Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm not afraid!!!!!

"I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid) To take a stand (to take a stand) Everybody (everybody) Come take my hand (come take my hand)We'll walk this road together, through the storm. Whatever weather, cold or warm. Just lettin you know that, you're not alone. Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)" Eminem, Not afraid

Why is this road which is full of darkness within my life for? What is this road of harsh realities real purpose for me? Why must I see myself as an aspect of the weak, too afraid to speak on things that sit within my heart ready to causee all that I am to explode? For me, the time has come, the time has arrived for me to stop walking that same road of darkness within any aspect of my life and make what I've been dreaming of happen. Growth has occurred in great measures for me, I've reached heights in my physical, spiritual and mental self more so then I would have ever imagined. I am definitely walking a righteous road , but I can't say that I've been placing every footed step of life on this road of righteousness.

An opportunity did recently rise within my life that might have had more promise then I could have even thought it to. This opportunity if taken just may have brought my most potent dream to reality. As a child growing up I never even imagined that I would gain an opportunity that would bring so much happiness from within me to the surface, I guess I still have a little bit of that childhood fear within me because when the opportunity presented itself I felt as if wasn't able to take advantage of it. I told myself that there was a chance that all may not turn out for the better, I also said that there was a chance that I would get rejected, I could get spoken to in a negative way and in turn could become very, very hurt. But even so, at lease I would have known, I would have known with sheer truth and strength that I did give it a go, Iwould have known that I wasn't afraid and I would have been able to grow from the experience into a better me.

We've all been given opportunities in life that seemed too good to be true. We all have dreams and hopes and these dreams and hopes are the seeds which God had planted in us for a reason. Fear truly is darkness, its like a drought, no moister. Like sheer blackness to a seedling which is in the soil, waiting for the light; ready to sprout. Fear literally "nips it in the bud" for us all. Nothing that we've dreamed of is impossible, nothing is unjust and the day will come where we all will gain an opportunity to make all that we've dreamed of and deserve come to the light of truth. We may need to go through a "dark night" to get to the shine, but even so we will gain at lease an opportunity to gain that shine. Situations as such reminds me of a biblical story that I've read in the pass, this story was about an individual named Job. I'm not going to tell the whole story here but I will share the reason why I've brought this story up. Job had faith, an unshakable faith and with that faith he knew what he wanted out of his life. He went through harsh circumstances and still maintained his faith. His faith in love (God) was what shone the light which did eventually eat away at all of the darkness which had been manifesting within his life. He did have fear at times but that aspect of love which was always with him was stronger then the darkness still. There is nothing that can shake Love because Love is all and Love is everything. It is the answer to all of our issues in life and all of our problems. Love always empowers, this is all it does and fear disables. Fear really is darkness and love is light. For a plant to grow, it needs light. It needs this light because this light is its life force. This is the same for all of the dreams that are sitting dormant within our hearts. Its the same for this dream that has been sitting in my heart ever since I've encountered "her". Now just as it is with me its time for us all of us to rise.

"And I just can't keep living this way. So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage. I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons. I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground, I've had enough, now I'm so fed up. Time to put my life back together right now! (now)" Eminem, Not afraid

This now moment is the only moment we ever will have, it is all that ever will be. Opportunities present themselves ONCE in a lifetime. We may get opportunities similar to those that we've passed up (if we do we are really fortunate) but it can't been counted on. So in short, this blog is about becoming empowered. If you have a career that you really want to obtain, you have a person whom you have "deep" feeling for and you want them to be with you and be within your life, if you have a fear that is stopping you from moving forward, you have extra weight that you really want to lose, take the step now!!! Do it now and stop living the same way you've been living. It isn't working!!!! Fear is nothing but a cage and we are all strong enough to break it. So let's all come together and face it down. I'm no longer afraid, are you??


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