Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Ankh cross (life)

The Ankh Cross represents life (immortality) and death as one aspect of it all, also male and female, balance. It can also represent zest, joy of life, and energy. It's closely related to the looped cross that can mean fertility and life. The Ancient Egyptians used the ankh to stand for the word ʿnḫ meaning life. It is also called crux ansata, Latin for cross-with-a-handle.

Symbols are a very important aspect of humanity. Ever since humans emerged and gained the intellect that comes with the human spark, symbols have been in use. A symbol that I've come to embrace is that of the Ankh cross.

The Ankh, also known as key of life, the key of the Nile or crux ansata, was the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read "eternal life", a triliteral sign for the consonants ˁ-n-. Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.

Some people embrace symbols that represent suffering, some embrace symbols that represent hate. Others embrace symbols that represent the eternalness of life which is at hand. This is what the Ankh cross represents for me. It is a symbol that started as a Egyptian hieroglyphic, then it was embraced later on by certain Christian groups. It is a symbol that represents the power of life, it stands for the utter strength of God. In Egypt, gods are often represented carrying an Ankh, these gods and goddess are depicted as some of the more powerful ones. To embrace ones own God given divinity would be a great benefit in life. With a power like God's within, what could stop you from achieve great heights in life? Well, this power does dwell within all of us but some are ether afraid to embrace it or were taught that they weren't good enough to embrace it in full. It is something that dwells deep in our souls, something that gives us strength to rise out of the darkness that life sometimes puts us through, and it is a very empowering bit of wisdom to maintain. We all are One and apart of Love which is God in its truest form and I for one am not afraid to tell anyone whom I blatantly see this light shining through so. Nothing wrong with being one of the great ones to bare that Ankh, even if you don't have one of our own to bare, bare it within your heart and soul.

For me to say that nothing is needed accept belief in oneself is to cut off all of the egoic folk who want you to find God or happiness through them. It isn't cutting off God because God is just as much apart of us and with us as our own essence is. Empowerment gives and allows growth within itself, it doesn't strike fear in the hearts of its beloved. The Ankh is a powerful symbol to embrace if it is understood in an empowering way. To be love is to be one with God, to be One with God is to dwell within heaven's gates, and to dwell in heaven's gates is nothing but sheer, utter joy. If it isn't an Ankh that you choose to embrace, embrace something else that gives power and strength. To acutally make it really simply, all one actually needs to do is embrace the power of Love but even so, I personally think that Ankh cross is pretty darn cool.


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