Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fly your dreams like a kite

Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new county.

Anais Nin
Our dreams are messages to us which tell us what our wants and our needs are within our lives. Our dreams reveal to us what we truly want to gain, do, have, or get accomplished in this life experience. Those very dreams truly do make the expressed wants that they reveal just as much a part of us as our blood cells are to our blood. This aspect of dreaming may be something that more of us just aren’t truly aware of. Our dreams are already a part of us, we already have what we want and need (and this includes our dreams too) within us. But still our dreams may not manifest themselves into our physical reality. One of the main reason for this may be that some of us just worrying too much that we’ll never gaining our dreams in our physical reality. So the best way to evade all of the “worrying” (or for that matter to not even have any hopes that our dreams will manifest) is to “throw our dreams into space like a kite” and simply let them fly as they may. It’s in the dreaming which begins it all; then it’s in the letting go of the dream and knowing that the dream is within our reach which will gain the attainment of the dreams. If we want to gain a new life all we need to do is have a knowing that it is already a part of us and then allow it to manifest itself for us. If we concentrate on the actual dream to much we’ll lose sight of why we even had the dream in the first place. The dream is already a part of us, we don’t want to start attaching ourselves to an outcome because in doing so we will bring all these other aspect within the dream to our thoughts which will have nothing to do with the reason of the dream in the first place. Throwing our dreams into space like a kite means simply letting them fly where they may without any attachments to any type of outcome. So the next time you have a dream simply just dream the dream freely without concentrating on the outcome (let it go). Simply spend some time sitting in silence just mentally visualizing the dream already being manifested and then let it go and let it be. When sitting in silence truly own the dream, use that time to make the dream a part of you (because it actually already is anyway) and then just move on with the day and with your life. Have a knowing that the dream is already a pond you (no matter how improbable or impossible it may seem) and just trust that the universe (like you trust in the universe to give you air, water and food everyday) will have the dreams manifested on to you. Watch a new life manifest before your eyes (that’s if a new life is what your dreams entail). Watch how you will recognize opportunities which you may not have recognized before manifest before you and then you’ll simply need to take advantage of them (the recognizing of opportunities is done with a clear mind which is a mind that isn’t so bent on attachment to outcome). Watch how the angels of your dreams will find their way into your life experience. These angels will present the opportunities which will lead to your dreams being attained and then you WILL recognize them for what they are like never before (these opportunities have always been there before they just weren’t recognized, they were always there). Just let it go, go with the flow and claim ownership of you dream. Let your dreams go, throw those dreams out there in the wind as if they were a kite and then just relax and watch what happens. These dreams will manifest in the EXACT way that you see fit (have faith that this will happen and your dreams will manifest into your physical reality), just watch.


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