Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is 2012 "Doomsday"

On December 21 2012 the Mayan calendar’s 26,000 year cycle will end. There WILL be a galactic alignment that may affect us all here on earth but the big question is will the date of 12/21/2012 mark the end of this world? The day of 12/21/2012 hasn’t been the only so called doomsday prediction, there are groups of people who thought to predict the end of the world and you know what? They all were always wrong. It is said in so many different ways that the world will end. It is said that one day all of us here on this planet are going to be extinguished in some shape, form or manner but here is my question, why do we want the world to end so badly? This world was designed to last forever so to speak. There is actually nothing totally new that exists in this world; this world is designed in a way so that it uses itself over and over again. It has already been said that energy cannot be destroy, energy can only change from one form to the next and we are made from energy so with us knowing this as fact here is my question again, why do we wanted the world to end so badly? Why do we have so many end of world prophecies around to believe in? Do we want to be extinguished so badly?

We as a society have flipped and switched the meanings of certain words so that they in themselves may tell of something negative. Apocalypse does not me the end of the world. That is not what the word really means: “Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind.” This is what it is all about; it’s not about an ending but a new beginning. No one has to “die” and nothing really has to end, OUR WORLD DOES NOT HAVE TO END, IT JUST DOESN’T HAVE TO HAPPEN.

I have been doing quiet a bit of research on the whole 2012 issue and I do believe that something is going to occur on or around that day (12/21/2012). The world very well could end if we choose for it to so that means if the end does happen then it will be our fault and our fault only. This so called “end” never has to come, it’s up to us as a whole to come together, be of Love and gain the “awakening”. We are on the brink of a “new age” of thinking and living. We don’t even have to wait until 2012 or until any other so called “doomsday prediction” comes to past. There really is no such thing as a doomsday anyway, if one doesn’t see by now that we made the whole doomsday thing up (look at all of the other so called predictions and prophesies that have come to pass. You know what, we are all still here) then they really haven’t been seeing what has been going on. It is up to us, if we keep on aligning our energies with negative through patterns then we may just be asking for our end. If we align ourselves with Love instead and we “Life the veils” that blind us from who and what we really are then we can place our heaven right on earth, right now. It’s not even something that we all need to wait for; it’s not even something that we all need to have all at the same time. We are able to have our very own “apocalypses” if we open up. It’s not our place to wait for others to get there and it’s not our place to collectively believe in a so called “doomsday” because this belief really doesn’t serve us at all. Our savior, our Christ, our Buddha, and our divine one all live within us. Once we are able to see that we are the ones that we have been waiting for and the resurrection of the “Christ” is the awakening within ourselves then we will realize that we really don’t have to even belief in a doomsday. Lets be of love, lets follow our hearts and do what we feel we should do, lets drop all our fears and just go for our dreams, lets make the impossible possible, let’s resurrect our Christ consciousness within so that we may shine like we were meant to shine.

From these perspectives (which are of 2012 “apocalypse” as a whole), the solstice of December 21, 2012, becomes a powerful window for our collective emergence into our greatest potential. Such a moment is so rare that we have been preparing for it for over 5,000 years, and it will be another 26,000 years before the same opportunity cycles around again. As the source of our light-our sun-moves into perfect alignment with the center of our galaxy, are we ready to receive the greatest gift of all-the gift of our true selves? The stage is set, the choice is ours; the cosmos is waiting. Do we have the wisdom to marry science, history, tradition and belief into the miracle that awaits us on December 21, 2012? (Greg Braden)

It is time for us to open up and realize what is really going on here. It is time right now. 2012 is coming and when it gets here it will be the very point which the Mayan calendar’s cycle will end. The Mayan’s have never been wrong about galaxy predictions ever so something is bound to happen on or around that day (12/21/2012). The question is will we be ready when it does? Will we finally realize who and what we are so that when the apocalypse (unveiling) does occur we will truly see the light? We can start right now by being of Love; we can do this now so that when the 2012 window does open we will be ready for what it will have in store for us. Let’s come together right and get it going, lets be the heaven on earth that we all have been awaiting, let’s be powerful, lets be wise , let’s be Love, lets be who we truly were meant to be before it really is too late for us all.


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