Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Be the path!!!!

I was listening to a program with Neale Donald Walsch (author of Conversations with God) this morning as I got ready for work and he spoke on the concept that we are taught in our society to “doing” things so that we may get things done for ourselves. Now it does make since to do something if you want it done, I mean how else are you supposed to get things done? Right? I myself have always told people that you can’t wait for something to just happen; you need to do something about so that it may happen. I realized at a young age that if I wanted to actually live life I would really need to start living. I couldn’t sit around and wait for life to be lived, I had to be the one to live it. But, this doesn’t mean I need to actually “do” anything. This is what Neale was saying to me on the program that I listened to this morning, “It seems like we do so much but yet we still don’t get to the place in life that we want to be. We do, do, and do. We do so much doing that all we end up with is a pile of do do, nothing is accomplished but do do.” In our society we “do” a lot but there aren’t enough people who are in the position that they wish to be in. I’ve known people to “do” two jobs but still find themselves in debt. I’ve seen people “do” so much as in regard to a relationship (any type of relations. Not just a romantic one) to make it better but yet they find themselves continuously slipping in the same bad positions which they were trying to eradicate. People come to work and do, they go and do all of these diets and join all of these health clubs (the health club and diet business is booming right now) but yet there are so many obese people in this country. There is so much doing but nothing is getting done. Nothing but do do, they simply make piles of do do (crap) for themselves.

"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself” Buddha

It’s not about “doing” anything because when it all comes down to it we really don’t need to “do” anything. There is a force which makes the sun shine and makes the earth go around the sun. It rains and the rain then is evaporated. We are given all of our needs and we need to do nothing to get them. It just happens, it just is. The sun doesn’t need to “do” anything; it just needs to “be” the sun. That is where the answer lies. It’s not about “doing” it’s about “being”. Just as the Buddha said “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself”. You simply need to become what ever you want your outcome to become. I take care of myself and I am easily able to maintain my physical fitness and I have my whole adult life. The reason why I am able to do this is because I have become fitness, I’ve become that and because of it, staying in shape isn’t hard at all. I embraced a fitness lifestyle by reading books on fitness and watching videos on fitness. I learned then I applied but before I did all of that I saw myself as being a fit person and only a fit person. I saw it within myself; I claimed it and then I became it. If you want to be great at something you need to become that of which you want to be great at. When I began working out I was just doing it because that is what people who are fit do. I didn’t attach myself to an outcome; I didn’t sit there and think to myself that I may not be able to obtain the fitness that I desired. I just became a fit person (even before I was actually physically a fit person) and before I knew it I was in shape. I aligned myself with the “fit” vibration even when I was out of shape and now to this day there is no such thing as an out of shape me. People who knew me back then don’t even remember me being anything but in shape because I simply became “in shape” I became it. If you want positive things to happen in your life you need to become the positive. If you want have a lot of money become a person with a lot of money. People with a lot of money don’t waste money, they save it. They invest it so that they have more then one way of income. They become “a person with a lot of money” and then money just comes to them. It is the same with everything. You can get anything this way (the job you want, the relationship you want, the body you want, the life you want) if you just become just that. Like I said, there is a force (most of us call that force God but there are other names for it. It really doesn’t matter what you call it or if you call it anything at all for that matter. I like calling it God myself) out there that has control of everything so that it becomes everything that it is. The earth is the earth because it’s the earth. Not because it is “doing” earth things, but it is simply being the earth. The night is the night because it is the night. The day is the day because it is the day. I am a man because I simply am a man. This goes with everything. Of course I “do” things that men do but that just comes with being a man. I really don’t even have to put forth a whole lot of effort in being a man. It is the same with me being positive or me being fit. When I workout it can be challenging but when I am working out I don’t really feel like I am going out the way and “doing” something to workout. It really is just who I am, and me actually “doing” a workout comes with being fit. I hope what I am saying is clear because if it is then anything can be achieve with the knowing of this fact. You think that the President of the United States waited until he was the President to mentally claim his presidency? I remember on a past second of The Biggest Loser there was this female who had just got voted off the show. Even though she was told that “you are not the biggest loser” before she walked out of there she said to everyone with confidence, “I am the biggest loser”. She said it like she knew that she was the biggest loser even though she got voted off. A few episodes later they decided to bring a voted contested off (they had never done this before so there was no way that anyone would have know they would do this) and guess who got brought back on? Not only did this female get back on the show, she won the whole thing so she did end up becoming the biggest loser. She became the biggest loser and then the universe just lined it up for her so that what she “was” could “be”. This is all it takes. If you are fat and you want to lose weight claim yourself as a thin person now. Like I said, this goes for anything.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person to or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We ARE the change that we seek” Barack Obama

We are the change that we want so instead of doing “so much” let’s simply be “so much”.


ALSO… If a person or a job or anything comes in your path and it doesn’t serve you as the person you are choosing to “be” it will be eradicated from your path just as water will dry up if you set fire to a moist log. Don’t worry about it and don’t cling on to it (it could be a person which isn’t serving you; you may lose a job or even your home. It could be anything). Let it go and just continue to be whatever you want within your life. Simply be, don’t attach to the outcome, just let God line things up as they should so that you are able to “be” what you’ve claimed.

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