Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lost World

Imagine a land untouched and unharmed by the world as we know it. Imagine a land with animals like frogs with fangs, kangaroos which live in trees and fish that grunt. Imagine a land where the vegetation grows wild and freely, where the animals would have no fear of a human if they came in contact with one, where life is growing and evolving at an alarming rate. There is such a land which actually was discovered recently.

A team of scientists from Britain, the United States and Papua New Guinea found more than 40 previously unidentified species when they climbed into the kilometer-deep crater of Mount Bosavi and explored a pristine jungle habitat teeming with life that has evolved in isolation since the volcano last erupted 200,000 years ago. In a remarkably rich haul from just five weeks of exploration, the biologists discovered 16 frogs which have never before been recorded by science, at least three new fish, a new bat and a giant rat, which may turn out to be the biggest in the world.

Yes, a lost world has been discovered and it excites me to learn that such a place does exist. Change does occur; life does thrive and also that very life is evolving into even newer life forms at this very moment. This is an exciting discovery in my opinion, its very exciting and for various amounts of reasons.

For me the excitement comes from the fact that this discovery proves what an unlimited possibility really is. Life forms which have existed for years which are NOW just being discovered is the type of news that is almost unbelievable. Imagine what else could exist on our very planet. Imagine what other worlds could very well exist. There may be even life forms on this very planet which are on a higher level of intelligence then we are. The possibilities are endless and this is just our planet which I am speaking of. Imagine what could be out there in the universe. Undiscovered life on other planets, in other galaxies, in other worlds, it’s just amazing when one really sits down and thinks of the possibilities which could very well exist. These are unlimited possibilities which very well and more then likely do exist, even on our very own planet and also within us all as well.

An open mind is all that is needed. A mind that isn’t attached to anything and open to everything. A mind that is ready and willing to receive new information and new discoveries without feeling threatening and judging Within us as also all are worlds not discovered, within us all are places not venture, within us all is the ability to accomplish anything within our wildest dreams but to do so we need to be open to the possibilities. Openness to difference ways of living and thinking would be a good place to start with this. A fearless openness to the possibilities which we can bring to each other, a reverence for another’s different cultures and philosophies would help a lot in this as well. We could learn so much from each other and go so far if we were to all come together and attempt to come to an understanding of each others differences. This lost world is a vast discovery for us all. It proves that species and life forms do and will evolve if left to do so, it proves that change will occur, it will happen and it is happening as we speak. Scientific discoveries show us so much about ourselves which ultimately could change the way we perceive each other and also the world.

They (the explorers) found the three-kilometer wide crater populated by spectacular birds of paradise and in the absence of big cats and monkeys, which are found in the remote jungles of the Amazon and Sumatra, the main predators are giant monitor lizards while kangaroos have evolved to live in trees. New species include a camouflaged gecko, a fanged frog and a fish called the Henamo grunter, named because it makes grunting noises from its swim bladder.

Open your mind to the unlimited possibilities because they do exist. Let go of the fears that are derived from attachments. The Buddha said that human’s greatest downfall will be caused by their attachments (attaching themselves to things and ways of living and thinking) and he was absolutely right. If someone comes up to you and says that they are on the brink of figuring out how to fly without a plane don’t laugh and then, encourage them, if an individual says that he has a way which humans can use there brainwaves to heal each other don’t sit there and call him foolish, ask him to show you how it’s done. If another person comes up to you and says that they’ve discovered a “lost world” which has damn near one hundred undiscovered species of animals don’t sit there and say “if something like that did exist don’t you think someone would have found it by now?” Ask them to take you to this “lost world” so that you may witness the amazing. You never know what one is capable of. It is a very closed in, closed minded attitude which would cause a person to call someone’s ideas crazy or strange and then shuts down from a new possibly (fear and attaching causes this). It will ultimately stops that very person from evolve to the next stage of themselves. We want to keep on growing; we want to keep on discovering and evolving and in turn life in general will be improved for us all. Always stay open to everything and attached to nothing, you will be amazed at what occurs within your life if you stay true to just that.


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