Monday, October 12, 2009

The changing seasons of life

Autumn to winter, winter into spring, Spring into summer, summer into fall, So rolls the changing year, and so we change; Motion so swift, we know not that we move.

James Russell Lowell

Seasons come and seasons go and we accept that this occurs. We accept the change that comes with different seasons and also we dress and act accordingly to this change in seasons. Change in the seasons is inevitable and we recognize this as fact. We don’t run around in shorts when there is snow on the ground nether do we amble around in one hundred degree weather with a coat stuffed with goose feathers on ether. If we did then first off we wouldn’t be too comfortable and also it would just make our lives more difficult. Now as life goes on we as well go through personal life changes. What since does it make for anyone to simply live in a place, or season that doesn’t now exist? Seasons of live change just like seasons of nature change. It makes no since to try and hold onto or live in a pass life season just as it makes no since to run around in the dead of winner with summer shorts on. Relationships, jobs, and all other past life situations may have been true at one time but that doesn’t mean that they will always be. Things will always change regardless; it doesn’t matter if they were good or bad. Situations will always move forward just like water does in a river. If I go to a river and step in the water and then I return to that river five minutes later and step in the water I will not be stepping in the same river. Those waters which I stepped in five minutes ago would have moved on, it would be silly to think that we are stepping in the same waters within the river time after time. The river doesn’t try to remain, it naturally moves on. It doesn’t attach itself to being of one water it lets the flow of the waters move easily and naturally. This is the nature of all things and this is also the nature of us. Movement will occur; everything that happens within our lives will move to another aspect, nothing is forever within the same manner. We as people grow and change, for us as growing and changing beings to try and attach ourselves to the way things “use” to be is so unnatural, it’s unnatural just as it’s unnatural for the winter to act like summer or for a running river to always have the same waters within it. This is where letting go should comes in to play for us. This is where non-attaching comes in to play as well. Happiness is the reason for life and movement is part of this happiness. Personally I have had people who were once in my life and are not in my life anymore. It’s not that there was something wrong with these moved on folks, we’ve all just moved on to the next us, the season of these certain people being in my life has ended so it would be silly for me to cling onto that one season of life and hoping for it to always be. Things change; evolution will occur simple and plan. These changes are needed; we need to grow into the next us, a part of us needs to die away so that the next part of us will manifest. This needs to happen, this needs to occur just as the seasons do. My love for all who comes in my life will always remain constant (I will always want the best for them) so in that token it would be unfair for me to try and make someone stay in my life if their growth dictates otherwise. It wouldn’t serve anyone just as it wouldn’t serve me if I wore those summer shorts in the dead of winter. Things will always change, the good times and the bad times will come and go as they may, they will die away so other situations can be born in their place. To realize this and to let things go as they may is the definition of a stress free, happy life. To know that no matter how bad things are that they will change is a gift in itself. With this we’ll never lose hope because we will know that there is something more coming for us. The river doesn’t worry that new waters will not come. It is just the way of things, nothing stays stagnant, everything moves. The seasons change and people do as well. It isn’t fair to try and keep a growing individual from growing simply because there is a “fear” that they will leave your life experience (how small is that!!). Let them go, let them fly and wish for the best of them. Like I said, change will occur so if that person was meant to be in your life then they will find their way back into your life. When they do, a new season of life will be born and the happiness that you’ve always wanted for yourself will become a reality. Let things go as they may and know that heaven (happiness) is always a pond us. The seasons will always change, accept that and move forward with life.


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