Monday, October 5, 2009

The oaktree was always within the acorn

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.

-- James Allen

Within an acorn is everything that a tree will ever be. As small as it may appear if we were to really look at an acorn and see it for what it really is then we would never see it as small, ever. When we are first conceived, the moment that the sperm meets the egg and then that magic takes place everything that we ever will be is within that small bit of life that we’ve become. Perfection is within us no matter how feeble we may a pear to be. Great scientific discoveries and great achievements for man kind are in that bit of life that we begin as. We are and always have been everything that we seek, we were this even before we truly were aware that we were life and it has always remained with us. Our purpose, our meaning, our happiness and our heaven was always within us. Just as the acorn always had the tree within it, just as the egg has always had this great hawk that is able to fly up and beyond what we are able to grasp, it all was always in there, limitless potential was always in there. It just needs to be realized so that it is able to truly be born. Our perception of “small” is just that, our simple perception. Things that we see as small really are bigger then we could ever imagine them to be. Know that great individuals like Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Abraham and so on started off as something which was at firs the size of a fingernail. There “Godliness” was always within them, their great world changing wisdom was always with them, something so vast was always a pond them, also it’s this way with us as well. We are as big as our minds are (literally), we are as strong and as powerful as our intention is, within a thought, a new birth is taking place but it really isn’t that new at all. It just laid dormant waiting for us to call a pond it and when we do greatness occurs. Just know that you and I are so vast that it isn’t funny. The things that we are able to achieve are on the par of the unbelievable. The moment draws near that it will be realized to all and in all reality that moment is already a pond us, all we need to do is open up to it and let it in, or should I say let it come out. Greatness lives within us, it always has and it always will. Remember where God really is located, remember where the kingdom of heaven really dwells, greatness is a pond us waiting for us to draw it out. It is in us already just as the bird waits in the egg to be released so that it may sore among the clouds.


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