Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Solution within

"When we are immersed in the depths of a problem, our situation is like the baby chick encased in its shell. As the chick evolves, the shell becomes a polluted and claustrophobic environment where its space, mobility, and plenitude are challenged. God does not step up to the plate and "solve" this problem for the chick. The solution has already been placed in the seed of the chick's existence-the chick pecks its own way out when it has sufficiently evolved to maintain a life outside the shell. And so it is within us. All that we need to do is peck our way out of any challenging predicaments, its (our solution to an issue) is already within us, awaiting activation by our taking self-responsibility" Michael Bernard Beckwith

I've learned a lesson in life which has served me in so many ways. Its a lesson of failure and pain. I've also tried to push the reasons for my failures and pains on others in the past and with that, I've uncosciously embraced more pain. As a matter of fact, every time that I've done this I've basically empowered individuals with the charge of my happiness. Then one day I came to a realization. This came in meditation. Following my meditation session, because my mind was no longer like a body of water which was shaken up so that ever piece of muck and murkiness floated around I was able to see. My meditating calmed the waters of my mind down in a much needed way. Life is so full of hustle and bustle, we are so full of this world and its demands and within all of that mess, our mind waters become shaken up. Nothing but worldly mess floats around within our minds. Our jobs, our family issues, our financial situations, our this and our that, we never see the end of it. Then when we find ourselves in a struggle and we are hurting for a way out, we then see no one else to put our pain on but the people who are within our lives. Then we start the blame game and it never ends. It becomes never our fault. But the thing is, every solution to our problems lie within us. We do know what to do in order to get out of an issue because quiet frankly, we are the ones who put ourselves in these so called issues anyway. The issue and the solution is simply located within and calming the mind with sitting in silence (all televisions and radios must go off for this!!!!) is the quickest way to see this as fact. We must allow all of that muck which the world has place in our mind waters to settle. It needs to settle just as dirt and muck would settle to the bottom of a pond once it has arrived at a calmness within itself. Then and only then will our mind waters be clear enough for us to see a solution.

Do you think a chick which is still encased in it's shell blames the shell for its situation. Do you think it sits there and says, "damn shell, why don't you move out my way!!" or do you think that it simply comes up with a solution to get out of the shell by itself? Chicks know that they have the power to free themselves from the shell when it is time. They realize that it's all within them, this power which can give them all the freedom they need to gain. We need to take a lesson from the chicks. All is located within us, we just need to find calmness within ourselves and the answer will come. It may come in the form of someone talking to us, or in the form of us leaving a relationship or a job situation that doesn't serve us. It make come in the form of us simply putting a stop to fights that we may constantly have with people in our lives and allow them to be right (even if we know they aren't). It make come in so many forms but for it to be felt, we need to first gain this insight from within. We need to feel it in our hearts and in our minds. After this occurs we will come to the realization that we are strong enough and wise enough to get out of a harsh and hurtful situation. It is all within us all, the solution to an issue always dwells with us no matter what or how harsh.


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