Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Eternal Righteousness

Everyone struggles to be righteous at least once in their lives.
The faithless fails and gives up, accepting misery.
The hopeful fails but keeps attempting, eventually finding faith.
And the faithful struggles throughout their lives to remain, ultimately earning eternal righteousness.
(A.M )

The struggles which we’ve put ourselves through in life are not aspect which we are now able to avoid because we’ve already gone though them. Because of the fact that it has happened already simply means that it was meant to occur and can’t be changed. I truly don’t believe that we were actually meant to live with struggles but if in life lies (like the lie of separation and fear) are fed to us in a way that no other way is truly shown, the struggles may just be a necessity for us to see ourselves for who we really are choosing to be within this life. It is within the individual who keeps the faith that’s able to gain which I call eternal righteousness. Within this year I’ve gone through a lot. The situations which I’ve undergone are situations which I’ve felt that I may have been able deal with if they were to occur but it’s totally different story when you actually go through them. Then also when they all literary rushing at you all at once, that throws a whole new spin on your feeling towards a situation and that is where the true you is tested as well. There actually was a point within this year that I felt so lonely, so confused and so much like a failure that I actually looked in the mirror and said, “I really want to end this life and ether start over or just not be at all”. My pains and sufferings were at an all time high; it seemed that every time I would turn my head something was going wrong. I felt that way for one moment within this year and then, from that moment this feeling of an utter burn began to occur from my within. That burn I felt was the strength and love of God, it was trying to relay a message to me about my so called struggles, and I felt that at that moment in time I was being handed opportunities to show who and what I ultimately was and what I would ultimately be. I felt that I was being handed an opportunity that I actually did asked for and if I was to truly have my character defined then I would need to get through all the hardships which I was going through. I’ve always wanted the opportunity to be love in its fullest form. To me love is God and I feel that we are all from God. God lives in us as well so in turn that makes us God (not in a since to be praised and worshiped but in a since to be that strength and greatness which sustains the universe). To be giving an opportunity to be of love also gives me an opportunity to be God because love is God. There is no pity to be given to me because if someone did try I simply wouldn’t accept it. I already know that everything which has unfolded has been my doing, nothing is outside of me, everything that I’ve gone though I’ve caused so in turn I’m able to take what I’ve gone through and use it to get me to the place which I feel I should be. I can change what needs to be changed and then from all of that gain my eternal righteousness.

The quote which I’m using today was shared with me from a friend of mine. Ever since that day she shared it with me I’ve kept it in my collect of quotes because it holds great meaning to me. Within its meaning is something which only Love could hold firm. The quote speaks strongly of faith and being faithful so that we are able to obtain eternal happiness and not accept misery and pain as a reality for ourselves. My strength comes from the struggles which I’ve endured. Within that struggle my true character was revealed and because of it I’ve chosen from here on out to never give in and lose faith in Love and in myself. When we are on a down hill slope in life and everything is just going “right” for us it is easy to just be what most would consider “right”. Even though I truly do believe that life was actually meant to be fun and easy, because of the fear based society which we live in sometimes it is good for us to be put through a situation so that we may really know who and what we are. I don’t think that it really is necessary for us to suffer, I don’t believe that we should suffer but I know that within my suffering I was able to really see me as I really am and also I was able to truly realize that I don’t have to suffer at all to live, I can choose not to be of suffering.

My character was tested, I felt a lone, poor, sick and just like an utter failure but I still held on to my dreams and goals. I held on to my positive attitude in a way that people whom I would encounter would ask me how I’m able to remain so positive (they had no idea what I was going through). I still saw the light, I still felt the shine and I still knew that I was entitled and would receive everything that I ever wanted in the exact way that I wanted it. To know something like that and to truly believe in it would be enough to keep anyone one on the positive track. My reason for even starting this blog and faithfully writing in it five days a week was to share with others what I’ve learned over my lifetime and to also share the fact that fear is a lie, we don’t need to suffer, we can be anything that we want to be, and life is about gaining joy and being of love. I want everyone to know and realize that happiness is the purpose of this life and the way to happiness is love. Love is an unbreakable force which either distance nor time (which really doesn’t even exist) can stop or penetrate.

What I’ve written today was not written so that I may gain sympathy or pity from anyone. This is why I haven’t gone into details of what I’ve gone through this year. I am in a much better place right now and I see nothing but brightness on my path of life. I perceive everything that I’ve been though as necessary but I feel that no one should ever go through suffering within themselves. It isn’t necessary, choose the path in life that best serves you and go with it. Live this life as it was meant to be lived. Enjoy every moment of it so that you make achieve your very own eternal righteousness.


ALSO…. Like I said before, being on a down hill slope in life is easy. If everything is going the way you feel it should be going of course you will be of love and joy but if the tables are turned and things turn into an up hill slope by choice of the path that you chose; when that occurs if you perceive that you still are of the positive and if you are of love and joy then and only then are you able to see that love is the character choice that you have chosen to express within your life. From there you’ll be able to learn who and what you truly are. If what you perceive yourself to be isn’t to your liking (if you come into situations in a hateful, fearful way, if you find yourself going out your way to cause hurt and pain to others whom you feel are causing your so called hardships when it is always you who are causing hardships in your life. If you are going out of your way, being spiteful and evil and hateful and if it’s not what you want to be) then you have been giving a gift because now you see the fear (lie) which you’ve become. You’ll see what you really are and you’ll gain an opportunity to change it. Don’t blow that opportunity, make the change and be of love.

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