when I stood there at it’s peck I myself felt as if I was standing within the clouds, the experience was truly nothing short of amazing. Going to the top of that building was something that I wanted to experience again later within my life time. I obviously at that moment had no idea what would befall of that building some 12 years later.

12 years had passed since I stood on the very peck of the world trade center in New York and on that day that all would change. It happened to be September 11th of the year 2001. The day seemed normal enough as it began for me. For me, even with all of that normalcy taking place I kind of felt something eerie in the air but I paid it no mind. At that period in time I worked in this office building in a cubicle and I was performing my daily work task for the day. My job was to type words off of a sheet of paper and onto this computer program so that it would be placed in this brochure and then sent out to different people through mail. As I typed I surprisingly heard something loud and fearful coming from the halls. What I heard was this woman who for some reason let out a fear felt yell. When that occurred I became utterly confused. I had no idea as of what was taking place, I also felt that just may be about to receive an answer to that eerie feeling which I felt earlier. Not long after the woman let out that yell my supervisor told all of my co-workers and me to come out to a spot located in the halls which meetings were held. With even more confusion building up within me I along with my co-workers entered the hall, stood in our meeting spot and waited. Everyone stood really still and quiet simply looking at each other; no one knew what to say or think at that moment. Then out of the silence my supervisor started to speak. She told us that someone had just flown a plane into the World Trade Center in New York City. I didn’t know what to think when I heard this news. It was a bit unbelievable; it didn’t even fully register to me at that moment. She then processed in telling us that we were free to leave for the day to be with out families and that we wouldn’t be penalized for leaving early. That would be the end of the work day for me, I slowly and with some clarity but still some confusion left the building. On my way home all I heard on the radio was how the U.S.A had just been attacked. It was a scary feeling none the less but I was given plenty of information which gave me a better understanding of what was going on. When I finally arrived home I knew to the full extent of what had happened and also of what was going on. I felt a horrible feeling in my insides which was well beyond recognition of anything I’ve felt before. Why would someone attack the U.S.A was the next thing that I would wonder. That day was like a day which I thought would never take place within my lifetime. I really did think that I one day would have had another opportunity to stand on the top of that amazing building. I knew at that moment, on that day that I really would never get to experience that feeling that I gained when I stood on the World Trade Center’s peck that day 13 years prior. I also knew that on that day a lot of people had and were going to die.

Eight years ago from this date that heinous event was taking place. Even though I was confused when the 9/11 event went down I can honestly say that all of the confusion which I felt on that day has all but been resolved. It’s not like events of the type (even worst events) haven’t taken place in our histories, all of those horrid events took place for the very same reasons which lead up to the events of 9/11/01. As a matter of fact even single war and terrorist attack which has taken place up to this time has been because of the same reasons which lead to the events of 9/11. It was all fear driven, nothing but fear that caused the events to occur, a belief in fear and separation is what drove the event of 9/11 to transpire.

The people whom high jacked the planes and caused the event to unfold were convinced that they were doing the work of God. They took there own lives a long with countless others because they believed so sternly that if they were to carry out their mission they would go to heaven. They felt that they were killing infidels (evil ones) and they were really really convinced of this. In their worlds it was nothing but fact and that was all to it for them. From their perceptions they were doing something good, from their perceptions they were doing what they considered right so with all of this being said I believe that a certain question should be asked. Put your feet in these misguided individuals shoes for a moment, if you (in there shoes) believed that God (the All mighty) wanted you to kill yourself as well as countless others would you do it? When I say God it isn’t to be taken lightly because I really do mean God, I mean the creator of all, I mean the ultimate authority over all, I mean the One whom makes the decision on what is right and what is wrong. This is where the greatest delusion ever mustered would come into play, this is where we as humans started making God in our image and this is where if you really open up your mind and then think about the whole situation things really begin to not making a whole lot of since but then again, if you were in their shoes (the misguided terrorist that caused 9/11) then you may just understand why it all was done.

In my humble opinion I feel that something needs to be stated. No matter what someone tells you, no matter what you read or what you hear remember this one fact? God is love and love is God and that is all that God is. It can get quiet dangerous and deadly if one is convinced otherwise. If you need proof of this fact do a simple experiment. Go outside on a rainy day and just stand there in the rain. Let the water fall on your face and all over you and then just imagine that a murdering rapist is standing next to you. Ask yourself this question, would it rain on the “bad” person just the same as it rains on you? I say this to say that it rains on the “just” and “unjust” a like, everyone would get wet no matter what they did in their lives and this means that within the same context everyone receives the giving and glory of God no matter who they are. This is what true love is and this is what God is. God gives to everyone because God loves everyone. God knows who and what we really are no matter what we do so therefore God can’t help but love us all. God ask for nothing from us because God needs nothing from us. God needs nothing from us because God already has everything She needs. This fact can be understood because God is everywhere all of the time, God is in everything and God knows all. God know that He lives in us all, God is of us all and God actually already has us all already. Why would God (One whom is life in Herself) want us to take a life? It makes no since to be everywhere all of the time and already have everything but yet still actually have wants. Seriously, if we are to believe in a God in that way then we are believing in a limited God. God is love, God is life and God is happiness and joy. There is no reason to be afraid of God because fear isn’t real. This (fear) is what I believe the people whom high jacked those planes on that day 8 years ago had to be convinced of. Their had to be a fear within them that told them they weren’t doing enough for God and from that fear they felt the needed to do more. To be in God’s good grace they felt they needed to kill the ones who they felt that God felt were evil. They felt they needed to do God a favor and that they would be rewarded if they did so. What since does it make for a God that already has everything and is everywhere would need some individual to do Her a favor? Why would He need that when He has all the favors already that one could think of (if God is everywhere all of the time and already has everything then that goes for all of the favors that one could think of as well)? These things have to be seriously looked at as we live our day to day lives. The error comes in when we look at how we view God, if we feel that God is a jealous, murdering, hateful (as in God hating a certain type of people) man whom lives a part from us somewhere up in the sky then that is what I think we would strive for within ourselves, we would feel that God isn’t of us so we would feel the need to be of something within His eyes. That to me is the delusion it’s the ultimate mistake and it’s why when we say God made us in His imagine it to me seems that we are now making Him in ours. People with egos feel things like jealously and fear. People who feel they don’t already have everything feel the need for others to do favors for them so they may get what they something that don’t already have. If I felt that I was everywhere all of the time and I had everything then I don’t think I would need anyone to do anything for me, I really don’t. Some things simply just make no since at all when you think about them. Why in the world would God need some person to do a favor for Him when She could just do the task Himself? God is the “almighty” right?

This day should be looked on as a lesson for all of us. The events that took place 8 years ago are what occurs when we think of God and of ourselves in a fearful manner. God loves us all, it rains on the “just” and “unjust” a like and we really all are of One (that One being God). When we kill each other we are only killing ourselves and that is all to it, this is the lesson that should be learned, an event like the one that took place on 9/11 should be an event that should never take place again. I really do hope that a lesson is learned from the 9/11 event. There should never need to be another event like that Inquisition, the holocaust or the 9/11/01 event ever. These events are derived from fear and fear is nothing but a bunch of false evidence appearing real.

Something good did come out of the events of 9/11 believe it or not and I feel that on this day we should look more towards the good that came out of it if anything. We as a nation and as a people came together like I have never seen before after the 9/11 event was done unfolding. It had to be one of the most beautiful things that I have yet witnessed within my life. Everyone was so caring, giving and loving. It’s like we all knew that love was the answer to the tragedy, its like we knew all a long and it is a shame that it took an event like 9/11 to bring that fact out of us but I’m glad it was brought out none the less. Lives were lost and a cause for a celebration of those lives should be in play. The appreciation that we were blessed enough to have those people who were killed live among us at a point in time. We should look at all of the good that those people did, all of the love that those people had within them and we should look at all of the good that will be accomplished because those people did live. On this day we should all be celebrating the love that took place and of the lives of those people who transformed to the next level of existence as well, these are the ones that we may feel were lost (killed) on that day.

To understand that the people who performed those heinous acts were simply trying to make God happy and to know that they themselves were of love but just misguided would be another thing to realize from the 9/11 experience as well. I’m not excusing what those people did but it needs to be understood that from their perception they were doing right. They wanted nothing but the right thing to be done and they really thought that they were carrying out what was right. To truly come to this understanding and then forgive those people whom did those acts would take us as a society a long way. With understanding comes strength. If we are to understand why these people did what they did, forgive them and send them love then we can come close to making sure something of this type (9/11/01) doesn’t ever happen again. Love is the answer, if those people knew that God loved them regardless of what they did they wouldn’t have felt the need to kill. We can make sure that nothing of the 9/11 type ever happens again if we all become love. Let’s look at this day in a positive light. Let’s take in the lesson that this day should provide, let’s become love and let’s always know and realize that we truly are One. Today is a day for celebration. Today we should celebrate love and also the lives of the people who were directly involved in those 9/11 events. Understanding and forgiveness is the key. These elements are the quickest way of getting to love (which is located within us all anyway, we truly are love).


ALSO…. I used both the male (He) and female (She) pronouns on purpose when I was talking about God to help break down all limitations that we may have on God. To even label God as a certain gender is to limit God (all labels are limitations) and I truly believe that limiting a force like God is nothing but a farce.

There is more I want to say on this issue but I hope I was clear on what was said today. I don’t excuse those people whom did the killing but for our sakes (not theirs) we should truly forgive them. God is happiness, God is love and God lives through us. When we are happy, God is happy but God needs us to do nothing for Him, everything we do is for ourselves, lets do love so we can live in happiness and harmony. Again, WE ARE ONE.

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